Clubmark Assessment Portfolio

Club Name: Lower Wharfe Canoe Club

Affiliation Number:Date of Re-Affiliation:Dec 2016

Club Contacts / Name / Phone No / E-mail
Chair / Martin Sharp /
Secretary / Sarah Sharp / 07791 294462 /
Welfare Officer / Dennis Fothergill / 01904 705221 /
Clubmark Officer / Ann Mitchell (finished Nov 2016 – now vacant) / 01904 799124 /
Volunteer Co-Ordinator / TBC


Programme stored on LWCC drop box, sent by email to members, a public version is placed on the web site ( and a summary is put on the LWCCcalendar published each year.

Programme is decided in November December each year so calendar for 2017 will be produced shortly

[GF2]Our Club Code of conduct and Junior Code of Conduct are sent out with membership forms each year.

They are also available on the membership details on theLower Wharfe Canoe Club website at

They are also on LWCC drop box

Job descriptions of committee membersare described in section 9 of our constitution also available on our Clubmark Documents page on our website

[GF3]Induction procedures for new members and new coaches

Our Door Duty team welcomes new members and explain how the club works, what is going on in the next few weeks and who is available to guide them.

All new members, and potential members, are required to attend a “safety test” at the pool which ensures they are able to meet our swimming requirements and can safely exit an up-turned boat (or suitable arrangements are put in place to support the individual if necessary). The safety test also covers emergency procedures, and the roles of the lifeguards and the coaches. Lifeguards wear red T shirts and coaches wear blue T shirts.

New members at the river are given an induction to the procedures at the river. They are closely supervised by the team of coaches to ascertain their development needs.

People interested in becoming coaches are supported through the Level 1 prerequisites and financial assistance is available from the club.

Training sessions are run at the start of the Pool season and the river season for new helpers and exisiting coaches. At these sessions the risk assessments are reviewed and up-dated if necessary. Tadcaster Pool also runs top up training sessions for lifeguards and coaches.

How does the club ensure that the members are aware of who the holds roles within the club?

A list of coaches is included in the club programme.

Contact details for the committee are included in the club programme sent by email to our members (these are not included on the web pages for privacy reasons).

New members are introduced to any key committee members present when they start.

How does the club communicate the Codes of Conducts to the members of the club?

Codes of conduct are available on the web site, and sent out with membership forms.


Club Child Protection and Harassment PolicyIs available on the membership details on theLower Wharfe Canoe Club website at

[GF5]LWCC Club Operating prodecures–on website -

The Club Welfare Officer/s are[GF6]:

Dennis Forthergill (Chair) Time to Listen Course attended Nov 2012

[GF7]The club membership forms are also available on the membership details on theLower Wharfe Canoe Club website at


Engagement with external groups

2016 Friday nights with – Dennis & Barry Tadcaster Scouts

2016 – Bishopthorpe Scouts

Rob Softley, Chris and Phil design and erect the Div 2 course at Washburn twice a year. We also work as part of the Washburn committee.

The slalom section has been proactive in searching out funding streams to secure monies to help develop the Howsham site. Working with Slalom UK, Natural England and the Howsham Trust we have devised a short and long-term plan for the longevity of canoeing at the site.

Phil Stephenson takes the lead on rolling out personal winter training plans for Yorkshire slalom paddlers.

Phil Stephenson has again set out a winter training schedule for anyone that wants to join in.:

Tuesdays – Circuit training session with Askham Bryan College

Wednesday – Tees Barrage training (TBC)

Thursdays – Ouse on water fitness training

Fridays – Slalom pool sessions (alternate weeks with polo)

Sundays – Yorkshire winter training some where most weekends when not racing

[GF9]The LWCC Constitution and Rules available on the membership details on theLower Wharfe Canoe Club website at

[GF10]The LWCC Equality Policyis available on the membership details on theLower Wharfe Canoe Club website at

[GF1]Insert future Club Calender.(at least 3 months) Please Highlight Go Canoeing Starter sessions, Opportunities to progress, participate in a range of paddlesports activities. Co-ordinator of the sessions should be recognisable

[GF2]Please insert Job Descriptions for all committee members, Code of conducts for parents and children

[GF3]Please insert Induction procedures for new members and new coaches

[GF4]Please Insert the club welfare policy including child protection policy

[GF5]Please Insert a copy of the club operating procedures. This should include risk assessments, First Aid, operating procedures, emergency procedures, could also include data protection procedures

[GF6]Please fill in details. Please insert a copy of Time to Listen certificate

[GF7]Please insert a copy of club membership form, highlighting how the club is accessible for all

[GF8]Please insert information on how the club engages with external groups. E.g. Other clubs, Local Authorities, CSP’s,

[GF9]Please insert a copy of the clubs constitution

[GF10]Please insert the clubs Equal Opportunities Policies