Spring Semester

Integrated I


January 25, 2016


Students will explore standards related to Statistics and Geometry. The first semester focused on Algebra standards, specifically linear and exponential functions. This semester, our primary focus will be on standards that cover the use of Algebra in Statistical Analysis and Geometric Standards. Problems will be based in real life that highlight the practical use of all three topics in the real world. Students will learn to reason abstractly and quantitatively. In addition, students will learn to construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Last, students will learn to model with mathematics and use appropriate tools strategically.

Materials Needed:

·  1 three ring binder

·  1 packet of loose leaf paper

·  Pencils

·  Colored Pencils

·  Dry erase marker (medium/chisel tip)

·  Graph Paper

·  6” ruler (needed 1st semester)

·  Compass

·  Protractor Graphing Calculator (download the app Wabbitemu for androids or the app Desmos for Iphones)


Your child will have homework Monday-Friday. I expect homework to be complete and submitted the day after it is assigned, in order to receive full credit (5 points). An assignment not turned in at that time is LATE* and the student will lose points as a result. Late work will not be accepted for the entire semester, therefore encouraging your child to stay consistent with nightly homework is imperative.

A complete homework assignment consists of completion of all assigned problems, the child’s work for each problem, and a boxed or circled answer. If a homework assignment is partially completed, your child will receive partial credit for the work that has been completed. If there are more than a few incomplete homework problems, please encourage your child to come in for extra help!

*LATE assignments:

If your child has turned an assignment in late, due to an EXCUSED absence, he or she will still have the opportunity to receive full credit on the assignment, as long as the assignment is complete.


Notes will be checked every test day, including weekly assignment sheets. Notes will be checked every test day. Each section of notes taken will count as 5 points, as long as notes are complete (all key concepts, illustrations and teacher examples are included). Point range will differ per chapter. It is helpful for students to obtain a separate spiral math notebook.


Tests are given at the end of each chapter and never without notice. In class review days are scheduled prior to each test in order to ensure your child’s success. Quizzes are given as needed determine whether or not the students’ have mastered the skills necessary to test/move on.


Your child will receive his or her grade based on the following: 60% tests/quizzes, 40% homework/notes. You can monitor your child’s grad via Engrade at https://www.engrade.com. Attached is your child's registration information. If you are already registered from first semester, there is no need to re-register. Homework assignments, class links and assignments can be monitored via school wires at http://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Domain/1492.


I am available Mon. through Thurs. during lunch. Students can receive tutoring services in room M-19 Monday through Thursday after school until 3:30pm. You can also go online to https://www.khanacademy.org/ or http://patrickjmt.com/ for homework help online.

If you or your child requires additional help or information, I can be reached at 909-627-7351. Please let me know how I can help!

Thank you,

Mrs. Johnson

1st homework assignment (to be returned tomorrow for 10 pts).

Please print clearly.

I have read and understand the above-mentioned information about my child’s Integrated I class.

Child’s Name:

Period your child is in my class:

Parent’s Printed Name:

Parent’s e-mail address:

Parent Signature: