Patient Voice Report – 2012/13

Provide a description of the profile of the members of the PPG for year 2
The membership of our PPG is as follows:
Alan Thrussell – Chairman and patient
Susan Creedon – Secretary and patient
Lisa Ebers – Treasurer and patient
Ray Harris – Patient member
Paul Stone – Patient member
Peter Mitchell – Patient member
Mary Hayward – Patient member
Ken Grist – Patient member
Anthony Austin – Patient member
Dr Helen Clayton – GP member
Ruth Young – Practice Manager – Practice member
Karen Dudley – Deputy Practice Manager – Practice member
Detail the steps taken by the contractor in year 2 to ensure that the PPG is representative of its registered patients
Additional members were recruited to the PPG in year 2 to ensure there was additional representation for the large influx of patients we received from the closure of Manzoori clinic.
In addition an election process was held at our AGM in line with our constitution. Two original members resigned and have been replaced using this election process.
All patients were invited to make nomination to join the group. 3 nominations were made. The Chair, Secretary and Practice Manager met with the 3 candidates to explain the role of the group and gather information about the skills the individuals could bring to the group.
The members of the group are representative of the demographic profile of the practice in terms of age, sex, geography and disease.
In addition to the main PPG we also have a Patient Reference Group made up of patients who wish to be kept informed of the work of PPG and to be contacted when wider patient opinion is
required. There are currently more than 200 patients in this group.
Detail below all actions agreed with the PPG in year 1 and whether these have been addressed. If not, please state the reasons why and the likely completion date
The Oaks PPG agreed to pursue the following issues in Year 1:
a)Hold an educational event to promote health and well being in line with the suggestions made in the Patient Survey. This event was held in July 2012 on the subject of keeping your heart healthy. It was a joint venture with Sevenoaks District Council and our neighbouring practices although The Oaks PPG took the lead.
b)Produce 3 newsletters each year to keep patients informed of practice developments along with wider changes in the NHS. This has been achieved. The newsletters have been well received by patients. Copy attached.
c)Work with the practice to develop an action plan based on the results of the patient survey and to monitor progress. The action plan was developed and a number of issues have been addressed including the recruitment and training of an additional receptionist and the closer monitoring of the standards of cleanliness. Progress on the premises developments has been slower because of other issues that the practice had to address. However, there is a remedial plan in place to address this during the coming year.
d)Practice leaflet was rewritten to incorporate more information and make it more patient friendly particularly for the large number of new patients registering. In addition the development of a welcome pack began although this was not finally distributed until Year 2.
e)Website – a web page was developed to inform patients of the work of the PPG and give them opportunity to send feedback. This was incorporated into the Website of the practice.
f)A notice board was provided for sole use of the PPG. This was used to communicate messages around the work of the PPG but also to give information on a range of services etc.
Detail below all new actions agreed with the PPG in year 2 and whether these have been addressed. If not, please state the reasons why and the likely completion date
In Year 2 The Oaks PPG wished to consolidate much of what it had achieved in Year 1, that being producing further issues of the newsletter, updating the web page and notice boards to reflect the ongoing work of the PPG and plan for a further educational event. In addition the group planned to hold its first AGM, to run another patient survey (including the design) using different methods and lead on the development of an action plan and to increase membership to reflect the changing profile of the practice.
Members of The Oaks PPG have also been involved in commissioning discussions with the local CCG group.
Progress against these targets is reflected below.
Detail below a summary of the progress made in year 2 and the main areas of achievement following the PPG meetings
a)Further newsletters have been produced along similar lines to that in Year 1. This is an ongoing work.
b)Discussions are ongoing in preparing for a further health education event building on our experiences in Year 1. It is hoped that the next event will be more targeted to a specific disease area and held by Autumn 2013.
c)Our first AGM was held in October 2012 as planned An annual report was given by the Chair of the group along with an opportunity for patients to ask questions. A further AGM will be held in Autumn 2013.
d)The PPG webpage has been updated and notice boards are regularly updated to provide updates and information to patients on a range of topics including appropriate use of out oh hours services, DNA rates and impact along with results of patient survey and outcomes
e)A patient survey was run and over 200 responses were received. On this occasion Survey Monkey was used which meant patients could complete on line and results could be analysed more thoroughly and efficiently. An action plan has been developed by PPG itself and ratified by the practice. Both parties will work together over the coming year to implement the recommendations in the plan which is attached.
f)Patient representation is now being established at CCG level in order to provide input into commissioning discussions.