Part 1: Preface and IntroductionPage
Amendment Summary 1-2
Key Contacts Council Officers1-3
Municipal Endorsement1-4
1.1The City of Greater Geelong– Introduction 1-5
1.2General Principles 1-5
1.3Emergency Management Statement 1-5
1.4Municipal Maps 1-7
1.5Audit Report 1-11
1.6Aim of Plan 1-11
1.7Plan Objectives 1-11
1.8Plan Linkages 1-11
1.9Responsibility - Plan Maintenance 1-12
1.9.1Plan Review 1-13
1.9.2Testing 1-14
1.9.3Privacy 1-14
1.10The Emergency Management Act – 1986 1-15
1.10.1Responsibilities of Council 1-15
1.10.2EMMV – Responsibilities of the Municipal Emergency Management
Planning Committee (MEMPC) 1-15
1.11Victorian Emergency Management Framework 1-16
1.12City of Greater Geelong Emergency Management Framework 1-17
1.13City of Greater Geelong Emergency Management Policies 1-20
1.13.1Flood Warning Policy (CPL 275.1) 1-20
1.13.2Emergency Management Policy (CPL 275.2) 1-20
1.13.3Terms of Reference – MEMPC 1-20
1.13.4Employee Volunteer Arrangements – Council Employees 1-21
VersionNumber / Amendment Date / Change/ Reason for Change
2015 – 2017 / Sept 2014 /
- Header and Footer amended
- Special Note added to p2
- S 1.1 statistics updated
- S1.3 additional prevention measures added
- S 1.5 Audit details updated
- S 1.8.1 Plan Linkages added
- S1.8.2 Plan Review/Update amended
- S1.9.2 EM Act 2013 added
SPECIALNOTE: The body of this Plan use on a number of acronyms. For a complete acronym list refer to the Emergency Management Manual Victoria.
The contact information contained below as well as provided elsewhere within the Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMPlan) will only be used for essential emergency management purposes and will be managed in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2000. The information is not for general consumption.
City of Greater Geelong Emergency Management Primary Contact Numbers:
CoGG After Hours Emergency Service
(General Emergencies)(03) 5272 5272
Municipal Emergency Manager XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Municipal Emergency Resource Officer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Municipal Recovery Manager XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Municipal Fire Prevention Officer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Municipal Flood Warning Officer XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX
Public Health Emergency Coordinator XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
CoGG MECC email address: XXXXXXXXX
CoGG MECC Central web addressXXXXXXXX
The complete Contact List is contained in Part 10 of this Plan
SPECIAL NOTE: Throughout this Plan, the reader will observe numerous text boxes that contain key computer file references. These file references can only be accessed from the MECC or by Council officers who have the relevant file access.
Municipal Endorsement
This Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMPlan) has been produced by and with the authority of City of Greater Geelong pursuant to Section 20(1) of the Emergency Management Act 1986.
The City of Greater Geelong understands and accepts its roles and responsibilities as described in Part 4 of the Emergency Management Act 1986. The City of Greater Geelong understands and supports the concept that mutual aid between Municipalities may be required during and following emergencies.
This Plan is the result of the cooperative efforts of the agencies and organisations that comprise the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC).
The common seal of
The City of Greater Geelong
was hereto affixed this
……………………… of
approving and adopting this Plan
In the presence of
Signed: ……………………………….…………. Date: …………………….
Dr Gillian Miles Chief Executive Officer
Cr Darryl Lyons Mayor
NOTE: Planwas submitted to Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC) during November 2014. The MEMPC endorsed the plan and recommended that it go to council for formal adoption.The MEMPlan is to be returned to council during 2017.
1.1The City of Greater Geelong - Introduction
The City of Greater Geelong (The Council) is one of the largest Local Government bodies in regional Victoria. The municipality covers an area of 1245 km2 and has a population of 221, 515 as at 2013.By 2031, the population is forecast to reach 297, 957.(source:
Located 75 kms south-west of the State Capital, Melbourne, Geelong is the largest regional centre in the State of Victoria. The City, founded in 1838, is situated on the shores of both CorioBay and Bass Strait and encompasses the lower reaches of the BarwonRiver, ensuring that the residents of Geelong are offered one of the best lifestyles in Australia.
