“virtual reversal”

Written by

David Allen Rigsby

David Allen Rigsby
WGA #1014035
(818) 989-1722


"virtual reversal"


int. dr. kidwell’s house – living room – night

An elaborately decorated home filled with wicker furniture, waterfalls, and little Buddha statues throughout.

A Ph.D. for a “Dr. Theodore Kidwell” hangs on the wall.

A current “LA TIMES” lies on top of a cherry wood desk.

insert - newspaper headline

Dated: Thursday, July fifteenth; “California to undergo more brownouts to conserve electricity as the summer heat swells.”

Dr. kidwell’s bedroom

A man sits at a small desk playing a video game on a bright red laptop. It’s DR. THEODORE KIDWELL (mid 30’s), an intelligent man with a dark side hidden beneath the surface.

“VIRTUAL HOMICIDE” by Dr. T. Kidwell, appears onscreen.

The female character Dr. Kidwell plays is beautiful and well endowed. She walks around the room in a defensive stance.

He gets bored, PAUSES the game.

He picks up a high-tech, wireless visor. It looks like a sleek pair of sunglasses. He puts it on.

dr. kidwell’s pov – game world

HIS VIEW looks the same as without the visor. He’s in a simulation game, but his world in the game looks exactly like his real world.

His laptop monitor displays only a test pattern now.

As he LOOKS DOWN, instead of seeing himself, HE SEES the chest of a large-breasted woman. He begins role-playing again as the buxom, female character.

An eerie GREEN LIGHT glows beneath a closet door. The door CREAKS as it slowly opens. Several Ninjas emerge.

She (the character that Dr. Kidwell is playing) uses martial arts to fight off the dark-clad Ninjas as they enter.

The Ninjas

use swords while Dr. Kidwell’s female heroine uses chrome-plated sais to defend herself.

The darkly clad villains appear to come from his kitchen, windows, doors, etc.

Dr. Kidwell (o.s.)


The game characters FREEZE in their tracks, some only a few feet from him.

His female-looking hands come into the edge of OUR VIEW as he takes the visor off.

As THE VISOR slips away from his eyes, the characters simply disappear against the b.g.

back to scene

He holds the visor, studies it from all angles. He picks up a mini tape recorder.

dr. kidwell

(into recorder)

I’ve finally created the most realistic way to enjoy a game. I just finished the final version. I’m saving it now. This is my first game for the visor’s initial pitch to the video game industry. It’ll be the first game that feels just like the real world.

A cordless PHONE RINGS. He picks it up.

Dr. kidwell

Hello? Oh hey... Yes, I’m just about done with the final test. Some kids from one of my classes are testing a previous version so I can work out any bugs.

He sets the mini recorder down, forgets to turn it off.

While he listens to the other person, he loads a blank CD into his red laptop and begins burning a copy of the game.

His attention turns to an open leather briefcase, which sits on his bed beside several more visors.

dr. kidwell


Of course, I had to loan them some visors too. Don’t worry, it was only four and I’ll get them back. I’m telling you, this is gonna be a huge hit. It’s the perfect escape device.

The lights flicker as the electricity fails, which causes his cordless phone connection to disconnect.

dr. kidwell

Hello? You there?

He sets the phone down.

The lights flicker again as the power is restored.

Dr. kidwell

(looking around)

Wow, I just had deja vu.

Dr. Kidwell puts three extra visors inside his briefcase.

His laptop switched to a battery and SIGNALS it’s finished burning the CD. He ejects the CD from the CD burner.

He writes “7-15, 10 p.m.” on the disk.

He puts the CD copy into his briefcase alongside the visors. He slides the briefcase under his bed. A secret compartment in the floor opens, receives the briefcase, and closes.

A grandfather CLOCK CHIMES that it’s 10:00 PM.

Dr. Kidwell walks over to his desk where his laptop sits beside a bottle of Scotch. He pours some into a glass, takes a sip. He pushes his chair in under the desk.

Dr. Kidwell

I just need to try it out now.

