Date Created: / 5 DECEMBER 2013
Review Period: / 3 YEARS
Previous Review:
Next Review Due: / DECEMBER 2016
EIA Screening:
Approved By: / board
Code: / s18
Associated documents:



Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs

The way in which YHA is able to embrace the concept of sustainability is by encouraging employees, partners, tenants and others to:-

·  Minimise consumption of resources such as water and energy

·  Embrace building practices that minimise energy and waste

·  Promote the use of energy efficient transport

·  Promote recycling and the use of recycled materials

·  Promote a sustainable life style


To set out the Association’s key sustainability goals and aspirations as a social housing provider, within the legislative and regulatory context which applies to the Association; demonstrating our commitment to sustainability throughout its activities.


Although implementation is sometimes inconsistent, European and British Government policy has sustainability at its heart. Some legislation directly addresses sustainability issues, such as the Sustainable Communities Act 2007, the Home Energy Conservation Act, and Regulations on air conditioning, waste management, asbestos, recycling, energy performance of buildings and wildlife habitat preservation. There is also historical legislation on air and water pollution. Other legislation increasingly incorporates sustainability principles, for example through town planning, local parish councils and conservation legislation and the need for environmental impact statements and through building control regulations.

Local government in the areas in which we work also impose sustainability requirements, particularly through their implementation of recycling regulations and town planning regulations but they can also do so as a condition of contracts, grants etc.

The Homes and Communities Agency, which part funds our new build development programme, imposes requirements to meet standards such as those in the Code for Sustainable Homes.


York Housing Association has had an Environmental Policy since 2001. In areas such as recycling, raising awareness of environmental issues amongst staff and tenants, the procurement of sustainable materials, and energy efficient construction and refurbishment of properties, significant progress was made in the period to 2011. The Sustainability Strategy replaces by building on and expanding the Environmental Policy.


The core business of the Association is the provision and management of affordable housing, to which is allied the provision of support to our tenants and other members of the community who require such assistance. This strategy defines how the principles of sustainability will underlie our activities, focusing on the major areas of housing management, development and maintenance of our built assets, and support. The social, environmental and economic aspects of sustainability are focused on our culture, our tenants, our property, and our environment and are embodied in the commitments set out below. From these the strategy will be implemented through an action plan containing specific and measurable targets, agreed every three years by the Board. Performance against which will be reported to Performance Committee through an annual narrative report.


1. Culture: to promote an awareness of environmental, economic and social sustainability issues.

We will encourage tenants, support customers, partners, contractors, suppliers and staff to adopt a sustainable approach to managing their effect on our environment and communities. We will meet or exceed legislative and regulatory environmental requirements, and strive to deliver continuous improvement in all aspects of sustainability within our operations.

2. Tenants: to help our tenants and support customers to live more sustainable lifestyles.

We will help tenants and support customers to cost effectively minimise the use of energy in their homes, as well as minimising their environmental impact. We will provide information and training, and work with tenants, support customers and local communities on financial inclusion, getting into work and social well-being.

3. Property: to demonstrate sound environmental practice in developing new homes and refurbishing existing ones.

Our new homes will be designed and built to at least the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3, now agreed through the vision worked carried out by Board members. Where code compliance is not required we will still enhance current building regulations by the most cost effective measures designed to minimize the energy use of our tenants. We will have due regard for those design principles that demonstrate sound environmental practice advocated by the ‘Design Council CABE’. Through our Asset Management Strategy we will aim to raise the aggregate energy performance of existing stock, year on year through refurbishment, conversion or disposal of poorly performing properties.

4. Environment: to minimise our impact on the environment.

We will adopt policies, plans and activities that minimise our use of resources such as energy, water, sewerage and transport. We will seek to reduce carbon emissions, waste production and pollution, and re-use and recycle wherever possible.

5. Delivery: to develop and implement a Sustainability Action Plan.

We will develop and consult widely on a Sustainability Action Plan which will focus on the most deliverable, highest priority aspects of our sustainability strategy. We will set targets, and monitor and review delivery. We will make ourselves accountable to our stakeholders by publishing a three yearly review of this strategy and its delivery.


The Association has had an Environment Policy since 2001 which has embedded some aspects of sustainability within current practice, for example recycling, energy efficient refurbishment and new build, and tenant advice. The Sustainability Strategy takes this further.

However, we recognise that a relatively small organisation such as York HA does not have the skills or resources to implement a comprehensive programme throughout every aspect of the business. Also that to carry out a full formal environmental audit of our activities would not necessarily focus on the key areas of our core business where the implementation of sustainability policies would most benefit our tenants and support customers.

Accordingly, a series of matrices have been developed (attached as Appendix 1) whereby the key issues within the headings of social, environmental, economic and organisational sustainability are related to the first four commitments above and scored for frequency of occurrence and impact to produce priorities for action within each commitment. The top scoring priorities within each area using the matrices are shown below.

Commitment 1
Culture: to promote an awareness of environmental, economic and social sustainability issues.

·  Maintain York HA financial viability, ensuring value for money and efficient use of resources,

·  Promote energy efficiency to all those with whom we work.

·  Enhance staff environmental awareness

Commitment 2
Tenants: to help our tenants and support customers live more sustainable lifestyles.

·  Follow the principles of affordable warmth to combat fuel poverty and help tenants to minimise their fuel use.

·  Promote the efficient use of energy to all tenants and support customers by relating it to the cost of running their homes.

·  Encourage involvement with community initiatives to maintain sustainable lifestyles.

·  Work to ensure financial inclusion for tenants and support customers during the period of welfare reform and beyond.

Commitment 3
Property: to demonstrate sound environmental practice in developing new homes and refurbishing existing ones.