In fulfilling its obligations defined in the Emergency Management Act 1986, the Council undertakes a pivotal role in emergency management processes including preparedness, prevention, response and recovery. Additionally, the Emergency Management Manual – Victoria provides that “The Council is responsible for managing and co-ordinating municipal resources for responding to and recovering from emergencies”. The City of Greater Geelong provides this support, in part, from Council resources and through contractual arrangements with external providers.
1.2General Principles
The Greater Geelong City Council recognises that it is not a Control Agency for responding to emergencies, but provides an important support role to the Control Agency(s). The nominated Control Agency(s) for the different incident types are prescribed by Part 7 of the Emergency Management Manual Victoria and are reproduced within Part 4 of this plan.
The City of Greater Geelong recognises it, along with the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee has a key role in prevention and mitigation activities to reduce the risk, or minimise the effects, of emergencies that may occur in the area.
1.3 Emergency Management Statement
The City of Greater Geelong’s Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee is responsible for the development, maintenance and enhancement of this Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMPlan) as well as amending/adding any operational components of the Plan.
Responsibility for the annual updating and reviewing of the Municipal Emergency Management Plan rests with Council’s Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee, with the update process overseen by the Municipal Emergency Resource Officer, MERO. Typically, this annual review takes place during September/October. The committee will be asked for comments on the current plan at the August meeting that precedes the commencement of the annual update process.
Control Agencies (as identified within Part 7, Emergency Management Manual Victoria), Industries and individuals are expected to maintain prevention and mitigation measures within their own areas of responsibility. The City, via the MERO is responsible for managing and co-ordinating municipal resources for responding to, and recovering from emergencies. Municipal resources include those owned by the City and those under its control. Planning must ensure that agencies expectations of council services are based on a realistic assessment of council capacity. Where a Control Agency requires resources it must, in the first instance, seek those resources via the Police MERC from the municipality within whose boundaries the event is occurring.
The City of Greater Geelong will implement relevant planning, prevention and mitigation measures within its responsibilities and authority, subject to Council policy, to prevent or reduce, as far as is practicable, the impact of emergencies on the community.
The City of Greater Geelong has taken the following prevention measures:
1)Appointed a Municipal Emergency Planning Committee, produced a Municipal Emergency Management Plan and appointed a Municipal Emergency Resources Officer - all as specified in the Emergency Management Act. The City also has appointed a Municipal Emergency Manager, a Municipal Recovery Manager and a Municipal Fire Prevention Officer;
2)Has Delegated Authority to specific Officers with Emergency Management responsibilities;
3)Undertakes a Community Emergency Risk Assessment (CERA) assessment (see Part 2 of Plan) on a 3-year cycle or as new risks come to light. This program is coordinated and lead by VicSES;
4)Identified centres / areas suitable for Municipal Emergency Co-ordination Centres, Emergency Relief Centres and Recovery Centres;
5)Listed known Emergency Management plans within the Municipal area (refer to Appendix C;
6)Has developed two “Level of Response” tables for Council response operations. This assist in making the decision to move from one level to another thus activating additional council resources and more senior council staff – refer to Appendix E;
7)Supports prevention and public awareness programs within the Municipal area;
8)Prepares sub-plans and operations plans when required, eg, Catering sub-plan, Recovery sub-pan, Flood operations plan, Fire operations plan etc;
9)Operates an After Hours Emergency Service;
10)Annually updates SOP’s used by the Operations Duty Officer Group in dealing with Level 1 events;
11)Has developed and Emergency Year Planner that lists specific tasks that needed to be performed, by which council officer and when. This Planner sits on the CorVu Corporate software and Council’s MERO can monitor the progress of all Officers allocated specific actions;
12)Continues to develop training and operations manuals that will assist Officers allocated Emergency Management responsibilities as well as admin support staff tasked with working in the MECC, in the MEOC or in ERCs/Recovery Centres;
13)Has developed numerous training manuals that target, in particular, the Operations Duty Officer Group, MEOC and MECC admin support staff and ERC Centre Staff;
14)Is developing draft Evacuation plans/guides
15)Has developed various Sub-Plans, Operations-Plans and Technical Manuals
16)Is developing a Community Education Program for events other than bushfire ;
17)Has developed a public Emergency Management web site;
18)Has developed a Municipal Council Neighbourhood Safer Places Plan;
19)Has purchased MECC Central, ie Chrisisworks, for use within the Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre
20)Has a Vulnerable Persons Register that is maintained by those agencies that deliver services and can be accessed by VicPol for evacuation planning purposes;
21)Has developed and twice yearly reviews its funded facilities listing where vulnerable persons reside/attend.
