Advancement Procedures
Troop 420
Rank Advancement
- As a Scout meets certain advancement requirements he may advance in rank.
- Once a Scout has achieved his Scout Rank, he may work toward completing Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class. These ranks must be earned in order, but may be worked on concurrently.
- Any activity used to satisfy a requirement for rank advancement may not be used to satisfy a requirement for any other rank advancement or for any other Merit Badge.
- Presenting a book for signature:
- It is the responsibility of the Scout to have his rank advancements signed off by the proper Scout or adult leader. A parent may not present a Scout’s book for signature.
- When the Scout presents his book for signature, the Scout or adult leader that is doing the signing will ask questions of the Scout. It is up to the signer to determine if the Scout has met the requirement.
- During the time when a Scout has presented himself to have his rank advancements signed, there may not be any interference from the Scout parent or any other adult or Scout.
- Only First Class Scouts or designated adult leaders may sign Scout books. For our Troop, designated adult leaders are: Bill Orton, Neil Donnelly, Peter Deibele, and Heidi Suero.
- No Scout may have his book signed by his parent or brother.
Scoutmaster’s Conference
- When a Scout is ready for a Scoutmaster’s Conference, he should contact his Patrol Leader and advise him that he needs a Scoutmaster’s Conference.
- The Patrol Leader should make every effort possible to speak with the Senior Patrol Leader as soon as possible.
- The Senior Patrol Leader should make every effort to speak with the Scoutmaster as soon as possible.
- Once the SPL has scheduled the Scoutmaster’s Conference for the Scout, he will notify the Patrol Leader so that he can inform the Scout.
- A Scoutmaster’s Conference can take place at any time and can happen at any location, so long as it is properly scheduled.
Board of Review
- Once the Scoutmaster has completed his Scoutmaster’s Conference, he will let the Scout know if he is ready for a Board of Review.
- To schedule a Board of Review, the Scout contacts his Patrol Leader who contacts the SPL. The SPL will work with the Advancement Committee to schedule the Board for the earliest possible date.
- Procedures for a Board of Review:
- Role of the Scout:
- A Scout must present himself in full Class A uniform. If a Scout has previously earned and been awarded merit badges, he must be wearing his sash.
- A Scout will be expected to recite:
- The Pledge of Allegiance;
- The Scout Oath & Law;
- The Outdoor Code
- No Scout should assume he is guaranteed rank when he approaches the Board.
- The Role of the Board:
- The Board of Review will be conducted with a minimum of 3 adult leaders, but no more than 5.
- No member of the Scout’s family may sit on his Board of Review.
- The Board must come to a unanimous decision on whether or not to award rank.
Merit Badges
- Before a Scout can begin to work on a Merit Badge, he must receive the approval of the Scoutmaster. (This excludes Summer Camp and Merit Badge College.)
- A Scout who wants to work on a particular merit badge will approach the Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster must approve the Scout’s request before the Scout can begin working on the Merit Badge. No activities done prior to beginning that Merit Badge can be used to fulfill the requirements for the merit badge.
- Once they have had their discussion and the Scout has received permission to work on the Merit Badge, the Scout should approach the Advancement Chair to receive his blue card and a list of available merit badge counselors for his desired Merit Badge.
- The blue card is an application for Merit Badge that must be completed for all Merit Badges, even those done at summer camp or merit badge college.
- It is the responsibility of the Scout to have this card completed by his merit badge counselor.
- No merit badges will be awarded without the presentation of a completed blue card.
- Remember, no Scout may spend any time alone with a Merit Badge Counselor. Therefore, it is recommended that a Scout find another Scout that is interested in working on the same merit badge.
- Once a Scout has satisfactorily completed the merit badge – at the sole discretion of the merit badge counselor – he returns the blue card to the advancement chair.
- The blue card along with the earned merit badge will be presented to the Scout at the next Court of Honor.
- Activity a Scout utilizes to complete a merit badge is good only for that merit badge. You may not use an activity to fulfill requirements in separate merit badges or to complete a merit badge and a rank requirement.