The following are commands given by Jesus that will enable you to live successfully in the Kingdom of God.

Repenting of sin.

-Repent: Matthew 4:17

-Come unto Me: Matthew 11:28

-Seek God and His righteousness: Matthew 6:33

-Forgive: Mark 11:25

-Deny yourself: Matthew 16:24

-Ask, seek, knock in prayer: Matthew 7:7

-Strive to enter in at the straight gate: Luke 13:24

-Confess your sin: 1 John 1:8-9

Formulating your beliefs.

-Believe the Gospel: Mark 1:15

-Believe in God, believe also in Me: John 14:1

-Believe on Him God has sent: John 6:28-29

-Believe that I am in the Father, He in Me: John 14:11

-Believe the works I do: John 10:37-38

-Believe in the Light: John 12:36

-Believe so that you may receive: Mark 11:24

Living a new life.

-You must be born again: John 3:7

-Cleanse first that which is within: Matthew 23:26

-Make the tree and the fruit good: Matthew 12:33

-Abide in Me, and I in you: John 15:4

-Have salt in yourselves: Mark 9:50

-Labor for the meat which endures: John 6:27

-Rejoice--your name is in heaven: Luke 10:20

Receiving the Holy Ghost.

-Receive the Holy Ghost: John 20:22

-If any man thirst, come to Me: John 7:37-39

-Keep My Word/another comforter: John 14:15-17

-Ask with persistence: John 16:24

-Tarry until you receive power: Luke 24:49

Following Jesus.

-Follow Me: John 12:26

-Be baptized: Matthew 3:13-15

-This do in remembrance: Luke 22:17-19

-Take up your cross: Luke 9:23

-Learn of Me: Matthew 11:29

-Continue in My love: John 15:9

Learning to pray.

-Pray always: Luke 21:36

-Pray not to enter temptation: Luke 22:40-46

-Pray for laborers for harvest: Luke 10:2

-Pray for your enemies: Luke 6:28

-Pray in My name: Matthew 6:6

-Pray after this manner: Matthew 6:9-13

-Do not use vain repetitions: Matthew 6:7-8

Developing your faith.

-Have faith in God: Mark 11:22

-Do not be not faithless: John 20:27

-Do not doubt: Luke 12:29

-Take no thought for life: Matthew 6:25-34

-Don't let your heart be troubled: John 14:1-27

-Be of good cheer: Matthew 14:27

-Do not be afraid: Mark 5:36

Being faithful.

-Be faithful unto death: Revelation 2:10

-Hold fast what you have: Revelation 3:11

-Be glad when you are persecuted: Matthew 5:11-12

-Take no thought what you shall speak: Matthew 10:19

-Do not murmur among yourselves: John 6:43

-Look up and lift up your heads: Luke 21:28

Sharing the gospel.

-Preach the Gospel to every creature: Matthew 10:7

-Preach repentance in Christ's name: Luke 24:46-47

-Baptize in the name of the Trinity: Matthew 28:19

-Teach what I have taught you: Matthew 28:20

-Speak what I tell you: Matthew 10:27

-Feed My sheep: John 21:15-17

-Heal the sick: Matthew 10:8

Eliminating covetousness.

-Beware of covetousness: Luke 12:15

-Do not lay up treasures on earth: Matthew 6:19-20

-Give to him that asks of you: Matthew 5:42

-Give of such things as you have: Luke 11:41

-Share with the poor: Luke 14:12-13

Avoiding hypocrisy.

-Beware of leaven of the Pharisees: Luke 12:1

-Beware of the scribes: Luke 20:46-47

-Do not go after false leaders: Matthew 23:2-3

-Revere My Father's house: John 2:16

-Do not give to be seen by men: Matthew 6:1-4

-Pray in secret: Matthew 6:5-6

-Do not fast to be seen by men: Matthew 6:16-18

Developing meekness.

-Take My yoke upon you: Matthew 11:29

-Don't dominate others: Matthew 20:25-26

-To be chief, you must serve: Mark 10:43-44

-Do not take the place of honor: Luke 14:8-11

-Say "We are unprofitable servants": Luke 17:10

Loving others.

-Love as I have loved you: John 15:12

-Do not despise the little ones: Matthew 18:10-14

-Make peace one with another: Matthew 5:23-24

-Resolve offenses: Matthew 18:15-17

-Forgive others repeatedly: Matthew 18:21-22

-Do not judge by appearance: Matthew 7:1-5

-Do not condemn: Luke 6:37

Perfecting your love.

-Be perfect: Matthew 5:48

-Love your enemies: Matthew 5:44

-Do good to them which hate you: Luke 6:27-28

-Lend without expecting a return: Luke 6:35

-Possess your soul by patience: Luke 21:19

Loving God.

-Love the Lord your God: Mark 12:30

-Him only shall you serve: Matthew 4:10

-Worship in spirit and truth: John 4:23-24

-Do not tempt the Lord your God: Matthew 4:7

-Fear God: Luke 12:5

-Honor the Son, Jesus Christ: John 5:22-23

Relating to your neighbor.

-Love your neighbor: Matthew 19:19

-Do not murder: Matthew 19:18

-Do not commit adultery: Matthew 19:18

-Dot not steal: Matthew 19:18

-Do not lie: Matthew 19:18

-Honor your father and mother: Matthew 19:19

-Do to others as you want them to

do to you: Luke 6:31

Developing godly wisdom.

-Be wise as serpents, harmless as doves: Matthew 10:16

-Beware of evil men: Matthew 10:17

-Do not follow blind leaders: Matthew 15:12-14

-Do not give holy things to dogs/swine: Matthew 7:6

-Respond properly to rejection: Luke 10:10-11

Living by the scriptures.

-Search the scriptures: John 5:39

-Remember the Words that I said: John 15:20

-Let these sayings sink in: Luke 9:44

-Take heed how you hear: Luke 8:18

-Take heed what you hear: Mark 4:24

-Beware of false doctrine: Matthew 16:6-12

-Beware of false prophets: Matthew 7:15-17

Being a witness.

-Let your light shine: Matthew 5:16

-Make sure the light is not darkness: Luke 11:35

-Go and bring forth fruit: John 15:16

-Be merciful: Luke 6:36

-Tell the things the Lord has done: Mark 5:19

-Lift up your eyes, look on the fields: John 4:35

Preparing for the second coming of Christ.

-Hold fast until I come: Rev. 3:2-3

-Be ready: Jesus is coming: Luke 12:40

-Have loins girded, lights burning: Luke 12:35-36

-Don't let your heart be overcharged: Luke 21:34

-Remember Lot's wife: Luke 17:31-32

-Don't be deceived: Mark 13:5-6

-Watch: Mark 13:34-37