Jamison High School

222 Evan Street


Phone:(02) 4731 6150

Fax:(02) 4721 2502

An Outstanding Comprehensive High School


November 2016


Calendar Events for Term 4 - 2016
Calendar Events for Term 1 - 2017
Who's Who
Principal's Message
Deputy Principals' Report / Facebook Year Group Trial
JHS CAPA Showcase
2016 Walk-A-Fun
Uniform Shop - End of Year and New Year
Opening Hours and Price List


17 November / Thursday / Proposed Year 9 Yearly Exams begin
25 November / Friday / Showcase - 7.00pm - Tickets on sale Monday, 21 November
28 November / Monday / Year 7 Swim School at St Marys Ripples (till 30 November)
01 December / Thursday / Year 8 Swim School at St Marys Ripples (till 02 December)
Year 12 Formal (5.00-10.30pm at Colebee Centre, Doonside)
06 December / Tuesday / Orientation Day - Year 6 into Year 7
07 December / Wednesday / Big Day Out
08 December / Thursday / SRC Movie Day
09 December / Friday / Principal's Awards Assembly - 9.00am start in the school hall
13 December / Tuesday / Presentation Evening in the school hall commencing 7.00pm
15 December / Thursday / Years 7 to 10 Reports distributed
16 December / Friday / Last day for students


27 January / Friday / School Development Day - Staff ONLY return
30 January / Monday / First day back for Years 7, 11 and 12 plus any new enrolments
31 January / Tuesday / First day back for Years 8, 9 and 10
10 February / Friday / Honour Assembly - 2016 HSC


Julie Tegart
Luke Grahame
Emily Simpson
Frankie-Jane Holden
Alexander Higgins
Samuel Grant
Chadwick Wanschers

With the HSC being over last week, it is time to thank a few people. Firstly, all Year 12 themselves for their persisting for thirteen years. Secondly, a big thank you to the teachers who taught the HSC classes this year. I know a lot of the teachers put in a lot of extra time, with extra lessons during the holidays or before or after school as well as being available to give feedback prior to assessment tasks at all sorts of odd hours. I've already seen this cycle start for the 'new' Year 12 with a Year 12 Biology class having extra classes before school. A really big thank you for Student Advisers, Mr Gillett and Mrs Wallace, who have done so many things in terms of support, organisation and intervention. The HSC exams themselves went very smoothly and I believe the students were well prepared so now we can sit back and wait for the results.

By the time you get this you should be able to log in to our new website:

We have taken into account the feedback we have received from parents via an earlier survey and have changed our website's approach. It will have all the features that parents wanted from our survey. Moreover, the site has a link to our Facebook feed and it is now possible to link to a Year specific Facebook feed. Student Advisers will use Facebook to keep the parents of their year group up to date with specific things happening in that year. See details elsewhere in this newsletter.

As part of our new communications strategy this newsletter is now available on the website and via Facebook.

Can I just also take this opportunity to thank Mrs Donovan and both the Home Economics and Creative and Performing Arts faculties for their efforts in the recent Walkathon organisation. It was a fun day for both students and staff and was a great reinforcement of school spirit.

Can I remind everyone too that our end of year Presentation Evening is on Tuesday,13 December beginning at 7.00pm.

G. Lill



Term 4 is always a very busy time of the year in any school and Jamison High School is no exception.

We have recently launched our brand new website which showcases our school and the wonderful programs and activities that run and we would like to invite parents, students and staff to view it at In line with this upgrade we have also recently launched separate year groups linked to our school Facebook page which aim to keep parents better informed of up-coming activities involving their children. If you are interested in joining your son or daughter's year group on Facebook please contact their Student Adviser so that this can be arranged.

Earlier in the term the whole school participated in the ‘Walk of Fun’ which was organised by Ms Donovan and Mr Edwards and the CAPA and Home Economics faculties in conjunction with the P and C. This was a most enjoyable day for all involved which aimed to raise money to continue the roll out of air conditioners in classrooms across the school.

Year 11 have commenced their HSC courses in all subjects and all work now is examined in next year’s HSC exams. Therefore, it is important that they have regular attendance and develop good organisational skills. On Monday 7 November we hosted the ‘Countdown - We’re all in this together’ evening for this year group which aimed to inform and equip our Year 11 students and their parents on how to best manage the increased workload faced in the HSC year. I would like to thank the parents who attended this evening as well as the many staff who ran information sessions on the night.

Year 10 have been busy undertaking Swim School training and the vast majority of the year group participated in work experience. All of Year 10 are currently completing their exams.

Year 9Core Exams commence on 17 November and are held over two days in the school hall. A number of these students have also been involved in peer support training and will be working with our incoming
Year 7 students early next year in order to make them feel welcomed and a part of the Jamison High School community.

Years 7 and 8 are in the middle of completing their final exams and assessment tasks for the year and are reminded to maintain their focus and enthusiasm in class for the remainder of the year.

Students are reminded that this is a very important part of their schooling and should be preparing by doing regular revision at home and ensuring all assessment work is complete and submitted by the due date. If your son or daughter is sick on the day of an exam you MUST contact the school and take them to the Doctors for a Doctor’s Certificate dated the day of the illness (exam).

School Reports and Clearance Procedures

Yearly reports for Years 7, 8 and 9 will be distributed on Thursday 15 December. On Thursday 24 November students will be given a Clearance Form and invoice for school fees (if applicable). The clearance procedures will need to be completed by Friday 9th December to ensure students' reports can be distributed on time.