The City strives to have a continual program of emergency management planning, training and testing and recognition of and a commitment to the emergency management strategies of:
Issue Date: Nov 2014
Issue No. & Date: 1 / Nov 2014Part 1 - 1
- Prevention/mitigation
- Preparedness
- Response
- Recovery
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Issue No. & Date: 1 / Nov 2014Part 1 - 1
1.4Municipal Maps
The following pages contain various maps of the municipality including:
- General layout of Municipality & Ward Boundaries
For maps of the State Highway and Arterial Road network within the municipality, Terrain Map, Geological Composition Map and a Fault Line Map refer to Part 2, of this Plan
During an event, the MECC has access to council’s Spatial Information System software, ie Places/Eview (WEAVE). This system is located on the main Citrix Window allocated to all City of Greater Geelong computers. Print sizes can vary from A4 to A1. Council’s Information Management Department can supply the database or the derived maps in digital form. Part of the MECC activation arrangements includes 24 x 7 support from Council’s Information Services (IS) Dept.
Commonly used scales are 1:2,000 or 1:5,000 and will vary depending upon the extent of the area required to be mapped and the detail required on it.
This system allows for the display of:
Issue Date: Nov 2014
Issue No. & Date: 1 / Nov 2014Part 1 - 1
- detailed maps
- aerial imagery
- property owner detail
- planning overlays
- key assets (roads, bridges, water supply & sewage systems, drainage assets)
- rivers
- numerous other overlays
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Issue No. & Date: 1 / Nov 2014Part 1 - 1
In the MECC this will be via a dedicated data projector. Also in the MECC is a large 2.4m x 1.8m map of the municipality, a regional map and a similarly sized Melways Map.
Large A0 hard copy maps are also available and will be on display in the MECC. In addition, the City of Greater Geelong also makes use of the Spatial Vision VIC MAP book – Central Region, Melways Maps, and the VicRoads Country Directory.
Council’s GIS Department has advised that the following data can also be supplied:
during early 2013: 2012: 10cm/pixel Orthophotography
- 2009 to 2012: NearMap imagery from 8 separate dates; new imagery will continue to be uploaded about every 6-months
- 2009 to 2010: Aerometrix 10cm/pixel or urbanised areas (called Aerial Images Urban 09)
- 2008 Pictometry: resolution varies from 15cm/pixel to 60cm/pixel
- 2007: photo Mapping Services 30cm/pixel of all CoGG NOT covered by urbanised areas (called Aerial Images Rural08)
- 2007: PhotoMapping Services 12cm/pixel of urbanised areas (called Aerial Images Urban08)
- 2004: PhotoMapping Services 24cm/pixel or all CoGG (caller Aerial Images 2005
- 2001: PhotoMapping Services 35cm/pixel or all CoGG (Called Aerial Images 2001)
Oblique Aerial Imagery
- 2008: Pictometry; Resolution varies from 15cm to 60cm / pixel
Landsat Satellite Imagery
- Landsat 7 True Colour from 2003 or earlier, 15m/pixel
- Landsat False Colour from 2003 or earlier, 15m/pixel
Detailed Engineering maps and plans
These are available from Council’s Brougham St office through the Manager – Engineering Services, or Council’s Design Coordinator. Relevant information that may be on Council’s files can be accessed through the Central Records at City Hall, Gheringhap Street, Geelong.
Council also has a GIS known as ‘Places/WEAVE’. This system can illustrate various information layers including aerial images for the complete municipality.
