Scambi Internazionali

Promotion LUISS Nov 2012

Rome, November 2012

Why should you chooseLUISSUniversity for an exchange?

LUISS Guido Carli University - Rome - Italy

LUISS – LiberaUniversitàInternazionaledegliStudiSociali – Guido Carliis a small independent University with high academic ranking. It has a policy of selective admission and quality control of its academic standards and emphasises the international dimension of studies.

LUISS offers an advanced educational model, strongly oriented towards the needs of the global market and new professions, with a singular vocation to select the best. The objective of the LUISS model is not only to transmit knowledge, but above all, to teach flexibility.

The University is in Rome, capital of Italy. The main campuses are located in two of the city’s most beautiful areas: Trieste and Parioli. The city of Rome offers a wide range of interesting possibilities, thanks to its unique richness of history, culture and art. Students will have the amazing opportunity to travel through history while walking on its streets.


  • A set number of students for all departments
  • Admissionbyentrance test
  • Full-time compulsory attendance of courses
  • Organizationofcoursesintosemesters
  • A highlyqualifiedteaching staff
  • Intensive study of foreign languages and computer training
  • A large specialized library and a catalogue that can be consulted directly from the university’s web site
  • An extensive network of international exchanges
  • Orientationfor high schoolstudents
  • Seminars and conferences on important issues as a complement to lectures (in Italian and English)
  • Assistance by qualified tutors during the entire university study period, as well as internships
  • Personal counselling service to facilitate integration and to optimize study strategies

The University structure

The University has four Departments that grant undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate degrees. LUISS Guido Carli's Schools offer professional training and lifelong learning, while Doctoral Programs are offered by all the Departments.


Department of Business and Management

Department of Economics and Finance

Department of Law

Department of Political Science

Undergraduate Studies: three-year Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (180 ECTS credits)

 Department of Business and Management

Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Management


  • Economics and Financial Markets
  • Business Administration, Finance and Auditing
  • Management
  • Marketing

Department of Economics and Finance

Bachelor’s Degree inEconomics and Business – In English


  • Finance and Economics
  • Business Management

Department of Political Science

Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and International Relations


  • Politics, Philosophy and Economics– In English
  • Political Science

Department of Law - One Cycle Graduate Programme (300 ECTS credits)

A five year Master’s Degree Programme in Law


  • Major in Civil Law
  • Major in Law and Economics of Business and Innovation
  • Major in Company and Tax Law
  • Major in Criminal Law
  • Major in Financial Markets and Contracts Law
  • Major in Public Law
  • Major in Administrative Law
  • Major in International Law
  • Major in Labour and Industrial Relations Law
  • Major in EU Law and Regulation– In English

The Department of Law offers a few courses in English each year. The final list will be available in September.

Graduate Studies: two-year Master’s Degree Programmes (120 ECTS credits)

Department of Business and Management

Master’s Degree in Economics and Business Management


  • Management
  • Business Finance
  • Marketing

Master’s Degree in Business Consulting


  • AccountancyConsulting
  • Business Consulting
  • ConsultancyforRegulatedSectors

Master’s Degree in Management –in English


  • Finance
  • International Business
  • Luxury and Faschion
  • Management ofInnovation
  • E-Business and Management of Innovation Systems
  • Management of Tourism and Culture Goods

 Department of Economics and Finance

Master’s Degree in Economics and Finance


  • Economics and Finance
  • Financial Economics – in English

Department of Political Science

Master’s Degree in International Relations (in Italian and English)

Master’s Degree in Government and Public Communication


  • Major in Institutional and Political Communication
  • Major in Political and Administrative Institutions

Student services and facilities

Studying at LUISS Guido Carli means you become part of a dynamic and international community that shares academic endeavours, enthusiasm and experience. Students hold an active role in their education and can count on a close relationship with faculty members.

Facilities include

  • Orientationservices and tutoring
  • A specialised Library that may also be accessed online through the University’s web site
  • Two University canteens
  • Free medical service
  • Computer rooms equipped with Internet access and e-mail for all students
  • Interactive multimedia services
  • Access to the wireless network
  • Cultural activities such as: conferences, cinema, theatre, literature and music
  • A sports club
  • A University book store
  • A University radio and web TV
  • A shuttle bus service


Is a recently-born section of one of the biggest interdisciplinary student associations in Europe: the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). The volunteers who created and are running this section are proudly committed to the social and practical integration of international students coming to LUISS Universityand are actively working under the ESN mission’s principle “students helping students“.

The goal of the association is to make the period of study of each exchange student in Rome and at LUISSUniversity unforgettable by supporting diversities, promoting international dimension and involving the students in many activities. ESN also provides relevant information and encourages the future exchange students to gain international experience and insight to different cultures.

