Village of Camargo

Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Session

July 10, 2017

The Village Board of the Village of Camargo met in regular session on July 10, 2017 at the Camargo Community Building. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Village President Bart Dann. Roll call found the following trustees present: Scott Tague, Jim Hardway, Jeane Brieland, Laura Miller, and Gary Gilpin. Village Treasurer Shirley Badman was present; however, Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn and Trustee Pam Sigler were both absent.


·  Alan Soard and wife Barb were present. They wished to extend their gratitude to the Village employees for cleaning up Taylor Haines Park. They expressed their concern for not having access to a porta potty out there. They understood the Board’s apprehension for flooding and the porta potty washing away. He suggested we chain it to a tree.


Trustee Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting for June 2017. Gary Gilpin seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously.


Trustee Laura Miller made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Jeane Brieland seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Shirley presented the Appropriation of Funds. Trustee Jim Hardway made a motion to accept the Appropriation, and Laura Miller seconded it. The Appropriation of Funds were passed and accepted unanimously.


·  Rodney Farris Property

o  Matt Jones, President of the Zoning Board, was present to report on the Zoning Board’s findings. Matt stated they found no issues or discrepancy with Rodney’s request.

o  Andrew Hall was present from Mr. Bequette’s office. He advised the Board and Mr. Farris that the proper protocol would be:

§  An ordinance would need to be drafted with the legal description of the properties (after the survey is received).

§  There should be a public meeting held where citizens could express their concerns.

§  The closure must be published in the paper for a minimum of 30 days.

§  Village Board must vote.

§  The property is split evenly between the owners on each side of the road.

§  It is the property owner’s responsibility to obtain a survey at their own expense prior to the closure being voted on.


·  Jim Crane – Motor Fuel Tax

o  Jim was unable to attend the meeting. Issues tabled until next meeting.

·  President Dann was approached with a request. With as many building rentals we are having, it would be nice to have a handicapped toilet with rails in the bathrooms. Bart requested that we install two toilets, one in male and one in female bathrooms downstairs. The Board discussed it and requested Bart get some costs and measurements and the issue will be voted on at the August meeting.

·  Over the July 4th Holiday weekend, there were some campers at Taylor Haines Park. Bart received a phone call from a concerned citizen that the campers may be consuming alcohol and they have no facilities (bathrooms). Bart discussed this issue (see above) and it was also decided to move a picnic table to the park as well. The Board approved moving one of the porta pottys from the Community Building park to the Taylor Haines Park. As far as alcohol is concerned, as long as there are no issues, we are not going to put any limitations on alcoholic beverages. Bart is going to speak with Rick to see if we have any signs that state NO GLASS CONTAINERS. The porta potty will only be used and paid for while it is being used…ie. Warm weather. We will have it removed in late October or early November. We will place the Taylor Haines porta potty on the other side of the train trestle where it is not such an eyesore.

·  Jim Hardway brought up the Football Ad. Last year the Village placed an ad in the football program, and they are asking again this year if we would be interested. Our current ad is 1/8 of a page and costs us $58.00. Jim suggested we modify our ad slightly to make our website larger. Gary Gilpin made a motion to purchase the ad for $58.00, and Laura Miller seconded it. The Board voted unanimously to purchase the ad.


·  Water Superintendent Rick Kielhorn was absent for the meeting. Village President Bart Dann reported on his behalf. Bart stated they will begin oil and chip north of Main Street (the entire section) at some point in September.


Village President Bart Dann reported the following:

·  Bryce Loring from Casey’s Corporate Office will be in Camargo at some point within the next 6 weeks. He will be scoping out properties for the proposed Casey’s location.

·  Bart spoke with Randy Frick about the sidewalks. His estimate was $9300 to replace the sidewalk along the east side of the Kern’s residence, the west side of the Hardyman’s residence and around the curve on Mill at a 90 degree turn. This is a total of 32’ of sidewalk. After little deliberation, Jim Hardway suggested we do the property in front of Hardyman’s and around the corner. There is a place in their sidewalk where the entire sidewalk is gone and has been replaced with gravel. Around the curve, there are children who ride their bikes and it is unsafe. The other sidewalks will be looked at next year. Laura Miller made a motion to do Hardyman’s sidewalks, down and around the corner on Mill Street. This is to be paid out of Equipment and Sidewalks and should not surpass $5000. Jim Hardway seconded the motion. The Board voted and passed unanimously to do the sidewalks motioned by Laura.

·  Carol Fritz called Bart and informed him they would like to have a Neighborhood Party. This will be held the first week of August and requested permission to use golf carts that day without registering them. The bank is going to have pronto pups, cash giveaways, and entertainment. They will be taking interested parties around Plum Grove to view available lots for sale. The Board approved the use of the golf carts and the party.

·  Ginger Kielhorn cleans the Community Building and makes sure it is ready before and after each rental. Bart was advised that she would be gone during a time when we had the building rented. Bart contacted Cathy Raymer to see if she would be interested in cleaning during the week Ginger was gone. The Board did NOT have time to vote and / or approve this since it was between meetings. However, Shirley Badman suggested Cathy become an independent subcontractor. She will be paid what Ginger should have gotten paid, and Ginger will not be paid that week as she does not earn vacation time.

·  It was brought to President Dann’s attention that everyone on the Village Board should take the online training and test for OMA (Open Meetings Act). Anyone who is voted or appointed to a public position must do this per Illinois State Statute. When brought to the Board’s attention, no one knew if they had ever done it before. Bart asked that everyone take the online training and bring their certification to the next meeting to keep on file. Once you have taken the OMA test and passed it, you will not need to repeat it.

With no further business to come before the Board, Village President Bart Dann called for adjournment at 8:04 pm.

Salisa Dann

Village Clerk