Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Rules 2008 Rule 7A 07(11) 7A.09(5)
In the matter of an application under section 414 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 for the payment of bond for rent arrears where the tenant has vacated and the current address of the tenant is unknown to the landlord.
VCAT Reference Number R______
I, ______of
Insert full name
Insert address
In the State of Victoria, ______,
insert occupation
1.I am the landlord of the rented premises known as ______
1.I am the Agent for the landlord of the rented premises known as ______
and I am authorised by the landlord to act for and on behalf of the landlord in this matter.
2.The name of the landlord is as specified above and the address of the landlord is
3.The name of the tenant is as specified above.
4.The following inquiries have been made by the landlord as to the whereabouts of the tenant: ______
5.On the _____day of ______201 at ______am/pm I gave the tenant a copy of the application by sending it by registered post from the Post Office at ______
and addressed to the tenant at ______
6.Now produced and shown to me and marked ‘A’ is a true copy of the registered post receipt number ______.
7.The bond is in the amount of $______, of which the sum of $______
Was paid by the tenant *and the sum of $______was paid on behalf of the tenant by the Director of Housing.
*Delete if DoH did not provide whole or part of bond
8.Rent is $______per ______and is paid to and including _____/_____/_____. The tenant *vacated/abandoned the rented premises on _____/_____/_____ and the rent owing by the tenant to the landlord at this date was $______, which is ______days’ rent at $______per day. The sum of $______, is an amount paid on account or part of a day’s’ rent and has been taken into consideration when calculating the total sum owed by the tenant.
9.I request the making of a determination of the amount of rent owing to the landlord by the tenant ; and
*a determination directing the Authority pay out an amount of bond to or on account of the landlord in respect of the rent owing. *delete as required.
Sworn at ______
On the ______day of ______20__
Deponent’s signature:______
(person making affidavit to sign here & first page)
Before me (signature)______
(print name, address, qualification and sign first page)
Persons qualified to take Affidavits in Victoria include:
The holder of an office in the public service of Victoria that is prescribed as an office of which the holder may receive affidavits
A member of the police force of or above the rank of sergeant or for the time being in charge of a police station
A solicitor
A Justice of the Peace or a Bail Justice
The Registrar or a Deputy Registrar
______Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
55 King Street Melbourne VIC 3000Website 1300 01 8228
GPO Box 5408 Melbourne VIC (1300 01 VCAT)
Ausdoc DX 210576 Melbourne