Bon Air Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda

March 14, 2016, 7 PM, Bon Air Elementary Library

In Attendance: Wade Smith, Heather Craven, Joan Nelson, Ashley Gates, Pete Johnson, Bruce Tetlow, Janie Cannon, Karen Austin, Sandy Messer, Val Reinford, Erin Jacoby, Leslie Friedrichs Friedrichs, Jen Swain, Natalie Delmage, Kim Selvey, Tiffany Ferreia

Call Meeting to Order the March meeting of the Bon Air PTA will please come to order. The time is 7:05 p.m.

Executive Committee Reports

·  Secretary – Tiffany Ferreira.

o  Erin Jacoby moves to approve February minutes. Joan Nelson seconds. All in favor. None opposed.

·  Treasurer – Erin Jacoby

o  Checking account balance

§  Balance at previous board meeting 24,069.95

§  Receipts 2,837.07

§  Disbursements 22,420.43

§  Balance at current board meeting 20367.83

·  1st Vice President – Joan Nelson

·  2nd Vice President – Kim Selvey

o  Village Fair: Volunteers needed. Contact Leslie to connect. (EMAIL)

·  Principal – Bruce Tetlow

o  Elizabeth Lowe has been appointed the new principal. She will meet with staff and leadership to work on a transition.

o  Getting ready for Kindergarten Registration April 14. (LINK)

o  June 16 9AM has been set for Fifth Grade Graduation.

·  Assistant Principal – Pete Johnson

o  SOL Testing Schedule is being finalized. Dates will determine upcoming Field Day and other school events.

o  Town Hall Meetings was a success.

o  Mr. Johnson will be locked in a display case by the Lunchrooms for a schoolwide incentive for students learning 70,000 new sight words.

o  Statewide tornado drill on March 22 – all schools and businesses.

o  5th Grade trip to Washington will take place April 8.

·  President – Heather Craven

o  Distributes thank you notes.

Administration Committee Reports

·  Teacher Representatives

o  Mrs Cannon & Mrs Messer

§  Thank you to Val Reinford for providing equipment to help students increase disability awareness for the Little Feet Meet

§  39 students are going to Science Museum STEAM Fair

§  Ms. Messer’s students won the Sumdog Competition for Chesterfield County.

·  7 Habits – Heidi Thompson

·  Council & District Delegate – Chuck Gates

·  Diversity – Val Reinford

o  Equipment for disability training has been purchased for students to

o  Brightspots has been running with big success. Volunteers are still needed.

·  Facebook/Website – Ashley Gates

o  No news to report

·  Newsletter – Gail Covert - next deadline TBA

·  Yearbook – Tiffany Ferreira

o  Order now for guaranteed yearbook. Order form online, HERE:

·  Other

Revenue Committee Reports

·  5K – Wade Smith

o  Breakfast Chairs needed. Registration forms approved.

o  Registration available online, HERE:

o  The t-shirt is currently being developed. Unveiled at Town Hall Meeting in April.

o  Sponsors are needed, contact Wade for more info

·  Original Art – Jen Swain

o  227 orders, made 2,700. Should be back the week after Spring Break.

·  Spirit Nights – Cheryl Spain & Martina Arel

o  Chuck E Cheese Spirit Night made $350

o  Next date: Thursday March 24 at Joes Inn from 5-9pm.

·  Flying Squirrels Night – Ashley Gates

o  Flyer went home to purchse $8 tickets, with $3 going to the school.

o  Students can earn a free ticket by reading 8 books.

o  The tickets are only for Friday April 15.

o  Deadline to order tickets/earn tickets by April 8.

o  Bookmarks due by March 25.

Program Committee Reports

·  After School Enrichment – Erin Jacoby

o  Master (?) Tai Kwon Do donated tuition to Bon Air 5K, may be involved with organized events the day of the 5K.

o  Sara Leland will Chair the Eagle Extras next year.

·  Dance – Kathie Falls & Laura Finch

o  Flyers being distributed to students interested in helping to organize the dance.

·  Eaglet Book Club – Joan Nelson – most likely won’t have second club meeting this year

o  Next Eaglet Book Club will be in October

·  Hospitality - is putting together the scratch offtickets and chocolate coin bags this week and the teachers will receive them on Thursday. The April event will be take home desserts for teachers given out on April 13th.

·  Library – Karen Austin & Leslie Friedrichs

o  Battle of the Books team is competeing against Greenfield tomorrow

o  Reading Counts t-shirts will be going home with at least 20 more kids who have earned 100 points.

o  Book Fair is coming, delivered before Spring Break. Set up in the morning on April 4. Wish Lists will be created that week. The Book Fair Night with Minds and Motion will be April 12.

·  Running Club – David Kane

o  Started back up last week, weather permitting.

·  SKIP – Jessica Forsythe - Our SKIP board has just announced that as of June 30, 2016, we are transferring all program oversight and operations to HandsOn Greater Richmond. I just want to clarify that other than the name (I will keep you posted on that), the BAE club will operate essentially the same. Matt and I will continue to chair the club next year, meet monthly, etc. HandsOn will be an additional resource for technical support, speakers, project ideas, etc. Erin Osiol is HandsOn Youth Director and will be our point of contact at HandsOn. To ensure there is continuity through the transition, the SKIP board (which includes Matt and I) plan to purchase a bin full of project supplies for each active school plus make a donation from SKIP to each PTA to ensure there are available funds. I will let you know that amount when it is approved.

The SKIP board is excited about this transition. We are a 100% volunteer-led small organization that started with a handful of Bon Air families and has grown every year. We get numerous requests from other schools and families that want to participate in family volunteerism, and we feel that HandsOn is well-equipped to expand these services in our region. SKIP board members will remain active in advisory roles. Bon Air Elementary was our first school partnership and will hopefully remain an important flagship club long after Matt and I are gone. I anticipate a smooth transition. Thanks for your support of family volunteerism and youth community engagement. It’s been another fun and rewarding year!

·  Spring Dinner – Kim Selvey

·  Other

Unfinished Business

·  Nominating committee

New Business

·  Date change for 4/11 PTA meeting due to RMS meeting – options – Monday April 4 or Tuesday April 5

Announcements/ Upcoming Calendar Events

·  Tues. 3/22 6:30-7:30 PTA Dance

·  4/XX PTA Board Meeting

·  Tues. 4/12 PTA General Membership Meeting/Book Fair, Spring Dinner, MIM (THIS IS A CHANGE FROM PRINTED CALENDAR)

·  Fri. 4/15 – 7pm Flying Squirrels Night - Diamond

·  Mon. 4/18 County Council Annual Dinner and Recognition Meeting, 5:30 – 8 PM, Chesterfield Technical Center

·  Sat. 4/30 Bon Air 5K