Department for Children and Young People

To: Consultees in respect of the
development of a sixth form at
Bradley Stoke CommunitySchool / Date:
Your Ref:
Our Ref:
Enquiries to:
E-mail: / 1 September 2009
Clare Medland
(01454) 863239
(01454) 862351

Dear Colleague


I am writing to you about the planned development of sixth form provision at BradleyStokeCommunitySchool with effect from September 2010.

BradleyStokeCommunitySchool opened as an 11-16 school in September 2005 with an Admission Number of 180 per year group. Admissions to the school have been phased but in September 2009 there will be pupils in all year 7-11 groups. The original year 7 pupils, who joined the school from September 2005, will be seeking post 16 places from September 2010.

The school was constructed in such a way as to facilitate the building of sixth form accommodation at a later date. In July 2007, within the framework of the South Gloucestershire School Organisation Plan, the Council agreed to develop the case for a sixth form at Bradley Stoke to seek the necessary capital funding and complete the required legal procedures. We are now in the final stages of this process.

There have been discussions with the Learning and Skills Council about the sixth form proposal within the context of the Council’s 14-19 Strategy to extend opportunities for young people, and within the LSC’s Regional Strategy. There have also been discussions within the Concorde Partnership of Schools and local post 16 providers.

The necessary capital finance provision for sixth form accommodation at Bradley Stoke has also now been secured. Plans have been finalised for the additional accommodation in order that building work can proceed and ensure that the new facilities will be ready for September 2010.


The final stage in the development of the proposed sixth form is the publication of a formal statutory notice. This is legally required because the addition of a sixth form is a change in the existing age range of the school.

The Council is proposing to publish the statutory notice in early October 2009. There is then a four week period for any comments from the public before the Council makes a final decision.

If you have any comments or queries at this stage about the development of a sixth form at BradleyStokeCommunitySchool will you please let me know not later than Wednesday 30 September 2009.

Yours sincerely

Clare Medland

Head of Access, Asset Management and Planning

Therese Gillespie, Director for Children and Young People, South Gloucestershire Council, Bowling Hill,
Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucestershire BS37 6JX Tel: (01454) 868008 Fax: (01454) 863263