The Student Exchange Office

The LUISS Student Exchange Office promotes student exchanges within the LLP Erasmus Programme as well as through Bilateral Agreements with non-European Universities. The office is responsible for all aspects concerning student mobility in all departments. It also deals with orientation and registration of incoming students on exchange programmes.

All procedures are based on the ECTS system (European Community Course Credit Transfer System).

The Student Exchange Office has standardized and simplified all the procedures for the Erasmus and exchange students. All internal administrative procedures are channelled through the Office. Many aspects are taken care of automatically by the offices involved, such as course enrolment and registration for the exams.

When incoming students arrive, they are offered orientation sessions and receive an information package. Registration procedures, course selection and learning agreements are prepared and completed with the assistance of the Student Exchange Office. During their period of study at LUISS, guest students receive face-to-face support and advice when needed.

A number of activities are organized to help integration of the international students with the cooperation of the student associations. Incoming students are offered the same facilities and services as local students, such as: sports, a university dining hall, a medical doctor, IT and e-mail, a library, a bookstore, cultural events,seminars and conferences, a university radio, Erasmus tutoring, etc.

It is the policy of LUISS Guido Carli to work with a small number of high quality representatives in each of the countries we operate in. At present, we have about 120 student exchange cooperation agreements in 30 countries. We receive over 210 Erasmus and exchange students each year.

Italian language courses

Each year LUISS offers an Italian language crash course in September and extensive courses in both semesters for Erasmus and Exchange students who have been admitted to attend a semester or a year at the Departments of Business and Management, Economics and Finance, Political Science, or Law. The courses are at three levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced. Students can gain 3 ECTS credits for each course. They are free of charge for the students.


Accommodation is guaranteed to all students that apply by the deadline. Erasmus and Exchange students live off-campus rooms in private apartments with other students. A private organization, CTS, takes care of housing for LUISS Erasmus and exchange students.The Student Exchange Office does not take direct responsibility in providing accommodation.

Courses in English and programme of study

Erasmus and Exchange students will be allowed to attend the courses in English offered in the following programmes, according to their level of study, department, academic background and English language competence:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Business
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics
  • Master’s Degree in Management
  • Master’s Degree in Financial Economics
  • Master’s Degree in International Relations
  • The courses in English offered by the Department of Law

Cross-department and /or cross-programme enrolment

Cross-department and cross-programme enrolment is allowed. Incoming Exchange students will be given access to all the courses in the LUISS Departments, Business and Management, Economics and Finance, Political Science and Law, at their level, Bachelor or Master. Students must have the required pre-requisites and avoid time-table clashes. There is some flexibility for the Master’s Degree in International Relations offered by the Department of Political Science.

After arrival, from the beginning of classes, students will have one week to choose their programme of study, prepare the final learning agreement and register for courses.

Examination session in December

In order to encourage student mobility and meet the needs of many exchange students, from the academic year 2012-2013, LUISS will organize an examination date for all courses in December, before the Christmas holidays.


  • Because it is a small independent university with about 7500 students.
  • Because admission is merit-based.
  • Because there is a limited number of students per class, to ensure favourable learning conditions.
  • For the excellent reputation and high quality education.
  • To enrich your CV from an international point of view and to gain new academic perspectives.
  • Because it’s strong sense of community and its various activities: sports, university radio, web TV, drama courses, and much more!
  • To exchange ideas with students from many different countries and cultures and to live in a multicultural atmosphere.
  • Because of the very good facilities offered to students.
  • For your personal and intellectual growth.
  • To increase your awareness of diversity and to understand how flexible you are.
  • Because study programs are organized in specific professional areas.
  • Because professors and lecturers are selected from the academic world, the professions, the State and private management.
  • For the extensive network of international partners.
  • Because LUISS is located in the heart of Rome.

The city of Rome

Rome is the capital of the ItalianRepublic and is the most populous and largest municipality in Italy. Rome is located in the middle of the Italian peninsula. The city was built on seven hills: Palatine, Aventine, Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline and Caelian. The city of Rome offers a wide range of interesting possibilities, thanks to its unique richness of history, culture and art. Visitors will have the amazing opportunity to travel through history while walking on its streets: day life doesn’t only offer superb views of the Colosseum, Fontana di Trevi, the Foro Romano, Piazza di Spagna or the Pantheon, but also surprises with ancient secrets and modern beauties in the narrow streets of the city centre. The Roman night is also full of places where-to-be: the old Trastevere quarter, the very popular Campo de’ Fiori and Piazza Navona are only some of them. Entire collections of art masterpieces will be found in the Vatican and the CapitolMuseums, in the Borghese Gallery and in the National Museum of Modern Art, as well as in the many precious churches and cathedrals. Rome is one of the greatest centres of the Classical, Renaissance and Baroque art. The stratification of cultures, styles and works of art realised during the centuries is one of the most fascinating characteristics of the city. It is the city with the highest concentration of historical and architectural riches in the world.


