Chelsea and the Quicksand Octopus

(Mature Content Story)

Written by TBoneTony

Dedicated to the Lady of Mud

Told in Chelsea’s point of view

This is a fictional story about Chelsea and Melissa who are both in their early 20s and have been friends since high school.

It was a bright and sunny day, my light brown hair was waving in the sea breeze and my friend Melissa was here with me at the beach.

Melissa and I had been great friends for so many years but I had never been able to tell her how I had felt, fearing that my confession about my interest in girls might scare her.

I also have an interest in being in deep mud, as well as being tied up with tentacles as well as being cocooned and other things like being tied up and in sticky stuff...

I had so much I was never able to tell Melissa.

I also am into Anime so much I basically draw myself in anime style, so I guess you can say I am an Otaku girl.

“Chelsea...this beach looks so beautiful.” Melissa said as she got out of my car.

We both walked towards this private beach I sometimes went to on my own.

I had never taken anyone else here except for Melissa just today.

I knew that nobody else knew about this beach because it was hidden from public view from all the cliff edges around it and the deep forest path that we had to take on the sandy road with my car.

I was wearing my latex bikini, it was bright blue and the gloss from the latex really shined as my body was in the hot sun.

I long light brown hair waved as the wind picked it up and I was looking at the beach with Melissa by my side.

Melissa was wearing a 1 piece swimsuit that was light pink and almost white in some places. Her long blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail was in contrast to mine that was all wavy and free, but that is what I like about Melissa as she did not have to copy me just to be herself. I liked her for who she was and the way she looked herself was attractive to my eyes.

But it was her personality, a strong athletic woman who was not afraid to try anything that might be out of her league. I was completely the opposite as I was quite shy and afraid to stand out as strong and independent. I was often teased and even bullied by other girls at school but Melissa stood up for me and protected me against those other girls. I guess that was how we first meet.

She was a fantastic friend for me...that is one of the reasons why I was so afraid of telling her that I loved her. Fearing that my feelings for her could ruin our relationship I did not want to do anything that would ruin my wonderful life with her being her best friend even though I wanted to be something much more to her.

Melissa and I played amongst the waves, we had so much fun jumping the waves together.

We then had lunch that I made for us.

When Melissa was eating some rice salad she got some rice stuck on her face.

Suddenly my urge to just lick the rice stuck to her cheek was just too powerful to ignore that I suddenly leaned my face towards Melissa and my tongue lashed out and I gave Melissa as wet sloppy lick on her cheek.

Melissa looked at me with her eyes wide in surprise.

“Chelsea?” Melissa said as she gasped.

I then suddenly realised what I had done, I was so embarrassed as my face glowed a deep red.

“I...I love you Melissa.” I gasped.

Melissa and I both looked at each other....

Oh no...I might have done something I shouldn’t have...

I then stood up and turned around.

“Chelsea...” Melissa said.

Fearing that she might reject me, I legs started to move fast and I started to run.

I ran away from Melissa fearing that my actions on her cheeks by licking the rice off her and my confession that I had loved her might have been too much of a shock to her.

“Chelsea...wait...” Melissa screamed.

I didn’t want to hear Melissa’s response...

I didn’t want to hear Melissa reject my love for her.

I would rather die here by drowning at the beach than to spend the rest of my life without her because of the embarrassing thing that I had done to her.

But I could not deny my Yuri feelings for her.

I was always a girl who loved girl on girl anime...

But I was not sure if Melissa was that sort of girl.

Fearing rejection I ran to the rocks on the far side of the beach to get some privacy inside the cave there.

Inside the cave, the light was a little bit dull but I could still see.

The waves from the ocean would crash onto the beach and a good amount of the water would come splashing into the cave making a small puddle of water on the floor of the sandy cave.

As I was running inside the cave, I stopped in the middle of a huge puddle of water and soft runny sand were enveloping my feet.


I could still hear Melissa’s voice from outside the cave.

But I was afraid of what she would say to me.

I was so scared, I just wanted to sink into this large pool of sandy water like quicksand and disappear forever...that would be allot better than to live my life without Melissa.

As I looked down, I realised that I was knee deep in the sandy water.

And I was sinking down fast.

“Whoa?” I gasped.

The sandy surface rose up towards my thighs...

The sinking feeling got to me and my heart began to race.

Oh my god...

I am sinking into deep quicksand...

Beach Quicksand inside this deep dark cave...

My mind screamed but my mouth froze in horror.

Then as soon as the quicksand got to my thighs, I felt something else wrap itself around my legs.

Something long and rubbery.

I looked down and I saw tentacles start to come out of the quicksand.

“Chelsea...I know you are in there...please come out...I have something to tell you...” Melissa screamed out to me.

