2007 HCOP Level 6 Upgrade Work-Ups

Answer Key - Rules Home Study Assignment #6

  1. A gatheringoccurs. While the gathering is in progress, Banfield leaves the players’ bench. Subsequently, Van Dyk (Banfield’s teammate) leaves the penalty bench on his own accord before his Minor penalty expires. SRD.

Banfield is not assessed a penalty.

Van Dyk is assessed a Minor penalty for leaving the penalty bench prior to the expiration of his penalty.

  1. Zimmerman has been taunted all game by a spectator behind his players bench. After receiving his second “barley shower” from this fan Zimmerman turns around and punches the fan twice in the nose before he is restrained by his teammates. SRD if it is felt that the fan instigated the incident. SRD if it is felt that Zimmerman instigated the incident.

If the fan instigated the incident, assess Zimmerman no penalty.

If the Zimmerman instigated the incident, assess Zimmerman a Gross Misconduct for making a travesty of the game or, if Zimmerman appeared to attempt to injure the fan, assess a Match penalty.

  1. Holden and Buxton decide to “go”. Both of these gents skate to centre ice, drop their gloves and “shadow box” (no punches thrown, just a lot of jockeying for position). While this is going on the referee instructs all the other players to go to their bench, which they do. Eventually, and simultaneously, Holden and Buxton throw one roundhouse type punch each. Buxton connects; Holden misses. Holden goes down, out cold! Buxton bows to the crowd, dusts his hands off and leaves the ice without further incident. SRD.

Holden and Buxton both receive a Major and Game Misconduct for fighting.

  1. Player Titus is fuming mad and is serving a Minor penalty. At a stoppage of play, before his penalty expires, Titus leaves the penalty box of his own accord and knocks Cook to the ground with a single blind-side punch. SRD. Penalties assessed? Who serves? How long?

No penalty to Cook.

Titus receives a Minor for leaving the penalty bench before his penalty expired + a double Minor and a Game Misconduct for leaving the bench for the purpose of starting a fight + a Minor for being the aggressor + a Major and Game Misconduct for fighting.

A player that was on the ice when play was stopped must serve 13 minutes plus the time remaining in Titus’ original penalty when he left the box.

  1. Player Carreira’s team is playing shorthanded because Carreira is serving a 5-minutea team-mate’s time penalty. While play is in progress, and before his penalty expires, Carreira leaves the penalty bench of his own accord to pursue opponent Ratcliffe who has a breakaway in the neutral zone. As Carreira closes on Ratcliffe he delivers a moderate intensity slash to Ratcliffe’s forearm. Ratcliffe manages to score on the play. In your opinion, Ratcliffe sustained an injury on the play; however, you are certain that this was not a deliberate injury nor did Carreira attempt to injure Ratcliffe. SRD.

The goal counts.

Carreira receives a Minor for leaving the penalty bench before his penalty expired + a Major and Game Misconduct for slashing and is ejected from the game [Note: The penalty on delay cannot be cancelled - The team was not shorthanded due to a Minor or Bench Minor penalty].

A player that was on the ice when play was stopped must serve thetime remaining(at the moment that Carreira left the penalty bench) in the 5-minute time penalty originally being served by Carreira.

Another player that was on the ice when play was stopped must serve a 7-minute time penalty for Carreira’s Major for slashing and Minor for leaving the penalty box prematurely. This time penalty starts immediately.

Carreira's team resumes play two players short.

  1. Player Pelekis, who is half way through serving a Minor penalty, leaves the penalty bench of his own accord, and participates in the play. His team scores while he is on the ice, but before his penalty time expires. As Pelekis and his team celebrate the scoring of the goal (they do the old high fives down the line thing with all the players on the players bench) one of the opposing team officials grabs Pelekis and starts pounding on him. Pelekis responds in kind – a pretty good tilt ensues between these two. As the fight starts you observe one player from each team (Wallace from the home team, Cromwell from the visitors) jump off the players’ bench onto the ice at pretty much the same instant. Luckily, you intervene before these players get too far off their bench and they turn around and exit the ice without further incident. The timekeeper advises you about Pelekis’s early departure from the penalty bench as you report the goal. SRD.

Disallow the goal. Face-off at the nearest face-off spot in the neutral zone.

Pelekis receives a Minor for leaving the penalty bench prematurely + a Gross Misconduct for fighting with a team official.

The team official receives a Bench Minor and Game Misconduct for interference + a Gross Misconduct (for creating a travesty of the game by fighting with a player).

A player that was on the ice when play was stopped must serve the time remaining in Pelekis’ original Minor penalty when he left the penalty bench.

Since Cromwell and Wallace came off their benches at the same time, both are assessed a double Minor plus a Game Misconduct for being the first player to leave the bench during a fight.

