University of Northern Colorado
2018 Leadership Enrichment Program
please read carefully
l. Participant Particulars
Program Philosophy: The Leadership Enrichment Program (LEP) for the Gifted and Talented at the University of Northern Colorado exists to provide an opportunity for gifted and talented students and LEP staff members to develop their cognitive, creative and affective potentials. LEP supports a physically and emotionally safe learning environment. The Leadership Enrichment Program embraces and celebrates the differences among its participants, and it is expected that all will follow a code of conduct. LEP participants will:
Ø Remain in designated, supervised areas at all times.
Ø Respect themselves, others and their property.
Ø Actively and positively participate in classes, options and other activities.
Ø Avoid behaviors which infringe upon the rights of other participants to learn and grow.
Non-negotiables. The program has a few non-negotiable components: No smoking, no alcohol, no drugs, no bullying and no violence. Students must stay on their dormitory floor in accordance with our lights-out policy. Violation of these non-negotiables will result in the student being sent home immediately with no refund.
II. Important Days: Check-in, Visits, Showcase, & Check-out
Transportation to/from Denver International Airport (DIA).
If your child will be flying unaccompanied into DIA, SEP personnel will meet them at their gate, go the baggage claim with them, supervise them until our buss or vans arrive and bring them to the LEP dorm for checking in. More information can be found on the enclosed Air Travel Information sheet. In the rare event that the SEP staff member cannot get to the gate at the arrival time, tell him or her to stay at the gate and call 970-351-2683 for instructions.
Checking in
Ø Dorm Registration. Supervision for LEP begins at 1:30 p.m. on the opening Sunday of the session. Registration starting point will be at Wilson Hall (located on the east side of 9th Avenue between 19th and 20th Streets). Check-in and room assignments will be distributed upon arrival on Sunday at 1:30 at Wilson Hall. Students should report to the LEP counselor's table for key checkout and further instructions. At this time, a final check will be made to see if all information required is accounted for (i.e., health forms, payment, etc.). MEDICAL FORMS (PLUS COPY OF THE INSURANCE CARD) MUST BE COMPLETED AND RECEIVED BY OUR OFFICE BEFORE JULY 1, 2018. OTHERWISE YOU WILL NOT BE ADMITTED TO LEP. After check-in, LEP students are requested to assist with check-in for SEP as needed.
Ø Leave Requests During the Program. If it is necessary that you be away from the program for any reason, arrangements must be made IN WRITING in advance or on the day of registration (form is enclosed in this packet). Arrangements must be made by parents for the child to have transportation to and from the destination. No child will be allowed to leave without an adult or guardian, or with any unauthorized person. Remember, absences interrupt your participation in the program and should be minimal. LEPers days are scheduled at all times during the day and participation in these activities tends to be essential for group integration. Please consider this when deciding whether or not you need to be away from the program during these two weeks. If an emergency necessitates reaching your child during the session, call the SEP daytime office Monday through Friday between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm (MDT) 970-351-2683. The number for Wilson Hall is 970-351-2584. Additional phone numbers for the instructional support office and dorm staff will be given to you at check-in.
Ø SEP Showcase. We would like parents to attend the SEP Showcase. LEPers will mentor in one SEP class during the session and their work in that class or the work they facilitated for SEP will be shown at this time. SEP Showcase will be held on Friday, July 20, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Ø Super Saturday: Each year, sessions for exploration and enrichment are offered on the first Saturday. Community experts and local parents are invited to share their hobbies and areas of expertise in breakout sessions. If you know of someone interested in sharing a topic or making a presentation to our students, please have them contact our office for more information.
Wiki Waki Aloha Dress Like a Pirate Spamfest Super Saturday is an SEP highlight and annual tradition. Encourage your child to indulge their inner child and bring aloha-wear or pirate-wear (or both!) to fully participate in this spirited SEP event.
Ø Conclusion of Program. The program ends on Saturday, July 21st. Participants need to be picked up at Wilson Hall between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. They will check out with their counselor and return their key to the UNC residence hall staff. If your child loses their key or has caused any damage to their room, the university will hold you responsible for replacement/repair fees.
Supervision ends and residence halls close at 9:00 a.m. If you cannot pick up your child by 9 a.m.
special supervisory arrangements must be made through the SEP office before that day (970) 351-2683. An additional fee will be charged for that supervision. If your child is flying out of DIA that morning, SEP staff will take them to the airport, escort them to their gate and stay until they board the plane. If your child is flying you must be reachable via phone. Cancelled flights are not unusual. Our staff will work with you to make new arrangements.
Mail. Mail to your child should be sent the first week of the session and addressed in care of the
child’s counselor. Students will have limited access to email.
(Child's Name)
c/o Counselor's Name
University of Northern Colorado
Wilson Hall
Greeley, Colorado 80639
July 8—Session BeginsRegistration — 2 to 4 p.m.
July 14—Super Saturday
July 17 —Talent Show
July 19—Banquet
July 20—SEP Showcase –1:00-3:00 pm
(Parents are welcome at this event.)
July 20---Dance/Party
July 21—Check Out By 9 a.m.
III. Financial Matters
LEP Payment Information.
We are offering a 10% discount to additional siblings who attend SEP/LEP. Students in a group of five sponsored by a school or agency are entitled to a 10% discount each.