I knew that I could not keep silent here forever.

“Melissa...don’t come in here...” I screamed back.

I didn’t want Melissa to see me like this...

Here I was, sinking up to my thighs in deep quicksand inside a cave at the beach and around me were tentacles that were slowly starting to wrap around my body.

It was enough to make me come but I was so afraid of the further embarrassment I would cause to myself if Melissa saw me in a situation like this.

“I am coming in here after you Chelsea...I need to tell you something...” Melissa replied.

I didn’t take notice of Melissa...

My mind was too focused on what the tentacles were doing to me in this quicksand.

I felt a tentacle slide around my navel and I could feel its suction pods stick to my belly button.

Other tentacles wrapped themselves around my arms and even more tentacles wrapped around my legs under the quicksand pulling me down.

As my hips sank under the quicksand, I could feel one of the tentacles start to slip itself inside my bikini bottom.

I could feel the tentacle stretch the latex panty as it got between my deepest inner thighs...

All of a sudden, I began to moan as I felt the tentacle start to touch me in places that I never thought that tentacles could touch.

I was in a scene like a H-anime where a tentacle monster would hunt down this anime school girl and start to do all sorts of sexy things to her whether she liked it or not.

The scary thing was that I felt like I was enjoying it but even the scarier because Melissa was going to see me in this sort of embarrassing situation.

How would I ever explain to her that my tentacle fantasy was suddenly becoming so real to me.

“Oh...ah...” I started to moan.

I could not take it anymore.

I closed my eyes as I felt the quicksand slowly start to enclose around my stomach.

My belly was heaving with my quick and heavy breathing...

My arousal was rising up to heated emotions full of fear and lust.

Tentacles were wrapping around by body above the quicksand.

One of the tentacles pulled down my latex bikini top and suddenly I felt my breasts becoming exposed to the soft sea breeze that flowed though this wet sandy cave.

Tentacles were wrapping around my breasts...

I could feel my nipples becoming erect with the touching of the tentacles.

“Ah...ah...oh...ah...” I breathed.

The tentacles touching me were starting to touch me deeper and more harder.

My body was becoming wet from all the wet sand around my chest and even below the surface I could not tell what the tentacles were doing to my body, even though I could definitely feel what they were doing to me.

“Chelsea...what is happening in there? Where are you?” I heard Melissa cry out loud.

I could not talk, I was overcome by the tentacles touching me deeply all over my body.

“Oh...oh...ah...ah...” I continued to moan.

I felt the quicksand reach around my chest and my breasts were being squeezed down tightly with the tentacles groping them.

It felt so good but yet so wrong...

But how could I stop these tentacles if I was really enjoying them?

My heartbeats were getting higher...

My lust was becoming stronger...

I wanted to sink out of sight before Melissa saw me like this...I think I would just about die in embarrassment if my friend saw me like this.

ÄH...AH...AH...OHHH...AHHH....” I moaned louder.

I could not stop the tentacles as they continued to touch me endlessly and I felt the quicksand swallow my breasts.

My shoulders and my head was all that remained above the quicksand...the tentacles were all under the quicksand giving me the greatest love I could never have with any normal human being.

“AHHH...AHHH...AHHH...OHHH MYYY GOODDD.....AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” I screamed as I felt hot flushing water flow all over my body like the beach waves crushing over the sandy surface.

I screamed in pleasure as the tentacles moved me up and down above the quicksand surface.


I continued to scream as the tentacles violently shook me deep within the quicksand...

My head and shoulders were bobbing up and down rapidly on the surface of the quicksand.

I eyes were closed tight...

My mouth open as I screamed...

I was riding the waves of pleasure that seemed to last forever.

“Chelsea...what is happening...WHAT THE....OH MY GOD!!!!”

I heard Melissa scream and I opened my eyes,

Melissa was standing in front of me in shock as she saw my shoulders sink into the quicksand.

“Don’t worry Chelsea...I am going to save you.” Melissa screamed out like she was a hero from a Shonen Anime.

I was still riding though the waves of pleasure as I screamed.

“MELISSA...AAAHHHHH!!!!!” I screamed.

I tried to tell her not to come any closer, but it was too late.

Melissa jumped into the quicksand desperately trying to pull me out.

But as she tried to pull my body out of the quicksand, that’s when the tentacles struck.

Tentacles then flew out of the quicksand and they started to attach Melissa.

“Hey...what...OH MY GOD!!!!” Melissa screamed.

The tentacles wrapped themselves around Melissa just as they did with me earlier.

I opened my eyes enough to see the tentacles pull Melissa’s light pink one piece swimsuit down so that her breasts were exposed to me.