Editor’s Note: Observe that none of the Minors/Bench Minors assessed in this situation result in a time penalty – They are all coincidental.

  1. During a power play, player Jukes obtains a breakaway with the puck on his opponent’s side of the centre red line. As Jukes passes the defending team player’s bench, someone throws a goaltenders stick from the bench at him. The stick gets caught between Jukes’ legs and he trips, causing him to lose control of the puck and crash into the end boards. One of Jukes’ teammates scores on the play. Jukes broke his wrist when he crashed into the boards. SRD.

If the penalty in progress was a Minor or Bench Minor, it is washed out by the goal.

If the penalty in progress was a Major or Match, that penalty is NOT washed out.

If the offending person can be identified, assess a Major and Game Misconduct for interference.

If the offending person cannot be identified, assess a penalty (the Bench Minor for interference is cancelled by the goal).

In any case, a player that was on the ice when play was stopped must serve the applicable (Bench Minor or Major) time penalty.

  1. What time does each player return to the ice if the next stoppage of play is 3:30?

A42 min. @ 8:00

A62 min. @ 7:20

A82 min. @ 7:00

A4 @ 5:20, A6 @ 4:00, A12 @ 3:30.

  1. What time does each player return to the ice if the next stoppage of play is 3:30?

A42 min. @ 12:00

A65 min. @ 11:30

A82 min. @ 11:00

A4 @ 8:00, A6 @ 3:30, A8 @ 6:30.

  1. Right off the face-off, home team tough guy Pinto drops his gloves and jumps visiting player Nesseth, who “turtles” without ever retaliating. A split second later, all of the remaining players on the ice drop their gloves, pair off with another opposing player and start to fight. Both goaltenders meet at centre ice and start to fight. No players leave their bench during this incident. SRD.

Nesseth is not penalized.

Pinto receives a Minor penalty for aggressor and a Major and Game Misconduct for fighting.

Both goaltenders receive a Major + Game Misconduct for fighting plus a Game Misconduct for taking part in another fight at the same stoppage plus Minor for leaving their crease during a fight.

All the other players on the ice receive a Major + Game Misconduct for fighting plus a Game Misconduct for taking part in another fight at the same stoppage.

  1. Right off the face-off, home team tough guy Pinto drops his gloves and jumps visiting player Nesseth, who “turtles” without ever retaliating. A split second later, all of the remaining players on the ice drop their gloves, pair off with another opposing player and start to fight. Both goaltenders meet at centre ice and start to fight. One of the fights migrates to one of the players’ benches - Home team player Nyers (who is on the bench) grabs visiting player Mintsopoulos and holds him so that home team player Morrison (who is on the ice) can “wail away”. In response to this action, visiting player Whelan leaps off the bench and fights with Morrison. Mintsopoulos ends up fighting with Nyers. Both benches empty totally after Whelan leaves the bench, and a few players from the bench also end up fighting. SRD.

Editors Note: Recall that the Pinto-Nesseth fight is the original fight.

Home team:

Pinto receives a Minor penalty for aggressor and a Major and Game Misconduct for fighting (Nesseth).

Nyers receives a Bench Minor and a Game Misconduct for interference from the bench + a Game Misconduct for intervening in a fight (Morrison-Mintsopoulos) + a Major and Game Misconduct for fighting (with Mintsopoulos) + a Game Misconduct for taking part in another fight at the same stoppage (with Mintsopoulos).

Morrison receives a Major and Game Misconduct for fighting (with Mintsopoulos) + a Major and Game Misconduct for fighting (with Whelan) + a Game Misconduct for taking part in another fight at the same stoppage (with Mintsopoulos) + Game Misconduct for taking part in another fight at the same stoppage (with Whelan).

TWO other home team players receive a Major + Game Misconduct for fighting + Game Misconduct for taking part in another fight at the same stoppage (+ possibly, if they were from the bench, a Game Misconduct for leaving their bench during a fight).

Visiting team:

Nesseth is not penalized.

Mintsopoulos receives a Major and Game Misconduct for fighting (with Morrison) + a Game Misconduct for taking part in another fight at the same stoppage (with Morrison) + Major and Game Misconduct for fighting (with Nyers) + another Game Misconduct for taking part in another fight at the same stoppage (with Nyers).

Whelan receives a double Minor and Game Misconduct for being the first player to leave the bench during a fight + a Game Misconduct for joining in a fight (Morrison-Mintsopoulos) + a Major and Game Misconduct for fighting (with Morrison) + a Game Misconduct for taking part in another fight at the same stoppage (with Morrison).

FOUR other visiting team players receive a Major + Game Misconduct for fighting + Game Misconduct for taking part in another fight at the same stoppage (+ possibly, if they were from the bench, a Game Misconduct for leaving their bench during a fight).

November 1, 20071 / 4Answers Assignment 6