Emergency Relief / Recovery Centre Floor Plans
Part 11, Appendix D contains scanned images of these facilities
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Issue No. & Date: 1 / Nov 2014Part 1 - 1
1.5Audit Report
The City of Greater Geelong, pursuant to section 21A of the Emergency Management Act, shall submit its Municipal Emergency Management Plan for audit every 3-years. This audit will assess whether the plan complies with guidelines issued by the Coordinator in Chief. The most recent audit of the Plan was June 2014. The MEMPC was advised on the 6th November 2014 that the MEMPlan passed the audit.
The current Certificate of Audit is on display outside the City Services General Managers office, level 4, 100 Brougham St, Geelong.
1.6Aim of Plan
The aim of this Plan is to detail the agreed arrangements as required by the Emergency Management Manual Victoria, the Emergency Management Act 2014 and section 20 of the Emergency Management Act 1986 for the prevention of, the response to, and the recovery from, emergencies that could occur in or involve the City of Greater Geelong.
The Plan also describes the broad methodology that the Council and the Emergency Services follow in managing various emergency events.
The scope of the plan extends to the protection of the wider community.
1.7Plan Objectives
- assess and review hazards and risks facing the community within the municipal area of the City of Greater Geelong;
- to prepare and maintain a municipal emergency management plan;
- to identify the municipal resources (being resources owned by or under the direct control of the municipal council) and other resources available for use in the municipal district for prevention, response and recovery;
- specify how such resources are to be deployed for emergency prevention, response and recovery;
- to provide an overview on how the City of Greater Geelong plans for and responds to / recovers from an emergency;
- to detail important and key contact information.
- to list all developed sub-plans, operations plans, technical manuals and the like;
- to align municipal arrangements with other agency and state emergency planning
1.8Plan Linkages
From Incident (i.e. Municipal) to Regional to State level there is a large body of work, i.e. plans that articulate how an event is managed as well as how a particular facet of an event is managed, e.g. Animal Management. To this end, the Plans need to compliment each other.
To try and identify all these different plans, sub-plans, practice notes is near an impossible task, however, the following figure attempts to identify all of the some of the key plans. The following should NOT be considered an exhaustive list.
INCIDENT (Municipal)
1.9 Responsibility - Plan Maintenance
Responsibility for the maintenance and overseeing the annual update of the Municipal Emergency Management Plan rests with Council’s Municipal Emergency Resource Officer, MERO, on behalf of the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee.
Any input, comments or updates on information within the plan are welcomed and should be directed to the MERO viz:
City Services
City of Greater Geelong
PO Box 104, Geelong 3220
Telephone:(03) XXXXXXX
Fax: (03) XXXXXXX
The Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee will be kept informed on all changes to the Plan and will be asked to approve all amendments before distribution of the amended plan.
Updates (Sub-Plans & Operations Plans)
Maintenance responsibility of all Council related Sub-plans, Operations-plans, Strategies, Standard Operating Procedures and the like that support the Municipal Emergency Management Plan rest with the relevant author. All up-to-date Council copies of these documents are to be stored on Council’s ‘Floodsys’ Drive. Access to this Drive is restricted to Council Officers who have Emergency Management responsibilities.
Note: A listing of the sub-plans and operations- plans that have been developed are included in Part 2 Risk Assessment.
1.9.1Plan Review/Updates
Content of the MEMPlan is to be updated annually (i.e. September - October) or after an emergency which has utilised part of the plan. The plan is fully reviewed every 3-years, ie following the Plan’s external audit by a working group established by the MEMPC.
NOTE: Organisations delegated with responsibilities in this Plan are required to be pro-active in notifying the MERO of any changes (eg. contact information), as they occur (see above for Coordinator Emergency Management contact details).
The MEMPC meeting agenda has a standard item ‘Organisational changes that impact on current EM arrangements’. This agenda item encourages committee members to table any changes to the existing arrangements..
Contact details as shown in Part 10 of the MEMPlan are checked during April and October.This process will be overseen by the MERO and MRM. These checks require ringing, where necessary, each contact and confirming all details. When complete the Snr Admin Officer – Emergency Management & Fire Prevention advises the MERO and provides a copy of any changes. In addition, at each MEMPC meeting, contact details of all attendees will be confirmed. A complete re-distribution of MEMPlan takes place during November of each calendar year. As of November 2010, the plan shall be distributed in ‘read only’ format on a CD only.