Parents are asked to ensure that any school textbooks are returned and that all elective subject contributions are paid - the invoice will outline the contributions that are due for payment. We would also request that the General School Contribution (School Fees) be paid. They represent an important source of funds in maintaining the high standard of education at Jamison High School. If you are experiencing financial hardship and are unable to meet all of your child’s elective contribution commitments, please contact the Principal so that alternative arrangements can be made.

Clearance forms need to be completed and returned to Student Advisers by Friday 9 December.

As we head into the warmer months it is important that students continue to maintain the high standard of uniform that Jamison High School is so often commended for in the community. School shoes must be enclosed black leather (with no extra colouring or features) and socks are to be white (for girls) and maroon (for boys). Black socks are NOT permitted. Boys must also be in woven dark grey shorts with the school logo. Shorter style shorts including shorts made from stretch fabric are NOT permitted. Please refer to the school diary for our Student Uniform Requirements.

Finally, Term 4 is a very busy term with many activities occurring. It is important to maintain a focus on our core values of SAFE, ASPIRING, RESPECTFUL LEARNERS. This will ensure we continue to uphold the values of Jamison High School.

Luke Grahame

Deputy Principal


Jamison High School is continually looking for new and innovative ways to increase communication with our parent community. It has been widely recognised that social media is one of such ways. The current Jamison High School Facebook page is actively used by the public and the data we get from it is encouraging.

As a means of complementing this public page, we have created closed year groups that our parents are invited to join. These groups are not public and membership is by invitation only. Letters have been sent home explaining how this will be done. A lot of parents have returned those letters with details required.

It is requested that if you have a letter at home that has not been returned, could you return it at your earliest convenience.

Spare letters can be collected from the office or Student Advisers.

Any questions or concerns should be directed to Mr Grahame (DP) or Mrs Sidhu (Technology Coordinator).

M. Sidhu

ICT Coordinator


On Friday 25 November the CAPA Faculty will be staging its annual Dance, Music and Visual Arts Showcase. It will commence at 7pm in the school hall. All members of the Jamison High community are invited to come along and support our wonderful students. Students from all year groups have been working tirelessly over several months to perfect the items you will view on the night.

In conjunction with the performance items will be a Visual Arts display highlighting students’ works created throughout the year. These works are always of an extremely high quality and well worth a look.

Tickets for this event will be available from the school office next Monday - 21 November. The cost is:

Family Ticket (2 adults and 2 children) $20

Adult $10

Senior/Student $5

Any unsold tickets may be purchased at the hall on the night.

Hope to see you there.

W. Yeomans

Head Teacher Creative and Performing Arts


The school’s annual fund
raising event has been run
and won. In the past it was
known as the Walk-A-Thon
but this year we introduced
some additional activities
to increase the fun element
of the day and it became the

2016 Walk-A-Fun. Students

were encouraged to dress

up in team themes and a

fashion parade of these

costumes started the fun


In addition to the walk around the parks and streets of South Penrith, this was fun in itself,students played a variety of games on Southlands Oval which were conducted by the PE faculty. A Colour Run adjacent to the games was supported by the Regentville Rural Fire Service which was kind enough to 'hose down' students and staff. The P&C provided a BBQ and Mr Wholohan (PE) ran a full 42 kilometre marathon around the course and raised even more sponsorship money.

A perfect day in terms of the weather saw a significant turnout of students participating and for the first time every year group was able to get involved. The students raised substantial funds that will be used to purchase additional air conditioning for the classrooms. We must mention at this point that Cameron Davidson of
Year 10 raised a significant amount of money in sponsorship and we congratulate her on her remarkable effort this year.

The highlight of the day was
the Colour Run and the photos
included here will underline just
how much fun everyone had -
teachers included - and made
the day an outstanding success.
To finish off the fun a Flash
Mob Dance was led by Dance
students from Year 9 with the
finale being a full school
performance of the Hokey
Pokey led by Ms Donovan and
Mr Edwards.

Organisation for the day was managed by the TAS/Home Economics and CAPA faculties. However we must acknowledge that the driving force behind this wonderful innovation was Ms Donovan. A big thank you goes to all who participated and to the P&C members who gave up their working days to make this event happen.





Friday / 2nd.December / 07:30AM‐11:30AM
Tuesday / 6th.December‐OrientationDay / 07:30AM‐11:30AM
Tuesday / 6th.December‐OrientationDay / 12:30PM‐04:30PM
Friday / 9th.December / 07:30AM‐11:30AM
Tuesday / 13th.December / 12:30PM‐04:30PM
Friday / 16th.December / 07:30AM‐11:30AM


Wednesday / 18th.January / 08:00AM‐02:00PM
Thursday / 19th.January / 08:00AM‐02:00PM
Friday / 20th.January / 08:00AM‐02:00PM
Monday / 23rd.January / 08:00AM‐02:00PM
Tuesday / 24th.January / 08:00AM‐02:00PM
Wednesday / 25th.January / 08:00AM‐02:00PM
Thursday / 26th.January / CLOSED
Friday / 27th.January / CLOSED
Monday / 30th.January / 08:00AM‐02:00PM
Tuesday / 31st.January / 07:30AM‐11:30AM
Tuesday / 31st.January / 12:30PM‐04:30PM

THEN EVERY TUESDAY:12:30pm ‐ 04:30pm

FRIDAY:07:30am ‐ 11:30am



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