Performance Indicators-Language Arts

Reading and Writing

2nd Grade

Learning Standards

/ Performance Indicators / Possible Evidence
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
Reads orally with speed, accuracy, and expression / Read between 65 –90 words accurately per minute in grade level text.
(AIMS Web fluency passage)
Student must be exposed at least 3 times to the passage before assessing. / Read between 75-90 words accurately per minute in grade level text.
(AIMS Web fluency passage) / Read between 85 –90 words accurately per minute in grade level text.
(AIMS Web fluency passage) / Read between 90-95 words accurately per minute in grade level text.
(AIMS Web fluency passage) / *Grade Level Passage from Standards Based Notebook (AIMS Web fluency passage)
The only way a child can E-exceed in any quarter is to READ 96 words/minute.
SCALE (Words per minute) / DNM Below 30
IP 31-64
M 65-95
E 96+ / DNM Below 40
IP 40-74
M 75-95
E 96+ / DNM Below 50
IP 50-84
M 85-95
E 96+ / DNM Below 60
IP 60-89
M 90-95
E 96 +
Applies phonics skills to decode text / Uses spelling patterns to decode words.
Applies letter sound correspondence to decode unfamiliar words.
Applies skills to reading words, sentences, and stories. / Uses spelling patterns to decode words.
Applies letter sound correspondence to decode unfamiliar words.
Applies skills to reading words, sentences, and stories.
Recognizes, reads, and writes words containing regular and irregular plurals and possessives.
Reads compound words and contractions.
Students will read and spell words containing r-controlled vowels and silent letters. / Uses spelling patterns to decode words.
Applies letter sound correspondence to decode unfamiliar words.
Applies skills to reading words, sentences, and stories.
Recognizes, reads, and writes words containing regular and irregular plurals and possessives.
Reads compound words and contractions.
Students will read and spell words containing r-controlled vowels and silent letters.
Students will read and spell words containing irregular vowel patterns.
Students will read multi-syllabic words. / Uses spelling patterns to decode words.
Applies letter sound correspondence to decode unfamiliar words.
Applies skills to reading words, sentences, and stories.
Students can read words containing blends, diagraphs, and diphthongs.
Recognizes, reads, and writes words containing regular and irregular plurals and possessives.
Reads compound words and contractions.
Students will read and spell words containing r-controlled vowels and silent letters.
Students will read and spell words containing irregular vowel patterns.
Students will read multi-syllabic words. / Patricia Cunningham Working with Words Activities
*Teacher Checklist
Teacher Observation
Acquires and uses grade-level words to communicate effectively / Students use a variety of text with new words in oral and written language.
Students recognize grade appropriate words with multiple meanings.
Students will determine the meaning of unknown words based on context. / Students use a variety of text with new words in oral and written language.
Students recognize grade appropriate words with multiple meanings.
Students will determine the meaning of unknown words based on context. / Students use a variety of text with new words in oral and written language.
Students recognize and apply the appropriate usage of homophones, homographs, antonyms, and synonyms.
Students will determine the meaning of unknown words based on context. / Students use a variety of text with new words in oral and written language.
Students recognize and apply the appropriate usage of homophones, homographs, antonyms, and synonyms.
Students will determine the meaning of unknown words based on context. / Patricia Cunningham Words
*Basal Vocabulary Assessment (In SBRC notebook)
Teacher Observation
Uses a variety of strategies to understand and gain meaning from grade level text / Students read and listen to texts, predict using prior knowledge, ask and answer questions over text, distinguish fact from fiction, retell stories, makes connections between texts and experiences. Students interpret information from charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations, and graphic organizers. Students use word parts, dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary skills to determine word meanings. / Students read and listen to texts, predict using prior knowledge, ask and answer questions over text, distinguish fact from fiction, retell stories, makes connections between texts and experiences. Students interpret information from charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations, and graphic organizers. Students use word parts, dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary skills to determine word meanings.
Students recognize a variety of genres (poetry, fables, folktales). Students are able to use titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information. Students recognize the author’s purpose. / Students read and listen to texts, predict using prior knowledge, ask and answer questions over text, distinguish fact from fiction, retell stories, makes connections between texts and experiences. Students interpret information from charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations, and graphic organizers. Students use word parts, dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary skills to determine word meanings. Students identify and infer main idea and supporting details and cause and effect relationships. Students self monitor comprehension and attempts to clarify meaning. Students recognize plot, setting, and character within text and compares and contrasts these elements among texts.
Students recognize a variety of genres (poetry, fables, folktales). Students are able to use titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information. Students recognize the author’s purpose. / Students read and listen to texts, predict using prior knowledge, ask and answer questions over text, distinguish fact from fiction, retell stories, makes connections between texts and experiences. Students interpret information from charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations, and graphic organizers. Students use word parts, dictionary, thesaurus, and glossary skills to determine word meanings. Students identify and infer main idea and supporting details and cause and effect relationships. Students self monitor comprehension and attempts to clarify meaning. Students recognize plot, setting, and character within text and compares and contrasts these elements among texts.
Students recognize a variety of genres (poetry, fables, folktales). Students are able to use titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locateinformation. Students recognize the author’s purpose. / *BLT and Rigby
Running records
Teacher Observation
*Basal Comprehension Assessments (In SBRC Notebook)
Answers basic comprehension questions accurately / Students read independently and answer questions over grade level text (Read and answer questions on Guided Reading Level K Rigby) / Students read independently and answer questions over grade level text
(Read and answer questions on Guided Reading Level L Rigby) / Students read independently and answer questions over grade level text
(Read and answer questions on Guided Reading Level L Rigby) / Students read independently and answer questions over grade level text
(Read and answer questions on Guided Reading Level M Rigby) / *BLT and Rigby Running Records
*Basal Comprehension Assessments
Writing and Conventions
Demonstrates competency in the writing process in a variety of genres / Students will be able to write 3-5 complete sentences.
-Response to Literature -Persuasive
Traits to focus on
(Narrative will be genre that is assessed this 9 weeks. Only IDEAS and ORGANIZATION Assessed) / Students will be able to write 1-2 paragraphs that are made up of complete sentences.
Paragraphs- 3-5 sentences.
-Response to Literature
Traits to Focus On
Word Choice
(Response to Literature will be the genre that is assessed this 9 weeks. Ideas, Organization, Voice and Word Choice Assessed) / Students will be able to write 2 paragraphs composed of complete sentences.
-Response to Literature -Persuasive
Traits to Focus On
Sentence Fluency
(Persuasive will be the genre that is assessed this 9 weeks. Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency and Conventions Assessed) / Students will be able to write 2-3 paragraphs composed with complete sentences.
-Response to Literature
Traits to Focus On