For more and updated information please consult our website from time to time.


The ECTS brochures in English are available at:

Student Exchange Partners 2013-2014


Universidad de Belgrano – BUENOS AIRES

Universidad Argentina de la Empresa – UADE – BUENOS AIRES

Universidad Torcuato di Tella – UTDT - BUENOS AIRES


Karl Franzens Universitaet GRAZ

Universitaet WIEN

Wirtschaftsuniversitaet WIEN WU


Université Libre de BRUXELLES

KatholiekeUniversiteit LEUVEN

Université Catholique de LOUVAIN


FundaçaoGetulioVargas – FGV RIO de JANEIRO



Université deMONTREAL

University of OTTAWA

University of British Columbia - VANCOUVER

CarletonUniversity – OTTAWA

Université du Quebec – MONTREAL


Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez - SANTIAGO - VIÑA DEL MAR


Hong KongBaptistUniversity – HONG KONG

University of Fudan - SHANGHAI

RenminUniversity of China – BEIJING

University of Macau – MACAU

Czech Republic

Masaryk University - BRNO





University of COPENHAGEN


University of JYVÄSKYLÄ

University of HELSINKI


Hanken School of Economics – HELSINKI / VAASA



Ecole de Management de GRENOBLE

EDHEC Business School - LILLE–NICE

Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - LYON


AUDENCIA NANTESEcole de Management

SKEMABusinessSchool - NICE




Sciences Po - PARIS

ICN BusinessSchool - NANCY


Université de STRASBOURG R. Schuman

Université Francois Rabelais - TOURS

Université de TOULOUSE - IEP

IESEG School of Management – Lille Catholic University – LILLE – PARIS


Freie Universitaet BERLIN

Humboldt Universitaet zu BERLIN

Technische Universitaet BERLIN

Ruhr-Universität BOCHUM

Bucerius Law School HAMBURG


Christian Albrechts Universitaet zu KIEL


Universitaet KONSTANZ

TUM Business School -MÜNCHEN

EuropeanBusinessSchool (EBS) – WIESBADEN / RHEINGAU


University of ATHENS

ATHENS University of Economics and Business

University of THESSALONIKI


University College DUBLIN


Interdisciplinary Center (ICD)Herzliya


Université du LUXEMBOURG

New Zealand

VictoriaUniversity of WELLINGTON


Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration - BERGEN

University of OSLO

BI Norwegian School of Management–OSLO


Universidad ESAN – LIMA


Nicolaus Copernicus University TORUN


Universidade Católica Portuguesa LISBOA

Universidade Nova de LISBOA


MOSCOW State Institute of International Relations – MGIMO


Singapore Management University - SMU

South Korea

YonseiUniversity – SEUL


Universidad de ALICANTE

Universitat Pompeu Fabra BARCELONA

Universidad de BARCELONA

Universidad de CANTABRIA

Universidad de DEUSTO-BILBAO


Universidad Complutense de MADRID

Universidad Francisco de Vitoria - MADRID

Universidad Pontificia Comillas – MADRID

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - MADRID

Universidad de MURCIA

Universidad de SALAMANCA


University of GOTHENBURG

STOCKHOLMS Universitet

STOCKHOLMSUniversity School of Business

UPPSALA Universitet


Université de LAUSANNE

Universitaet ZÜRICH

ZHAW – School of Management & Law - WINTERTHUR/ Zurigo


ChulalongkornUniversity - BANGKOK

The Netherlands

Universiteit van AMSTERDAM

Rijks Universiteit GRONINGEN

Universiteit LEIDEN

Universiteit MAASTRICHT

University College - MAASTRICHT

Radboud Universiteit NIJMEGEN

Universiteit van TILBURG

Universiteit UTRECHT


Bogazici University (Bosphorus) ISTANBUL

KocUniversity ISTANBUL

United Kingdom

University of DURHAM

University of ESSEX - COLCHESTER

University of EXETER

City University LONDON – CASSBusinessSchool

University of East Anglia - NORWICH

University of STRATHCLYDE



University ofMontevideo – MONTEVIDEO



University of South Carolina - COLUMBIA

Marquette University – MILWAUKEE

Cornell University - ITHACA–NEW YORK