Oh my...Melissa has such wonderful breasts.

Suddenly Melissa started moaning in lust the same was I was earlier and I saw the tentacles go deep into her lower areas of her swimsuit.

“OHH...AAHHHHH!!!!!” Melissa screamed.

The tentacles left my head sinking on the surface of the quicksand as they pulled Melissa down hard and fast down to my level.

As they pulled Melissa’s beautiful body down I saw her lower one piece swimsuit that was half taken off and pulled down towards her navel sink before my eyes.

I saw a glimpse of Melissa’s belly button...oh how I desperately wanted to lick her there...

I then saw Melissa’s large breasts...wrapped up in tentacles...slowly sink before my eyes...

Her nipples were hard and aroused just like mine were.

“AAHHHH....” Melissa continued to scream.

If I didn’t realise it at the time I could have felt that Melissa was enjoying the tentacles touching her as much as I was.

Then finally, our eyes met.

Melissa was down to her head in the quicksand and the tentacles continued to sink us down further.

I felt the tentacles wrap around me again as they pulled Melissa and I together in one massive tentacle hug.

Being so close to Melissa...I felt like saying something as she had just stopped screaming in pleasure.

“Melissa...I’m sorry...but I have loved you since the day you had saved me from those bullies at high school...I was just scared that you didn’t feel the same way...I’m so sorry to have gotten you into this mess that I have created.” I whispered.

Melissa opened her eyes and she then whispered back to me.

“Chelsea...I love you...I love you so much I want to protect you...but now it seems that we are going to die here...but I still love you and want to be here for you as we experience this together.”

The words from Melissa made me want to cry...

She had loved me...

I felt like a massive weight had been lifted from my body and now I was sinking...sinking deeper into love with Melissa who was sinking deeper right next to me.

The tentacles closed in around us.

The quicksand was slowly pulling our necks down and we were up to our chins.

Any second and we would slowly disappear within this quicksand of tentacles.

“Melissa...I love you...if we were to least I am here with you...” I cried.

“Me too Chelsea...I am die with you...” Melissa whispered.

As our heads sunk under the quicksand, Melissa and I were only starting to begin our amazing fight for survival under the surface of the quicksand.

Because deep under the Quicksand was a hungry Octopus that was preparing to eat us both.

But this story would continue on soon so stay tuned to see if Melissa and I could make it out of here alive....

To be continued.

Chelsea and the Quicksand Octopus

Part 2


Everything was in total darkness...

The only light was a faint glow from above the surface of the quicksand.

Melissa and I were totally naked, our swimsuits had been taken off by the tentacles around us.

We were now being cocooned in wet quicksand.

The tentacles were wrapping us up into the wet quicksand making tight cocoons around us...

“Ah...ah...ah...ah...”I moaned as I felt the tentacles rub the soft wet sand around me.

Layers of thick quicksand were being poured all over my body.

The tentacles only just moved their arms and rubbed the hot and heavy wet quicksand over Melissa and I.

I could feel Melissa being pleasured by the tentacles as they wrapped her up in the hot and heavy wet quicksand.

“Ah...ah...oh...ah...” Melissa moaned.

She was almost enjoying it as much as I was.

Being cocooned in quicksand with tentacles rubbing it on me was like something I never thought was possible.

My arms could not move...

My legs could not move...

I could not get out of this cocoon of Quicksand that was continually being poured over Melissa and I.

“Ah...oh...ah...Melissa...ah...can you move...ah...?” I moaned.

Melissa was trying to move her face...but the massive cocoon of Quicksand around her stood still as she tried to kick and punch her way though the hard heavy blanket of sand wrapped around her.

“’t...ah...” Melissa replied.

Knowing how strong Melissa was, if she could not break out of the cocoon of quicksand around her, there was no way I could ever break out of my cocoon of Quicksand around me.

I then felt a tentacle start to move inside the cocoon of quicksand around me.

“UUGGHHH!!!!” I screamed.

My heart skipped a beat as I felt the tentacle touching me deep within my thighs.

“Oh...ah...oh...ahhh...” I moaned.

My mouth opened and my eyes closed...

I could feel the pleasure enveloping me as I felt the tentacle start to sink me into the cocoon of quicksand.

“ god...aaahhhhh....” I heard Melissa scream next to me as the tentacle in her quicksand cocoon was touching her too.

I looked over to Melissa’s cocoon as she was starting to roll her head around in her cocoon around her body.

“Oh...Melissa...ah...what is going to...oh... happen to us...ahhh...” I asked between my moans.

Melissa continued to roll her head around in pleasure as she looked ahead of where I was looking.

“Oh...Melissa...oohhh...look....there....aaahhhhh....” Melissa moaned.