Procurement Services
Dept. 3605, 1000 E University Avenue • Laramie, WY 82071
(307) 766-5233 • fax (307) 766-2800




Thank you for your interest in conducting business with the University of Wyoming. There are three primary purchasing authorities at the University of Wyoming, all overseen by the Division of Administration: Procurement Services (supplies, food, materials, equipment and services), Facilities Architecture (capital construction projects), and University Operations (renovation projects and maintenance operations). This document focuses on the Procurement Services office. For more information about Facilities Architecture and University Operations purchasing procedures please visit their websites or call them directly:

Facilities Architecture 307-766-2250

University Operations 307-766-6225

The principal objective of Procurement Services is to organize and administer a centralized purchasing service in accordance with sound business practices and state and federal regulations while maximizing the purchasing value of university funds. This document contains the information you need in order to do business with University of Wyoming Procurement Services.

Purchases are made in accordance with university policies and guidelines through existing competitively awarded contracts, informal quotations, competitive sealed bids, and competitive sealed proposals (RFP's). Awards are made to the lowest acceptable bidder, unless criteria other than price are primary considerations of the award.

Procurement Services

Main Office Phone: 307-766-5233

For contact information, click here

Authorized Purchases

An approved Purchase Order, Field Purchase Order or University of Wyoming Procurement Card is required to be in place before individuals can make purchases on behalf of the university. A vendor needs to possess an authorized Purchase Order, Field Purchase Order or Procurement Card information before providing goods for the university. A verbal commitment by university employees is not sufficient authorization for purchases.


University of Wyoming procedures require formal sealed bidding above certain dollar amounts. In those cases, bid requests are prepared by Procurement Services and sent to prospective bidders on our current bidders' list for the commodities or services required. Vendors must contact the appropriate buyer in Procurement Services in order to request being added to the prospective bidders list for a particular product category.

Each bid request contains complete instructions for submission of the bid. Bidders are cautioned to complete all information requested by each bid request form. Bids received without an authorized signature on the original bid request form will not be considered.

In certain cases, Requests for Proposals (RFP's) are issued - usually in the area of complex product solutions, contracted services, or consulting services.

Bids or RFP's are publicly opened at the time and date specified. Openings are held at the location indicated on the bid request documentation. Bids and RFP’s must be RECEIVED PRIOR to the scheduled opening time at the indicated location. Bids will not be accepted after that time. Bidder shall assume full responsibility for timely delivery of bids. Bid information is publicly available at the time of the bid opening. RFP information is restricted and not publicly available until after the award is made either via an authorized purchase order or the execution of a final contract.

After bids are opened, the tabulation and analysis is made by the Procurement Services buyer. After consultation with and concurrence from the involved department, the award is communicated via the publication of an award letter; however, the order is not placed with the successful bidder until the issuance of an authorized UW Purchase Order signed by the manager of Procurement Services.

All bid packages carry the name of the assigned buyer. Questions regarding a bid should be addressed to the attention of the buyer.


Original invoices must be routed to the “Bill-To” address indicated on the purchase order or contract document. Incorrectly addressed invoices may become lost or may experience significant delays in payment. With authorization from the ordering department involved in the purchase, the UW Accounts Payable Office will process invoices for payment. Payments cannot be arranged by Accounts Payable unless the ordering department has authorized a payment.

Time, with reference to any prompt payment discounts offered, will be computed from the date the completed order is received or from the date a correct invoice is received, whichever is later.


By statute, the University of Wyoming is exempt from paying sales or use tax, as a State of Wyoming entity.


Although an effort will be made to accommodate salesmen or representatives from vendors who arrive unannounced, it is preferred that appointments be made in advance. Prior appointments will help assure full consideration being given to presentations or discussions. Please call Procurement Services at 307-766-5233 to set-up an appointment.


The Procurement Services buyers maintain bidders' lists for most commodities or services in their areas of responsibility. In cases where a relevant bidders’ list does not exist for a requirement, the buyer will make an effort to seek competition from at least three potential bidders based upon the apparent capabilities of potential bidders.

To be placed on a bidders' list, an initial written request should indicate the commodity or service area of interest. Please forward this information to the appropriate buyer (for contact information, click here).


Wyoming Statutes provide for percentage preferences for items supplied by Wyoming resident bidders and for items produced or grown in the state of Wyoming. Preferences may not be applied when federal funds are involved.

The University of Wyoming allows percentage preferences for items supplied by Wyoming resident bidders. For further information concerning preferences please review UW Regulation 3-105.


If you or your business receive payments from the University of Wyoming, the following Vendor Application Form must be completed and signed before checks can be issued to you. Forms that are illegible or incomplete will not be processed.

Filling out the vendor application form does not place a vendor on the Procurement Services bidder’s list. Please see Bidder’s List section above for information.

Vendor Application Form


Procurement Services can serve as the first point of contact for all vendor questions and concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

UW Vendor’s Guide, Page 1