Nuneaton Lawn Tennis Club

Caldwell Road

Nuneaton, CV11 4QE

T: 07887 583511 (Secretary)



Nuneaton LTC 2017 – 2018 New Membership Form

Parent or Main Contact’s Details

Title / First Name / Last Name


Tel (Home): / Date of Birth:
Mobile: / Postcode:



Please state an e-mail address as this is our preferred method of contact. For Junior and Mini members the above contact details will normally be the member’s parent or guardian

New Membership Category: / Senior / Senior
Coaching only (*1) / Concession
(*2) / Family
(*3) / Parent
/Child / Junior
(*4) / Mini
Please list attached member’s below with their date of birth / LTA BTM Number / £128 / £50 / £82 / £208 / £138 / £41 / £15
00 / 00 / 2010
00 / 00 / 2010
00 / 00 / 2010
00 / 00 / 2010
00 / 00 / 2010
00 / 00 / 2010

*1: Coaching only membership. No admission to social sessions, no key fob, no access to Wimbledon tickets. Visitor fee applies on Monday nights

*2: Applies to Members claiming Jobseekers Allowance or Income Support, aged 24 years or under on 01/04/2017 or members still in full time education or aged 65 or over on 01/04/2017

*3: Family membership is 2 adults and any number of children at same address

*4: Applies to players aged between 11 and 18 (1st April 2017)

*5: Applies to children aged 10 and under (1st April 2017)

Flexible payment available: 6 x monthly on-line payments - Additional Costs apply

1.  Any player who wishes to play in competitions or teams is required to have a British Tennis Membership with the LTA, if you do not have one this is available to you Free of Charge as a member of this club. We will apply for one on your behalf unless you tick the box here. Also if you are over 8 years old you will be included in the clubs Wimbledon ballots with the chance to purchase tickets to Wimbledon (Costs apply).

2.  Please tick here if you do NOT wish to give permission for photographic/electronic images of your child to be used by the club for promotional/press use.

TOTAL PAYABLE / £0000.00 / Please make cheques payable to “Nuneaton LTC.”

Payments can be made on-line from – Also, once your form has been processed, we will e-mail you a link which will give you access to your on line details. Your membership will be held in the pending state until the payment has been received. Or payment can be made by giving a cash or cheque to one of our coaches or to any committee member.

Or completed forms and cheques to Mr Ken Key, 31 Buttermere Avenue, Nuneaton, CV11 6ET (please do not send cash by post)