·  Increase the energy efficiency of our properties, both those we build new and existing and take-up external funding initiatives (such as the Green Deal) wherever these can benefit the Association or its tenants.

·  Enable our tenants to use and understand the systems and equipment within their homes to minimise their fuel use.

·  Enshrine sustainability within the maintenance policies of the Association

Commitment 4
Environment: to minimise our [adverse] impact on the environment.

·  Develop policies for maintenance which ensure sustainability through choice of materials, contractors, servicing regimes and waste management.


In accordance with the process outlined in commitment 5, an action plan will be developed and implemented based on the priorities identified above. Each priority will have SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) objectives. These will be approved by Board.


Following agreement of the action plan by the Board a quarterly review of progress will be carried out by the sustainability group. An annual narrative report will be made to Performance Committee on progress against the plan.


The Sustainability Strategy will be reviewed by the Board every three years.



The matrices below combine the four commitments above with the list of key issues within the headings of social, environmental, economic and organisational sustainability. The key issues within each category were those identified in the Sustainability Strategy Scoping Document which was taken to Board, 29.03.12. The Sustainability Strategy Working Group then allocated each of these issues to one or more of the four commitments which the working group had previously agreed. The issues were then scored for frequency of occurrence and impact to produce priorities for action within each commitment.

1. Culture: to promote an awareness of environmental, economic and social sustainability issues.

We will encourage tenants, support customers, partners, contractors, suppliers and staff to adopt a more sustainable approach to managing their effect on our environment and communities. We will meet or exceed legislative and regulatory environmental requirements, and deliver continuous improvement in all aspects of sustainability within our operations.

Frequency Score

Frequent – i.e. daily/weekly 3

Common - monthly/several times per year 2

Unlikely – once per year or less 1


Minimal 1

Low 2

Moderate 3

High 6

Severe 10

Standards and behaviours (staff/Board – sustainability as part of the culture of the organisation) / 3 / 3 / 6 / 4
Energy efficiency – promotion within YHA / 2 / 6 / 8 / 2
Travel (encouragement of sustainable travel to staff and customers) / 3 / 2 / 5
Environmental awareness promotion to staff and customers / 2 / 6 / 8 / 2
Procurement – adopting sustainable procurement polices / 2 / 3 / 5
Supporting local economy – contractors, suppliers etc. / 2 / 2 / 4
Business advantage / reputation – promoting our sustainability / 2 / 3 / 5
Staff recruitment and retention – keeping good staff / 2 / 1 / 3
Influencing stakeholders and supply chain partners / 2 / 3 / 5
Changes in regulation – actions to comply / 1 / 6 / 7 / 3
Risk management – to assess risks arising out of the Sustainability Strategy / 2 / 6 / 8 / 2
Maintaining York HA financial viability – ensuring value for money sustainable financial policies, and efficient use of resources / 3 / 6 / 9 / 1

2. Tenants: to help our tenants and support customers to live more sustainable lifestyles.

We will help tenants and support customers cost effectively to reduce the cost of running their homes, as well as minimising their environmental impact. We will provide information and training, and work with tenants, support customers and local communities on financial inclusion, getting into work and social well-being.

Frequency Score

Frequent – i.e. daily/weekly 3

Common - monthly/several times per year 2

Unlikely – once per year or less 1


Minimal 1

Low 2

Moderate 3

High 6

Severe 10

Community involvement inc. support customers - focussed on sustainable lifestyles / 3 / 6 / 9 / 1
Affordable warmth and cooling / combating fuel poverty/ education / 3 / 6 / 9 / 1
Social inclusion and community safety inc sustaining tenancies / 3 / 3 / 6 / 3
Water – sustainable use and tariffs/meters / 3 / 3 / 6 / 3
Resident engagement with wider environmental issues / 2 / 3 / 5
Energy efficiency – promotion of understanding to tenants related to the costs of running their homes / 3 / 6 / 9 / 1
Supporting local economy – community benefits / 2 / 2 / 4
Financial inclusion for tenants – inc. effects of welfare reform – working within York HA to minimise impact. / 3 / 6 / 9 / 1
Supporting tenants into jobs / 3 / 3 / 6 / 3

3. Property: to demonstrate sound environmental practice in developing new homes and refurbishing existing ones.

Our new homes will be designed and built to at least the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 where this is required by funders. Where Code compliance is not required we will enhance current building regulations by the most cost effective measures designed to minimize those costs which are met by our tenants. We will have due regard for the design principals advocated by the ‘Design Council CABE’. Through our Asset Management Strategy we will aim to raise the aggregate Energy Performance of existing stock year on year through refurbishment, conversion or disposals of poorly performing properties.

Frequency Score

Frequent – i.e. daily/weekly 3

Common - monthly/several times per year 2

Unlikely – once per year or less 1


Minimal 1

Low 2

Moderate 3

High 6

Severe 10

Affordable warmth and cooling through decisions on maintenance, refurbishment and new design / 3 / 6 / 9 / 2
Water – incorporation of water-saving measures in our properties / 2 / 3 / 5 / 3
Pursuit of energy efficiency – in order to minimise costs to tenants of running their homes – taking up appropriate external funding initiatives / 3 / 10 / 13 / 1
Supporting local economy – contractors, suppliers, consultants etc / 2 / 3 / 5 / 3
Influencing behaviours – through advice on how to run systems in the home – return visits – customer education / 3 / 10 / 13 / 1
Maintenance – maintaining efficiency of systems – servicing – replacement with sustainable or more efficient materials or systems. / 3 / 10 / 13 / 1

4. Environment: to minimise our impact on the environment.

We will adopt policies, plans and activities that minimise our use of resources such as energy, water, sewerage and transport. We will reduce carbon emissions, waste production and pollution, and re-use and recycle wherever possible. Our Value for Money Strategy will help us to operate more efficiently.