Unit Plan Template
Note: Type in the gray areas.
Unit AuthorFirst and Last Name / Nichole Arsenault
Author's E-mail Address /
Course Name(s) / CECS
Course Number(s) / 4100
Course Section(s) / 090
School City, State, Zip / University of North Texas – Denton
Instructor Name(s): / Gerald Knezek
Intel® Teach to the Future 3
© 2001 Intel. All rights reserved.
Intel® Teach to the Future 3
© 2001 Intel. All rights reserved.
Unit OverviewUnit Plan Title / Geometric Worlds
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question / Why and how do we use Geometry in everyday life?
Unit Questions / 1. What does 3-D mean and what does it look like?
2. Name 5 geometric shapes.
3. Name all the shapes involved in the following items:
• A ball?
• A coke can?
• A chair?
Unit Summary
This Unit focuses on Spatial Reasoning using Geometry. The students will deal with shapes and formulas over a period of six weeks (depending on grade level and advancement of students). They will learn the concept of shapes and how they “fit” into our world. The students will handle the shapes, compute formulas of the shapes, and understand the shapes in the objects around us. To assess and further enforce the properties of the shapes the students will build their own view of the world using only shapes. I think that this is important to fully teach the notion of shapes in regards to Spatial Reasoning.
Intel® Teach to the Future 3
© 2001 Intel. All rights reserved.
Subject Area(s): (List all subjects that apply)Geometry (shapes), Technology (projects), Art (creative thinking and architecture), Algebra (solving formulas)
Intel® Teach to the Future 3
© 2001 Intel. All rights reserved.
Grade Level (Click boxes of all grade levels that apply)K-2
Gifted and Talented / 3-5
Intel® Teach to the Future 3
© 2001 Intel. All rights reserved.
Intel® Teach to the Future 3
© 2001 Intel. All rights reserved.
Student Objectives/Learning OutcomesThe students will use geometry to model and describe the physical world.
The students will understand spatial reasoning and its concepts.
The students will use geometric concepts and properties to solve problems.
Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks
*SubChapter 111.23 (b) (8)Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses geometry to model and describe the physical world. The student is expected to:
(A)sketch a solid when given the top, side, and front views;
(B)make a net (two-dimensional model) of the surface area of a solid; and
(C)use geometric concepts and properties to solve problems in fields such as art and architecture.
*SubChapter 111.24 (b) (7)Geometry and spatial reasoning. The student uses geometry to model and describe the physical world. The student is expected to:
(A)draw solids from different perspectives;
(B)use geometric concepts and properties to solve problems in fields such as art and architecture;
(C)use pictures or models to demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem; and
*SubChapter 126.12 (c) (7)Solving problems. The student uses appropriate computer-based productivity tools to create and modify solutions to problems. The student is expected to:
(A)plan, create, and edit documents created with a word processor using readable fonts, alignment, page setup, tabs, and ruler settings;…
(D)demonstrate proficiency in the use of multimedia authoring programs by creating linear or non-linear projects incorporating text, audio, video, and graphics;
(E)create a document using desktop publishing techniques including, but not limited to, the creation of multi-column or multi-section documents with a variety of text-wrapped frame formats;
(F)differentiate between and demonstrate the appropriate use of a variety of graphic tools found in draw and paint applications;
(G)integrate two or more productivity tools into a document including, but not limited to, tables, charts and graphs, graphics from paint or draw programs, and mail merge…
Begin week one with physical shapes (ball, cone, cylinder, etc). Allow students to touch, feel, describe, and express what they recognize as they handle the shapes. Continue into week two teaching that each shape has it’s own dimensions and ‘formulas’ for the way they are supposed to look. Depending on the size, where it belongs (in regards to the area we live in), and it’s uses, the numbers that we use for the formulas may change. These things are all interchangeable and we can compute this with a single formula for each different shape and it holds true no matter which numbers we plug-in. Spend the next three weeks learning and practicing these formulas with worksheets or whatever works best with the students. Week six is recommended to evaluate the progress and be creative while encouraging individuality with their new understandings of the spatiality of shapes. They should, as an in class project, construct a building using only shapes in accordance with the corresponding formulas. Also, they will make a travel brochure inviting people to their city that they will also make as their evaluation and take home project showing what they have learned.
Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.)
Six weeks
Prerequisite Skills
Basic math and simple algebra skills
Intel® Teach to the Future 3
© 2001 Intel. All rights reserved.
Materials and Resources Required For UnitIntel® Teach to the Future 3
© 2001 Intel. All rights reserved.
Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.)
Intel® Teach to the Future 3
© 2001 Intel. All rights reserved.
Digital Camera
DVD Player
Internet Connection / Laser Disk
Projection System
Television / VCR
Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equip.
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Desktop Publishing
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM / Image Processing
Internet Web Browser
Multimedia / Web Page Development
Word Processing
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Printed Materials / Text book, worksheets (to practice formulas)Supplies / 3-d shapes (ball, cones, cans, etc.), construction paper, pencil, notebook paper, anything used for final project
Internet Resources / The Math Forum, Geometry Junkyard
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Resource Student / Lessen the requirements for projects and lengthen time required.
Gifted Student / Require a more complex final project encouraging extreme creativity and individualism.
Student Assessment
The students will use what they have learned of geometric shapes from their activity of creating a “Geometric Building” to create a “GEOMETRIC CITY”.
The project should encourage creativity in a diorama, a 3-d poster, or even a more thorough computer design of their own Geometric City. The project will have guidelines such as minimum requirements [ex: 4 buildings, 2 pieces of nature (i.e. lakes), and 1 object of their choice]. The students should incorporate technology into their project by drafting it on the computer and turning that in with the completed project.
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