Minutes Of meeting held on Monday 17th November 2014


Academy staff: -Faye McGill-Principal Da Vinci

Sharon Waterman-Principal Darwin


BRUNEL:-Alice Nolan, Kerry Bates, Linda King, Samuel Amo-Adjei, Natalie Bayford

CHAUCER:Kim Semple, Jacqueline Ellis, Nicola Shead, Sharon Coles

DA VINCI:-Julie Rodgers, Sarah Hutchings

DARWIN:Jan Jennings, Bridget Busfield

Apologies:Fiona Williams, Ann Burch, Andrew Collins, Mo Jensen


  • Welcome and apologies

JJ welcomed everyone and gave apologies for those absent.

  • Minutes of previous meeting –agreed.
  • Principals Faye McGill and Sharon Waterman

Successful start to year. Round of lesson observations, every teacher observedwith 84% achieving at least Good, 30% Outstanding (doubled since previous time).

70% coverage of iPads. Last iPad delivery due December. Staff training ongoing. End of module 3 will assess how this is working throughout the Academy.

In the recent Governor’s meeting 1 Y7 student from each College talked about their very positive experiences with iPad and presented this from their iPads.

  • Members Questionsto Principals

Q-What is the usage within the classes?

A-Specific subject Apps rolling out, e.g. Doodle, Showbie and Google Classroom. Teacher to be trained in Google classroom. Every module iPad trainers will come in. Showcase planned for Module 3 for parents. Students encouraged to show parents their work on iPads.

Q Can teacher tell if student is using a non-school App in class?

A-Only visuably. Any irregular use dealt with by Rewards and Consequences system.

Q-Is there a scheme to assess teachers?

A-Lesson observations to observe teacher learning strategies. Leigh has highest score for lesson observations across The Trust. Introduced specific training for improving teaching.

Q-Were there earphones with the iPads?

A-No earphones only come with iPhones and iPods

Q-Will iPads replace writing?

A-No still a combination of both.

Q-Staff retention issues?

A-Developed Staff Association, listen to staff. Professional development of staff, collaborative teaching. Had to cover 50% less lessons in last module than same time last year. Fewer supply teachers.

Q-Why is home learning not consistent?

A-In process of agreeing homework timetable. Principal’s requested that this be discussed and include - what parents expect/require. i.e. what are the three things parents want to see re homework?-e.g. timetable, support for parents etc. On the Google Classroom (a learning platform) parents will be able to see what homework has been set to structure homework at home.

Q-How do parents actually know a piece of homework has been set?

A-Homework should be written in planner, if not put a note in for Tutor. All students have a MyMaths and Doodle login.

Q-How do we advise absence?

A-Initially phone in then write in planner.

Q-Do parents have to sign the planner?

A-Yes each week. Countersigned by tutor.

Q-Spellings-are students tested (concerned about spelling and grammar errors)?

A-Y 7/8 Use Accelerated Reader to assess their reading age, vocabulary/grammar. Plus spellings within subjects.

Q-Concern litter around site.

A-Improvements made-no packaging allowed outside restaurant. Mike Williams (VP Chaucer) focus through Student Voice.

Q-P16 smoking on site?

A-Mr Swash spoken to P16 in P16 briefing.

Q-Road safety and crossing over fastrack outside school.

A-Road and life safety assemblies in week beg 8th December. Theme-avoid dangerous situations. School contacted KCC Highways about possibility of the crossing to become ‘designated’ following a near miss with student by bus.

Q-Site security.

A-In next few months will be improvement in site security. Barrier, flow plates on exit, will reduce non school parking in car park, 11 cameras will cover all car park and speed ramps to protect service road around the back.

Q-Is there a price difference between Longfield Wools and Brigade?

A-Up to parents to decide which one they prefer dependent on needs, i.e. delivery speed, price etc.

Q-If a child has to leave lunch time to attend sporting event what is the best way that they can catch up on the work missed?

A-See the subject teachers before attending the event to get the work and complete it before the next lesson.

Q-In class, are students split into levels of ability?

A-Split level tables which are fluid and can change with no ceiling on achievement.

Q-When are next year’s term dates available?

A-Been agreed, going on website soon.

Q-Why wasn’t there homework in the October holiday?

A-Trust believes 2 week holiday refreshes students. Unlikely to be homework in holidays.

Q-End of year tests, how can parents help students, how do I know what they are studying?

A-Books don’t tend to come home. School starting to put subject pages on website.

Q-Cuccina restaurant, parent concerned lack of choice reported as didn’t eat some meats.

A-There is a wide variety in restaurant. Always have non meat products available i.e. pasta, jacket potatoes, plus meats etc.

Q-P16 blocks-are they set?

A-Yes courses set by Academy, with common blocking across The Trust to enable breadth of choice. Some courses are repeated in another centre at a different time. Minimum three subjects to be taken but school encourage 4 subjects.

Q-Post 16 Music-Is it only being offered at Longfield?

A-Numbers may not be enough for 2 centres. Only 4 Leigh studentsindicated preference to study music at The Leigh.

Q-Kent Choices-is it shown at school before PPEs

A-Yes no deadline, with support from tutors and Mr Barton

Q P16 brochure on web front says 2014 back says 2013.

A-To be checked.

Q-P16 not in school Wednesdays?

A-Yes Yr 12 gives them opportunity to study/work. Improves attendance on other days.

Q-Does school help students find voluntary work?

A-It is student driven but school can provide references (c/o Principal or Tutor)

Q-Will any other primary schools come on board?

A- At moment no other schools approached.

7:45 Principals leave.

  • Member’s questions.

Q-Concerns about whole class detentions.

A-Advised to contact Principal and Tutor.

Q Concern raised over Pilgrims Way-dangerous to cross as traffic whips round from Park Road. Is there something school can do via KCC Highways?

Q-Parent raised concerns about uniform coats being dark coloured and that with dark nights not in keeping with road safety. Students would not be keen on suggested HiVis jackets/bands, how flexible is the school with coat colours?

Q Why is there no lollipop person on Green Street Green Road?

Q What is the purpose of the teacher spotted standing outside the school in the mornings? Is it to observe student behaviour or vehicles/traffic?

Meeting ended

Next meeting Monday 19th January 2015 Board Room.