The following are notes scribed; recording the actual events of the members and actions taken of the Old Baldy Hunt club this last season.

Tuesday & Wednesday, November 10th11th, 2015:

I Left California early Tuesdaymorning, with my wife Sharron, to the Sacramento airport. Our destination was Chicago’s O’Hare airport. We arrived in Chicago at 12:45 pm, got my rental car (Nissan Pathfinder), and drove to Fond du Lac, WI, arriving at 4 PM.We checked into the Country Inn and Suites hotel. Afterwards, we had a dinner at Gilles (famous local drive in), having Gilles’ Burgers, cheese curds and fries.

After dinner, we drove to my In-laws, who live about 8 miles away on Lake Winnebago. My wife is staying with them the next 15 days and she stayed that night as I headed back to the hotel.

On Wednesday (Veteran’s Day), I started off with 2 eggs & sausage for breakfast at the hotel. I went back to the in-laws, retrieved my hunting clothes and bought some supplies. Stayed and visited for the rest of the day, then headed back to the Hotel. I gassed up the SUV, and loaded up my hunting gear and supplies.

Thursday, November 12, 2015:

I woke up early, ate breakfast at the hotel (2 breakfast burritos), then left at 7:15 am, heading north on US 45. I reached Eagle River, WI before noon, kept driving until I reached Bruce’s Crossing, where I bought my license, a ham & Cheese sandwich, and continued driving to Ontonagon. I checked into the Scott’s Superior Inn around 1:15 pm (EST). I rented the downstairs’ suite and 2 bedrooms upstairs at the motel. Expecting a total of 9 hunters tonight!

I thought I’d drive down Norwich and check out the road and parking lot. Everything was good!

The boys all made it to the inn at 10 PM. The Konteka was still open and took my reservation.

All nine of us got there and we ordered dinner. We had Ribs, steaks, salad bar, beef barley soup, various potatoes, onion strings, and cheese curds.

We headed back to Scott’s where we got all the cars, trucks, tractor trailer settled in, then watched Fox News.All went to bed after well after midnight; which was pretty late.

Friday, November 13, 2015:

Woke up at 6:30 AM, and took a shower, dressed in my “Going into camp” clothes, then headed upstairs, to the office to get coffee. The rest of our group started to get up and dressed up. The temperature was 35 F this morning. I checked us out and made reservations for next year. We all headed to Syl’s and arrived by 9:20 AM.

We ordered a variety of eggs, toast, ham, bacon, sausages, hash browns, toast, hot coffee and hot chocolate. I had French Toast, sausage & hash brown potatoes since I new it would be a long day.

After a good hearty breakfast, some got gas for their trucks and quads, and by 11:00 AM We headed out to Carl’s house to get water bottles filled.

We made it to the parking lot by 11:30 AM. Jeff had his new side-by-side quad; Larry had his Can-Am Quad, and we had Rich’s Quad to help take us in.

The first load was packed and left at 12:30 pm. They opened up the cabin by 1:15 PM. The second load was packed and left at 2 PM. By the time I got in, they were sweeping floors, got the wood burning stove going, and starting to fill the water barrels.Robby and Ian were chopping wood and storing it inside. We all were admiring the new deck that Larry and Ian built earlier, Great job! Made it easy to maneuver around. Hard chores were done by 4 PM.Good job by everyone!

For snacks we had cheddar cheese, club crackers, and summer sausage.

For dinner, Bob made Sloppy Joes, coleslaw, potatoes Julianne. We had Wendy’s cookies, and Sally’s Rice Krispy-chocolate squares. Very Good!!!

After dinner Craig played and beat Robby win cribbage; then we played poker. (Rob and Robby were big winners)

All headed to bed by 12:30 AM. Good first night!

Saturday, November 14, 2015:

I woke up at 7:45 AM, it was 22F outside, and everyone was sleeping in!

Breakfast was pancakes and Johnsonville regular sausage.We also had Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup, Land-O-lakes butter w/olive oil, and Grape Juice and OJ, along with the famous Baldy Coffee (Folgers). (Just for kicks, may I mention that my new house I bought in Fond du Lac, was previously owned by the CEO of Johnsonville, as his beach house)

Let me digress! A full box of Hungry Jack pancake mix along with 6 ½ cups cold water will make enough batter to make nineteen (19) eight (8”) inch diameter pancakes.Meanwhile, in a large 12’ skillet, I placed 27 Johnsonville sausage links and 1/4 cup of water, covered & cooked, over medium heat for 12 minutes.

All remaining chores, were done. Shower placed in service, and later used by Rob. The boys cut more wood and stacked it neatly in the shed.

Some had lunch, yes, lunch again! Dry roast nuts and cashews, Turkey and cheese sandwiches made with various breads, mayo and mustard.

After lunch, most took a walk in the woods; Bob and Rob took the chain saw and headed down the gully to cross the Cranberry. Then, they went up to Cat Alley and up to Bob’s spot in order to put out his blind, and make a trail. Others took bow saws to cut trails and clean out shooting lanes. Craig went out toward Maple lane, then down to the Cranberry and up to Phil’s blind.

Larry, Ian and Jeff followed Bob and Rob over the river, up the gully, to Cat Alley but up the ridge toward the logging road.Robbie went out to Phil’s Blind. I went out and up Hick’s highway to my spot on Chicago.

We were all back by 5 PM. No one played cribbage, but we did have salsa and chips for snacks.

For dinner we had Marie Callendar’s Chicken Pot Pies, salad and fixings (Tomatoes, red onions, carrots, shredded cheddar cheese), with various dressings (Ranch, thousand Island, and a Balsamic vinaigrette). Great meal! Of course we had our normal chocolate and white milk.We finished with Sally’s Pumpkin spice cake, for dessert.

We did play poker and Robbie was the big winner again (Hmmmm. Seems like a set up coming up later)

Everyone went to their beds between 11 PM and midnight. Opening day tomorrow!

Sunday, November 15, 2015 (Opening day):

I got up at 5:30 AM, temperature was 22ºF, perfect for an opening day!

I made coffee, then a quick breakfast so the early birds could get out! Eggs over easy, with apple wood bacon, Hillbilly bread toast with butter, White grape juice, Wild cherry juice, Welch’s grape jam, Raspberry jam, and coffee.

First hunter out by 7 am, was Larry, then Ian, Robbie, Craig, and Duane shortly later. Rob, Bob, and Jeff dressed and headed out before 10 am. I left at 10:30 and headed up the hill. I think everyone just took candy for a snack, no lunches taken.

It took me about 40 minutes to slowly hunt up Hick’s Highway, next to the first cuttings, then through a pathway of red pines, spruce, and poplars. The ridges run off Chicago hill down to the Cranberry, forming deep ravines. I slowly made it to the highway where four trails converge, the one from the cabin, one back down to the river, one up to Chicago, and one to the southwest of Chicago.

I found my five-gallon bucket, used for a seat, and placed it in a corner where I can see all four trails, but yet not too obvious to a line of sight. I took out a pop, and laid my Ziploc bag of candy and sausage sticks. I sat for three hours, and did not here a sound. Only two shots heard a long way off to the southwest. I took a little stroll up to the top ridge next to Chicago, then back and down toward the river. It was almost 3:30 pm, I heard a faint shot, so maybe someone got one?

Got back at 4 PM, no one back yet.

Hunters started coming back from 4:30 to 6 PM. Rob saw one doe; no one else saw any deer. Craig found a rowboat on the beaver ponds.

After we all were back, Larry taught Robbie how to play cribbage.

Appetizers tonight were Wendy’s home-made crackers with summer sausage and cheddar cheese.

Bob started dinner, and Rob and I got the grill going; we grilled¾” New York Steaks on the grill, baked potatoes with butter and sour cream, carrots, caramelized onions for the steaks, and coleslaw.

Note: Grilled each steak for 5 minutes, then 3 minutes on high. The grill flared up, and burnt a few steaks. Suggestion: Use low and cook each side about 8 minutes a side.

Also played poker, except me. They all said they won? OK

We decided to fund the buck pots after somebody shoots something!

Went to bed at Midnight! More leg cramps! Slept downstairs the rest of the camp.

Monday, November 16, 2015:

I woke up at 5:50 AM, and made coffee. The temperature again was 32ºF. Breakfast today is French toast (Texas toast, soaked in eggs, mild and cinnamon) with Johnsonville sausage links. These were served with OJ, fruit juices, and coffee.

Again Larryand Craig were out first.

Before going out we saw we were getting low on water? Rob, Ian, Jeff and Duane handled the water pumping and filled up the water barrels. Afterwards, they had lunch, making sandwiches from leftover steaks, Chicken noodle soup with crackers.

We also saw the road by Maple Lane and the Beaver ponds was filled with water. Craig, Jeff, and Duane went out with shovels to clear the ditch so water could flow into the Beaver dam. I took off again up the Hick’s Highway and sat for an hour or so, before coming back in.

Afterwards, Ian, Rob, Bob, and took off again looking for Mr. Buck. Eventually they all came back

The only one to see anything was Robbie, who spotted an unidentified deer.

Everyone was getting tired, and came back to camp. We played no cribbage, nor did we have snacks.

Dinner was grilled Costco 1/3 lb. burgers, with Kraft Singles cheese, served on big buns, pickles, mustard, Hunt’s ketchup, carrots, Au Gratin Potatoes, and salad with all the fixings. Dessert was vanilla Ice Cream with Fat Toad farm’s caramel sauce.

While Bob, Rob, Robbie, Craig, Jeff and Larry playedpoker, I made fixings for tomorrow morning’s “Omelets-in-a-bag”, by chopping tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers. I made up the gallon freezer bags with everyone’s name on them, and then made the coffee pot ready.

We all hit the sack at midnight.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015:

Woke up early again, about 5:45 AM, walked outside where I found the temperature on the tree thermometer was 42ºF, a heat wave!

Larry had a couple of eggs over easy and sausage, then took off hunting.