The game “VIRTUAL HOMICIDE” boots up on his laptop. He selects the setting of “average intelligence,” which defaults to “two hours.”

His grandfather CLOCK continues to CHIME.

He sets down the glass of alcohol, puts on the visor.

professor’s pov

as he looks in his mirror. Instead of seeing himself, he sees a beautiful, buxom WOMAN.

Ninjas come from all over his own house as she (Dr. Kidwell) begins to fight them.

The battle begins.

One of the Ninjas is an Asian female. She wears an eye patch. She throws a mechanical-looking device at the feet of the beautiful woman fighting them.

The CLOCK CHIMES its last tenth and final bell.

Dr. Kidwell’s heroine LOOKS DOWN, as terror fills her eyes.

woman (o.S.)

Uh oh...

There’s an EXPLOSION and bright flash of light.

ext. downtown los angeles – next morning - aerial view

A smoggy morning with the usual overflow traffic headed toward the downtown Los Angeles skyline. A traffic helicopter flies overhead. The HELICOPTER PILOT makes his report over a local radio station.

helicopter pilot (on radio)

It’s bumper to bumper traffic as usual, but I think I speak for everyone when I say, “thank God it’s Friday!”

The radio station starts a ROCK SONG in the b.g.

ext. police shooting range – morning

The sound of GUNFIRE fills the air. Dozens of uniformed police officers and several undercover cops target practice.

Two targets displaying a human silhouette become bullet-ridden, but only along the outer edges of the silhouette.

grimes (v.o.)

A captain once told me to always live every day as if it were your last, because one day it will be.

The man responsible for all the near misses uses both hands to fire two silver-plated revolvers. He wears a gold retirement watch and shiny wedding band on his left hand.

The man twirls both guns, crosses his arms, holstering them in twin shoulder holsters, which double as suspenders. We finally see his chiseled face. He wears a gray fedora.

This is Detective JIM GRIMES (mid 40’s), a down-to-earth, tough guy who flirts with danger and strange women equally.

A German shepherd K-9 dog, RICOCHET, sits in Grimes’ stall. He wears dark sunglasses and noise protection earmuffs.

grimes (v.o.)

This is my partner, Ricochet. I honestly believe this dog has nine lives. He’s been through hell and back with me repeatedly and he’s still here by my side.

An attractive, well-endowed, Hispanic female officer, LUCIA MARTINEZ (mid 20’s) is in the next stall. She reacts to his unusual double-fisted shooting style, notices the targets.


He might still be alive. Of course, he could bleed to death.


Maybe. I always aim to maim.


I’m afraid to ask why?

He crosses his arms again, draws both pistols and begins FIRING them at a singular target’s bull’s eye.


My first day as a homicide detective, I accidentally shot and killed a six year-old girl during a drug bust. I aim to maim, that’s my motto now. I haven’t killed anyone else... and since today’s my last day, I plan on keeping it that way.

He twirls both guns simultaneously again and holsters them.


What a coincidence, today’s my first day as homicide detective. I just transferred from traffic.

The target moves toward them for inspection. Every shot just fired hit the bull’s eye.


(offering his hand)

Detective Jim Grimes, homicide, thirteenth precinct, LAPD.


(shaking his hand)

Detective Lucia Martinez. I’m supposed to start at your...

Grimes’ gun-shaped cell phone RINGS. He twirls it open.


Excuse me...

(into phone)


captain (V.o.)

Grimes, I hate to break this to you, but looks like you got one more homicide to investigate. Get over to the UCLA main entrance. I’ve got a patrolman waiting for you there. Oh yeah, your replacement starts today. You’ll like her; she’s got a lot upstairs...


... A “her?”

captain (V.o.)

Yeah, but don’t get any ideas. She’s not into men if you know what I mean. Besides, you’re married. Just get to UCLA.


I’m on my way.

He holsters his cell phone in a custom holster on his belt.


Nice cell phone.


I have a matching lighter too. Oh well... so much for an easy transition into retirement from the force and into my own private practice. Nice meeting you, rookie.