To guarantee your participation in the 2018 LEP, please send your payment as soon as possible. Payments totaling $1795 are due and payable on or before July 1, 2018. Checks should be made out to the Summer Enrichment Program. Be sure to fill out the appropriate payment plan information, enclose your check, and mail in the pre-addressed SEP envelope. Your canceled check will serve as your receipt.
Address all correspondence to:
University of Northern Colorado
Summer Enrichment Program
Campus Box 141
Greeley, CO 80639
Phone: (970) 351-2683;
Fax number: (970) 351-1061
Three payment plans are available. Please review the options on the green payment sheet, and mark your selection. If choosing option 1 or option 3, enclose the appropriate payment form with the required information along with your check, and return in the pre-addressed envelope. If choosing option 2, fill in all of the credit card payment information and return in the pre-addressed envelope. A receipt will be mailed to you.
Final payments are due on or before July 1, 2018.
Plan 1: Payment in Full -- $1,795 total ($1,695 plus $100 paid with application). This automatically guarantees your child's space in the program. Please mark this selection on the green payment sheet. Include your check and the payment sheet and mail in the pre-addressed envelope to the SEP Office.
Plan 2: MasterCard/Visa -- $1,805 total. Includes a $15 service charge ($1,795 plus $100 paid with application plus service charge). To take advantage of this plan, you will need to call the SEP office (970)351-2683 with credit card information. You will be mailed a receipt. Please mark this selection on the green payment sheet.
Plan 3: Three Equal Payments -- $1,805.00 total. Includes an additional $10 service charge ($1,695 plus $100 paid with application and $10 service charge). Three payments of $568.33 allow you to split up the cost of the program over a period of time. Please mark this selection on the payment sheet. Detach the payment #1 strip from the bottom of the green payment sheet and include it with your check in the pre-addressed envelope and mail to the SEP office.
Summer Enrichment Program Refund Policy
Due to non-recoverable costs, each registration includes a $100 non-refundable deposit.Given two weeks notice (prior to the check-in day), we will refund the remainder of your registration. Requests for refunds made less than two weeks before the program begins will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
If the participant leaves the program early due to homesickness or is sent home because of disciplinary action there shall be no refund.
If the participant arrives late or is not at the program for any period of time, there shall be no refund or discount for the missed time at the program.
If the program is cancelled because of fire, natural disaster or epidemic the University of Northern Colorado Office of Financial Services shall determine the refund amount.
IV. Medical Matters
The SEP health office would like to welcome our participants and explain a little about our role here at SEP. Our desire is to keep your child safe and healthy while they attend SEP and we will be happy to answer all your questions on registration day.
v The nurse’s office is open from 7am until 10pm every day of camp.
v Our main function here is to give necessary medications, monitor illnesses and provide first aid to campers.
v We occasionally have to refer a camper to Urgent Care at The Greeley Medical Center (during daytime hours) or the Emergency Room if we have a problem that requires more comprehensive medical care than we can supply.
· Please supply every available contact number for both parents to allow us to contact you immediately, if needed.
· We may call for a credit card number for the insurance co-pays when sending your child to either GMC or the ER.
· We will send home all receipts for services/prescriptions and give you a follow-up call.
v We have given you a list in your application of over-the-counter medications we supply. Please initial at the bottom of the page.
§ If you prefer a different type of OTC medication, please turn it in to the health staff at registration, otherwise, using our stock medications decreases the amount of bottles in the nurse’s office.
§ We do not allow any medications (except certain lotions or topical treatments for acne) in the camper’s rooms. We encourage participants to carry their asthma inhalers with them during camp for quick access. This policy is to protect all the students from any medications being taken accidentally by the wrong person. This also helps us to monitor and better care for your child if they start to feel sick.
§ Please stop by at registration and ask us any questions you may have regarding our medication policy.
Medical Sections.
These forms often take longer to get them filled out by the doctor or health care provider than anticipated. We encourage you to start this process as soon as possible as your child will not be allowed to register, enroll, or participate at SEP if medical forms are not complete and on file with us.
To ensure the best care for your child, SEP requires all students to complete new medical forms EACH YEAR. Children MUST have had a physical within the past year prior to the beginning of camp. A certified health assistant or your family physician can complete the information requested on the forms. All requested information must be filled in completely or the forms will be returned to you for completion. Immunizations should state the month and year given.
The following medical forms must be returned to the SEP office by July 1, 2018:
1. Medical Report, Section A, Personal Information (required)
2. Medical Report, Section B, Health Condition and Immunization Record (required)
3. Section C, a copy of the front and back of the insurance card (required)
4. Section D, Over the Counter Medications permission (required)
5. Section E, Student Medication Permission form (if applicable)
6. Section F, Special Dietary Requests/Concerns (if applicable)
7. Section G Medication Intake/Administration Update Form (if applicable)
8. Section H, Statement of Exemption to Immunization Requirements
Parents/guardians without medical insurance must complete and return the Agreement to Pay for Emergency Health Care, Section C, which will be in lieu of insurance card.
Note: Because the students live in a college dorm and because a number of participants travel from other camps, you may want to consult with your physician to determine if a meningitis and/or hepatitis vaccination would be appropriate.
Health Screening: Guidelines from the American Camp Association (ACA) state that upon arrival at a camp all participants need to be screened for symptoms that may be contagious. Though SEP is not a member of the ACA, we adhere to their guidelines and will screen all participants during the check-in process.