MARCH 8, 2017

10:00 A.M.

Meeting called to order at 10:00 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS PRESENT: Bennett, Sturdevant, Lasher and Cline.

ABSENT: Wagar.


A. Minutes of Kimball Township Cemetery Advisory Board – February 8, 2017.

Lasher motioned to accept the minutes as presented supported by Bennett.

Motion Carried.

B. Minutes of Kimball Township Board of Trustees – January 3, 2017, January 17, 2017 and February 7, 2017 received by M. Sturdevant.


A.  Green Burial/Expansion

Lasher invited Usakowski to the cemetery board meeting. Sturdevant stated that the cemetery board is looking at developing the entire piece of property behind Caswell Cemetery instead of just a small section at a time. Sturdevant stated that the information the cemetery board has gathered states that the future look of cemeteries is to not be a boring flat looking cemetery. The people want an inviting place to bury their loved ones and be able to come back and visit in a park-like atmosphere. Sturdevant stated that the cemetery board was at a standstill as to what the next step should be. Sturdevant stated that the cemetery board has contacted a couple different landscaping companies for ideas. Sturdevant stated that the township should be done with all other major projects. This year the township needs to focus on the cemetery first. Usakowski agreed and thought that this was a good idea and stated that we should get moving on this and get it started. Usakowski stated that whatever he can do to help, just ask him.

B.  Funeral Services

Lasher stated that the cemetery board needed to ask Usakowski about having the DPW be more available to the funeral directors during a burial at Caswell Cemetery. Usakowski asked what did this mean.

Sturdevant stated that the local funeral directors have contacted the cemetery board with their displeasure of cooperation from the township DPW during a burial at the cemetery. The DPW does in fact do a fine job of preparing the grounds for the service. But their help is sometimes needed during the service and they are too far away on the other side of the cemetery to be of any assistance. The funeral director has to excuse themselves from the family and track down the workers. Usakowski stated that this will be taken care of. He will call a meeting with the DPW and the local funeral directors. Usakowski then left the meeting.


A.  MAMC Conference

Sturdevant stated that he received the information for this year’s MAMC Conference. It is being held in Frankenmuth this year. Sturdevant stated what the topics of the conference will be. These are some of the same topics from previous years. Sturdevant asked the cemetery board if they would be interested in attending. The cemetery board stated that we should pass this year.

Cline motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 a.m. supported by Bennett.

Motion Carried.


Bennett motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 a.m. supported by Lasher.

Motion Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

Submitted by Michael Sturdevant, Chairperson/Secretary

Kimball Township Cemetery Advisory Board