Leader Committee Overnight 2014

Discipleship Seminar

A P GOAL: To walk closely with 2 kids! “A life on a life” = “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” - 2 Tim 2:2 How do I choose who to invest my life in?

 Availability - willing to spend time with you.

 A desire / openness to talk about “life issues”.

 Someone who is honest with themselves & you.

 A humble & teachable spirit.

 A thirst to explore truth (God’s Word).

 A desire to impact others. List out the kids (not just campaigners!) below that meet most of the above criteria. Remember disciple- ship often starts BEFORE commitment to Christ... Ask the Lord to help you discern “who”...

GOAL: To walk closely with 2 kids!

What TRUTH do you want to give them that will sustain them in Christ for years down the road?

1. Jesus Christ the center. (theology)

* Incarnation * The Gospel Message * Atonement/Redemption * Justification * Mission / Community * Lordship / Follower *Prophet/Priest/King

2. Ever-Expanding view of the character of God. (theology)

* He is Sovereign * King/Father/Judge * He is Good

* Justice / Grace / Mercy * Eternally Reigns

3. Reality / tension of being transformed in Christ.(theology)

* Our Total Depravity * Sanctification * Identity in Christ * Transformation

* Grace vs Works * Living in Lost World

4. The role / importance of the heart. (wholeness)

* life flows from Heart * Purity / Healing

* security / significance / avoidance of pain

* Emotions / Feelings * Will / Obedience

5. Self leadership / self feeding. (future growth)

* Value of God’s Word * Worship *Gifts/Abilities * Role of the Disciplines

* Power of Intentionality * Mentoring / Being mentored * Priorities

Who are your 2?