(Informational will be the genre that is assessed this 9 weeks. All Traits Assessed) / *Mock Writing
-Teacher observation
*Independent Writing
6+1 Traits Notebook
Establishes a focus and stays on topic (ideas) / Big idea is stated in text and support may be minimal. / Big idea is clear but general (has some supporting details). / Big idea is clear. Topic is narrowed. Supporting ideas are relevant, logical and mostly accurate. / Big idea is clear and original. Supporting details are relevant, accurate, and specific. Development is generous and complete. / *Mock Writing
-Teacher observation
*Independent Writing
Ideas Rubric (6+1 Traits Notebook)
Uses organizational patterns to support a topic / Student will begin a story and attempt an ending using chronological order, similarities and differences, or answering questions. Begins to use transition words or phrases. / Student will begin a story and attempt an ending using chronological order, similarities and differences, or answering questions. Begins to use transition words or phrases. / Student will write a story with a strong beginning, middle, and end (one area may be weaker than others) using chronological order, similarities and differences, or answering questions. Students use transition words or phrases. / Student will write a story with a strong beginning, middle, and using chronological order, similarities and differences, or answering questions. Students use transition words or phrases. / *Mock Writing
-Teacher observation
*Independent Writing
Organization Rubric (6+1 Traits Notebook)
Uses appropriate conventions (subject-verb agreement, nouns, and pronouns) / Students will write
sentences with correct subject-verb agreement and singular/plural nouns.
Paragraphing may be spotty or not even present. / Students will write
sentences with correct subject-verb agreement. singular, plural, and possessive nouns; singular possessive pronouns; and singular and plural personal pronouns.
Paragraphing may be spotty or not even present. / Students will write
sentences with correct subject-verb agreement. singular, plural, and possessive nouns; singular possessive pronouns; and singular and plural personal pronouns.
Beginning paragraphing with first line indented. / Students will write
sentences with correct subject-verb agreement. singular, plural, and possessive nouns; singular possessive pronouns; and singular and plural personal pronouns.
Paragraphing has consistent indentation. / *Mock Writing
-Teacher observation
*Independent Writing
Conventions Rubric (6+1 Traits Notebook)
Uses correct punctuation and capitalization / Students will use correct punctuation in their writing. (periods, exclamation mark, and question mark).
Students will use capital letters at the beginning of the sentence. / Students will use correct punctuation in their writing (periods,
exclamation mark, question mark, and
Students will use appropriate capitalization throughout their writing.
(Commas in a series and date) / Students will use correct punctuation in their writing (periods,
exclamation mark, question mark, and
Students will use appropriate capitalization throughout their writing.
Students will use periods after abbreviations.
(Commas in a series, in dates, after a friendly letter greeting/closure, and between cities and states) / Students will use correct punctuation in their writing (periods,
exclamation mark, question mark,
commas, and quotation marks).
Students will use appropriate capitalization throughout their writing.
(Commas in a series, in dates, after a friendly letter greeting/closure, and between cities and states) / *Mock Writing
-Teacher observation
*Independent Writing
Uses spelling rules / Uses common rules of spelling and starts to use available resources.
(resources-dictionary and thesaurus)
(Refer to County Curriculum Calendar) / Uses common rules of spelling and uses available resources in the students’ writing.
(resources-dictionary and thesaurus)
(Refer to County Curriculum Calendar) / Uses common rules of spelling and uses available resources in the students’ writing.
(resources-dictionary and thesaurus)
Students should use the word wall correctly in their work.
(Refer to County Curriculum Calendar) / Uses common rules of spelling and consistently uses available resources in daily work.
(resources-dictionary and thesaurus)
Students should use the word wall correctly in their work.
(Refer to County Curriculum Calendar) / *Mock Writing
*Independent Writing
-Daily work
-Teacher observation
*Spelling Dictation Assessment
Listening, Speaking and Viewing
Uses oral, visual, and auditory strategies to communicate / *Teacher Observation
-Peer Conversations
-Conversation with the teacher