Omelets-in-a-bag today! I got the big pot going with boiling water. We made our omelets by placing the 2 eggs plus fixings in the gallon freezer bags and cooked them for 15 minutes in boiling water! I made fixings the night before, and Bob bought precooked and packaged Sausage crumbles, ham and bacon. We also had Buttermilk toast, raspberry preserves and Orange juice!

Craig, Ian, Jeff, Rob and Robbie took off hunting; while the others were slow to get up.

Lunch was leftover cheeseburgers and soup! Eventually everyone took off looking for deer. I stayed in the cabin

Larry came back to camp, he saw a buck, a doe, and an identified deer (3). Robbie said he also saw a buck, and 2 owls.

We started to have dinner, but the boys from the camp by the road showed up. Doug, Quinn, and two others came in with their rigs. They brought us some Buffalo Cheese (Philly cream cheese & red hot). Well, it seems they were bored, after getting two deer off their bait pile, so they thought they would come over and visit.

I don’t know what happened that early night, but I heard and felt a very loud explosion that shook the glass windows, knocked over a few pans, and destroyed a half dead pine tree, located just behind the outhouse some 80 feet. The said tree lost a section of wood, and the top fell over. Crack, Pow, crash!

Doug and the boy’s eyes were big as saucers, and they really wondered why they came over to visit some real lunatics. They kind of said good bye and took off. Huh, very strange! Must be aliens?

Anyway, after that excitement, we re-started dinner, which was Hot Turkeysandwiches on Texas toast, dressing, 2 types of cranberries, mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, coleslaw, and both chocolate and white milk.

After dinner, we held our camp meeting! We elected Ian Howard to join the membership. (Note; it was later determined that we didn’t have a full membership vote at the time; but after numerous e-mails and confirmations, Ian was given an official membership). We would wait and do the accounting of funds until later, maybe Friday.

Believe it or not, we did play poker and both Robbie and Craig were winners. PS: Your 1099G forms were sent out!

Bedtime was 1:00 AM. Exciting day!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015:

I woke up at 5:30AM, and made the coffee. It was a balmy 54F this morning. I made pancakes, with Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup, bacon and orange juice.

Larry and Ian took off for Baldy!

Duane and Bob fixed the front porch deck in the morning, lifting boards and notching the boards next to the 4x4 piers. They did a good job and now the deck is level without any obstructions.

Jeff and Robbie left for home at 10:45 AM on Jeff’s duo-quad! We are now down to 7 hunters!

Had nuts for lunch!

Craig and Ron didn’t see anything; while Larry and Ian came back from Baldy, Larry saw one buck and one doe and a snowshoe rabbit. There are deer in “them there hills”!

For dinner snacks, we had salsa and chips again, with left-over cheese dip.

No cribbage tonight.

Dinner was Meat loaf (2), one with onions and one w/o. McCormick’s Brand Beef and Turkey Gravy, Baked potatoes with sour cream, butter and Bacon bits; corn and salad with apples. Excellent!

We did play poker and yes I was the big winner! I try to avoid that! Ha-ha!

All to bed by 12:30 am! All were super tired!

Thursday, November 19, 2015:

Got up at 5:40 am, went outside to see the temperature 51F. I made coffee, Johnsonville sausage, scrambled cheesy eggs and Hillbilly bread toast,!

Larry, Rob, Ian, Craig, and Duane went out hunting by 8 am. Pressure building, and we know there are bucks out there.

Bob and I made chicken soup for lunch as hunters came back during the late morning and noon time.

There were also left-over meatloaf sandwiches for those who came in!

A few went out again, but the weather started to turn cold! I became windy and temperature dropped from 51F to 21F, it started to snow at nightfall! No deer were seen today!

There was no cribbage tonight, but we did start and use all the snacks up. We had peanuts, Win Schuler’s Bar cheese, club crackers, sausage, and cheddar cheese.

For dinner, I fired up the grill and we made ham steaks, with scalloped potatoes, Bush’s baked beans, apple sauce, and coleslaw with added pineapples.

We did not play poker but instead took the stove apart trying to fix the right side pilot light and clean out the gas pipes to the two right side burners. After an hour or so we decided the pipes were clogged or the fittings to the burners were bent. It will have to go home to be fixed.

We sat around and planned for our last hunting day.

Everyone went to bed around 12:10 am.

Friday, November 20, 2015:

Got up at 6:15 am, its 20F outside and a trace of snow. Leaves are crisp, perfect hunting weather and conditions! Started the Coffee!

Made French Toast with Texas Bread (Eggs, milk, cinnamon), bacon, OJ, Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa, and fruit juices. Last Day to do it!

Larry, Craig, Duane, and Ian go out early!

Rob, Bob and I hold back and looked at cutting trees around the camp. We need more parking space, less trees that can fall on the cabin, and wood for next year’s hunt. We decided to make a circular driveway, cutting down 3 maples for next year, and 4 pine trees that could pose a problem if they fell.

For lunch, we had soup, left over meatloaf, and ham & turkey sandwiches.

Hunters came back after noon, with nobody seeing any deer. Coldest day of camp!

We sat around and talked about last year’s hunt, future of camp, and tractor requirements. We started to give Bob our receipts, and expenses, as he added up expenses and charges.