12.0 Security Administration – Instructor NotesCourse Overview / This course will provide security administrators with an understanding of the tasks they need to perform to add, update, and delete agency Ship To and Bill To address information and users in the system. This course will also cover how to reset user passwords in the system. The data validation which occurs in the system for deleted Ship To/Bill To agency addresses and deleted supervisor accounts (user accounts which are listed as another user’s supervisor) are also identified.
Course Length / 2hours
MFMP Users / Security Administrators
Course Objective / After training, participants will be able to:
- Create, modify, and delete agency Ship To/Bill To address information
- Create, modify, and delete user account information
- Modify employee security (roles and permissions)
- Reset user passwords
Prerequisites / •Basic computer skills (ability to operate keyboard and mouse)
•Windows skills (ability to open, minimize, and close windows)
•Internet skills (ability to use Internet Explorer)
•1.0 System Basics
Key Talking Points
Lesson 12.1 Address Maintenance / Address Maintenance
- Address maintenance is used to add, edit, and delete Ship To and Bill To address information at the agency level.
- Approval is not required when adding agency address information. Status is set to “Actioned”.
- The State Address ID field is intended to capture an agency’s unique address ID (e.g. Mail ID or Routing Number).
- Address Line 1 and Address Line 3 are optional fields.
- Updates performed on an address are displayed in the Review Summary of Changes screen.
- Deleted address information can be viewed in the system. However, the system will display an error message if a user attempts to update a deleted record.
- After creating a new Ship To address, you must contact the Buyer Customer Support Desk at 1-866-352-3776 to inform the representative of the new address created and whether or not the new address should be flagged as “Desktop” or “Central” receiving.
- After the new address has been flagged as ‘central’ a new role will be created for the central address. You will need to assign this role to your users which will be responsible for receiving goods shipped to this address.
Lesson 12.2 User Maintenance / User Maintenance
- Approval is not required when adding user information. Status is set to “Actioned” in the system.
- A user’s roles and are also established during this process.
- A user’s management level determines their total dollar spend threshold. If a requisition exceeds this set amount (e.g. $1,000), an approval will be needed by a user which has the authorization to approve requests at this dollar amount.
- Updates performed on a user account are displayed in the Review Summary of Changes screen.
- Deleted user account information can be viewed in the system. However, the system will display an error message if a user attempts to update a deleted record.
- A user account can be created without an associated supervisor. The following will need to be completed:
Supervisor field set to “No Value”
Role contains “No Supervisor”
- Users with the following will not require approvals for their profile request changes and delegation of their approval authority. If their approval is required on a request, the system will not escalate it after 14 days. The request will remain in their approval queue for 28 days. After the 28th day, the request will be automatically withdrawn by the system and sent back to the requester.
- You will need to determine whether or not users will have the ability to select a different Organization Code when creating a requisition. There are five organization level for users:
Org level 2: This is the second highest and allows the user to select from valid L3 organization codes for the agency.
Org level 3: The third level organization code and allows users to select from any valid L4 organization code for the agency.
Org level: The second most restrictive level and allows user to select from any valid L5 organization codes.
Org level: The most restrictive level and prevents the user from selecting another organization code.
Lesson 12.3 Password Maintenance / Password Maintenance
- After creating a new user account record, you will need to reset the user’s password.
- Allows the agency security administrator to reset a user password. The user will be contacted directly or by voicemail with the new password.
- When resetting a password, if needed, the system will allow the security administrator to reset to an existing password. For example, if you reset a user’s password to “mfmp_password” and you forget what you reset it to, you again reset the password to “mfmp_password.” An error would not be generated for this action.
Lesson 12.4 Data Validation / The system will validate the data created by the security administrator. If a Ship To or Bill To address is deleted, the following data validations will occur:
- If a deleted Ship To or Bill To address exists on a requisition in “Composing” status, the requester will receive an error message the address is deleted and will be required to select a valid address before submitting for approval.
- If a deleted Ship To or Bill To address is selected for a requisition in “Submitted” status, the approver will receive an error message that the address is deleted and will be required to select a valid address before approving.
- If a deleted Ship To or Bill To address is listed as the default address for a user’s profile, the system will generate an error message when the users logs into the system notifying them the address has been deleted. The user will need to select a valid address prior to submitting the requisition for approval.
- The user will receive the Invalid Fields notification screen to inform the user the supervisor linked to their account has been deleted.
- If the deleted supervisor exists on a requisition that is in ‘Composing’ status and the requester does not update their user profile to select a new supervisor, when the requisition is submitted by the requester the system will not list the deleted supervisor in the approval flow. The system will list the supervisor for the deleted supervisor in the system generated approval flow.
- If the deleted supervisor does not have a supervisor linked to their user account (profile lists ‘No Supervisor”), when a requisition is submitted for approval, the system will list the role ‘Purchasing Agent’ in the system generated approval flow.
Last Updated on 06/08/04 Page 1 of 3