District Nurses Health Clerks

Karen Harris R.N. Chris Espedal (BR)

Kris Youngman R.N. Buffy Nicholson (NU)

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Our goal is to provide a healthy and safe school environment and to accommodate any special medical needs your student may have. In order to insure appropriate and efficient communication please inform the nurse’s office of any changes in phone numbers, addresses or emergency contacts during the year.

SPECIAL MEDICAL NEEDS: If your child’s health needs require special accommodations (i.e. asthma, allergies, diabetes, etc.) please contact the nurse’s office as soon as possible so we can formulate an individualized health plan for them.

SCHOOL MEDICATION POLICY:Any student who is required to take medication during school hours must have the enclosed form completed by both a physician and parent. A student may not carry any medication, including over the counter medications, while on campus. If a student requires medications for emergency medical issues he may carry them with physician, parent and school approval. Additional Physician/Parent medication forms are available on the NU web site (Click on administration and then Nursing) or in the NU nurse’s office.

FIELD TRIP POLICY: No medications (prescription or non-prescription) may be brought on a field trip without the Physician/Parent medication form completed by the parent and doctor. These orders must be renewed annually. The student may carry and self-administer his own medications while on a field trip with permission of both the doctor and the school. Some medications, such as narcotics, may need to be carried and given by trained school personnel.

IMMUNIZATIONS:Please make sure your child’s vaccinations are current. We highly recommend that you ask your physician about the new adolescent vaccines for pertussis and meningitis. There has been an increased incidence of pertussis (whooping cough) in our county, which makes the booster for pertussis especially important. This disease is highly contagious and can be serious if transmitted to infants, pregnant women or the elderly, and can also cause significant school absences. We recommend you contact your doctor or the Nevada County Health Department to discuss these vaccinations.

SCREENINGS:Vision, hearing and dental screenings may be done during the school year. Please submit a note in writing if you do not wish your student to be screened.

We hope this is a safe and healthy year for your student. Please call us if you have any questions at ext. 2079.