Tydd St Mary Church of England School

School Website address www.tydd-st-mary.lincs.sch.uk. Tydd Primary

November 2016


All clubs continue as usual this week and right through until Friday 2nd December when Christmas events take over! Fees are due for Gymnastics-£15 please.

Pumpkin Competition

We were all amazed at the fantastic creations brought in by the children this year! Many parents commented on how difficult it would be to award prizes and indeed it was. Every adult in school voted for their own personal favourite and it was a very close competition. The overall winners were: Florence Wyatt in Toucans, Joshua Taylor in Robins, Joshua Trundle in Kingfishers and Lillie Burnett in Owls. Well done to everyone who took part!

Parent’s Questionnaire

Thank you to all those of you who took the time to complete the questionnaire during Parents’ Evening. The information we have been able to gather will help us to continue to improve as a school, something which everyone is committed to. The overall breakdown of responses is posted in the notice display cabinet at the side entrance of school and is incredibly positive- thank you!

Friends of TSM

The PTA are busy organising our Christmas festivities. They are breaking from tradition this year and not holding a Fayre choosing to organise and host exciting child- centred Christmas activities from 5th Dec onwards. There will be a raffle however and with this in mind they are busy collected donations for the hamper. Please do support where you can as the money

raised will be spent on extras for your child (including a free

pantomime trip complete with ice cream) Thank you!

Children in Need

We will again be supporting this year’s Children in Need Appeal on Friday 18th November. All children can come to school in non-uniform and by donating £2 (the children will be given an official Children in Need merchandise for their donation) can help to raise money for charity. Other events will be occurring during the day organised by our House Captains, more details to follow.

PE sessions

Obviously it continues to get colder at this time of year but some PE sessions will be outdoor due to the nature of the activity. With this in mind I would ask that you provide your child/ren with additional layers.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that, for your child’s own safety, earrings are not worn for PE. It is probably easiest for them to be left at home on PE days (see your child’s class teacher if you are unsure as to when these are).


With the weather becoming more unpredictable as each year passes I wanted to remind you about our current arrangements. School closure will be:

·  given out on the local radio stations: Heart 102.7 and Lincs FM 102.2

·  put on the school website- www.tydd-st-mary.lincs.sch.uk. and our Facebook page

·  or alternatively you can contact school direct 01945 420269 (the phone will be manned from 7:30 onwards)

A decision to close the school will normally have been made by 7:30 a.m. (unless heavy showers occur after). Wherever possible we do aim to keep the school open!

Governor News

We would like to welcome Ms Jo Sherry who joins the Governing

Body as a Foundation Governor-

appointed by the Lincoln Diocesan Board. At our most recent meeting Mr Clive Browne was elected Chair of Governor. More details about the Governing Body can be found on the school website.

Christmas already?!

Whilst the thought of Christmas preparations may strike fear into the hearts of many we do like to give you as much advanced warning as we can to some of our upcoming events. Please make a note of

dates already fixed in your diaries, more will follow...


1st Nov (Tues) Term 2 begins

2nd Dec Singing at Silverwood

7th Dec Christingle

8th Dec Y3-6 carols at Lincoln


13th/14th Dec KS1 Nativity Play 2:00

19th Dec Pantomime

20th Dec Christmas Concert

Christmas dinner

20th Dec End of Term 2

4th Jan Term 3 begins

10th Feb End of Term 3

20th Feb Term 4 begins

31st March End of Term 4

18th April Term 5 begins

26th May End of Term 5

5th June Term 6 begins

19th July End of School Year