Maybe I’ll see you around...

He checks her out, nods, and walks away.

ext. dr. kidwell’s house – later that morning

Cops and other emergency medical crews surround the professor’s house.

An unmarked car pulls up. It’s a faded, older model Caprice. It BACKFIRES, KNOCKS and PINGS as the engine dies. Smoke rises from underneath the hood.

Detective Grimes opens his door, lets out Ricochet.

grimes (v.o.)

UCLA... I was here awhile back investigating a break in. As for me, I never went to college. I never had the time. I learned all I needed to know in high school. My twelfth grade English teacher used to say the mind is like a book... you have to open it to get something out of it. I used to wonder if a locksmith ever finds the key to happiness. I’ve been a detective for twenty years and I’m still looking...

Int. dr. kidwell’s house – bedroom - continuous

A Medical Examiner and photographer surround a badly burnt chair that sits in front of Dr. Kidwell’s red laptop.

The floor around the chair is covered with a viscous, oily, yellow liquid.

Grimes enters the bedroom with Ricochet on his heels. Grimes walks up to his CAPTAIN (50’s), a white-haired man who carries more than enough take-out food around his midsection.

Ricochet sniffs around the room.


Poor bastard...


It’s okay, Cap. It’s just one more case.


Not you, the professor. I’ve never seen anything like this. I read something about it on the Internet... They called it Spontaneous Human Combustion. Some kind of paranormal thing.


I thought that was just a myth.


I’d like to see you come up with a better explanation. Why is this guy completely burned-up, his clothes singed, yet intact?

Detective Martinez enters the room.


(to the Captain)

Did he smoke?


Your car does. I think it’s on fire...


Grimes, this is your replacement and new temporary partner, Detective Lucy Martinez.


(correcting him)

Lucia... and we already met.

Grimes scratches his head, stares at her for a moment.


Any evidence to suggest the victim fell asleep with a lit cigarette? Are there any ashtrays lying around?

Grimes pulls out a cigarette, flips out his gun-shaped lighter, starts to light up.


I haven’t found any yet, so don’t light that please.

Grimes stops himself, gives the Captain a dirty look.


I can tell you his wife - now his widow - smokes. Some of their wedding photos show her holding a cigarette.

He points to a photo of Dr. Kidwell and an Asian woman.

Grimes walks over to the photo. He sets his cigarette and lighter on the dresser, puts on a pair of disposable gloves, and picks up the photo.


He looks familiar for some reason... Was his wife home last night?


Negative. She’s out of the country on personal business. I verified it earlier with INS.




Yep. Turns out she’s one of those mail-order brides. She visits her family abroad often. We notified her... she should be back in town soon. I’ll send her your way.

An empty bottle of Scotch lies next to the charred chair.


The liquor bottle near the chair, was it empty?


That’s affirmative. Looks like our victim was celebrating something... or simply unwinding.


But isn’t that one thing all SHC’s have in common? The presence of alcohol...


... along with a source of ignition, possibly a cigarette in this case.

Grimes points to a library filled with mystery books. One shelf holds a complete set of Hardy Boy detective books.


Our professor must’ve been a mystery fan from his youth. Nothing wrong with a good murder mystery late at night...


Something else... it appears that he was playing some kind of video game at the time of his death.


Is the game still loaded on his computer?


Yes. We also found some kind of visor. Looks like an expensive pair of sunglasses. I think he had it on when he burst into flames. As you can see, it’s singed, but it looks okay.

Martinez holds up the visor with a pencil, careful not to disturb any fingerprints on it.

Grimes takes out a magnifying glass to get a closer look.


Never seen one like this before... must be something new. I’ll have it checked out.


There’s one more thing...

The captain picks up the professor’s mini tape recorder with his gloved hand.


He was making some notes last night when interrupted by a phone call. He forgot to turn this off. We’re assuming it was his wife. We’re pulling phone records. On the tape, Kidwell tells the caller he loaned four visors to some of his students.