Business Plan;

Portable Communication Pods in Ports.

Please read the document Portable Communication Pods in Ports before completing this Business Plan.

Section 1: Application Details;

Section 2: Pilot Port Details;

Section 3: Coordination/ Stakeholder Analysis;

Section 4: Operations and Logistics;

Section 5: Budget;

Section 6: Checklist;

The deadline for the submission of the business plan is 7th November 2016.

Section 1: Application Details;

  1. Country in which the project is located:
  2. Port in which the project is located:
  3. Total cost of your project (In GBP as per annexed budget – Section 5):
  4. Amount requested from ITF Seafarers' Trust (As per annexed budget – Section 5):
  5. Contact person for the pilot project
  1. Name:
  2. Email address of contact person:
  3. Your telephone number
  4. Position in organisation
  1. Organisation name:
  2. Organisation address
  3. Address1:
  4. Address2:
  5. Address3:
  6. Town:
  7. Postcode:
  8. Country:
  9. Number of paid full time staff
  10. Number of paid part time staff
  11. Number of volunteers
  12. ITF Affiliate Number (if unknown please complete questions12-22):
  13. Organisation short name:
  14. Organisation email address:
  15. Organisation web address:
  16. Organisation telephone number
  17. Organisation fax number
  18. Organisation legal status
  19. Charity/Company/Incorporation number
  20. If your organisation is a branch, please give details of your Head Office including name, address, web address, telephone number and fax number
  21. If your organisation is a branch, please enter the email address of your Head Office
  22. What are your organisation's main objectives and activities? (maximum 4000 characters which is about 700 words)
  23. If your organisation is affiliated to an international, national or regional association please give details (maximum 255 characters which is about 30 words)

Section 2: Pilot Port Details;

  1. Country in which the project is located (auto-fill from Section 1):
  2. Port in which the project is located (auto-fill from Section 1):
  3. Specific area of the port – if a specific area is to be targeted?
  4. Are you planning to place the container in one specific terminal, being aware that not all seafarers will have access to that specific terminal?
  5. Existing welfare facilities for seafarers in port (annex map of port)
  6. Seaman’s club
  7. WC facilities
  8. Drop-in centre
  9. Welfare room
  10. Free WiFi
  11. Shuttle bus
  12. Other (please specify)
  13. Distance to closest urban centre/town/shopping mall? (km)
  14. Number of ship calling at the port per year?
  1. Cargo Liner
  2. Dry bulk carrier
  3. Car-carrier
  4. LNG product tanker
  5. Tanker
  6. Off-shore
  7. Tug
  8. Other (please specify)
  1. Number of ships calling at terminal that will be served by the unmanned centre per year? (if applicable)
  2. Average turnaround time for ships/average time in port.
  3. Please give any additional details that explain why you think this port should be chosen for the Pilot Project. (300 words max)

Section 3: Coordination/ Stakeholder Analysis;

  1. Please provide a commitment letter from the Port Authority detailing their willingness to support this pilot project in the port.
  2. What provisions have been made for the Insurance of the Portable Communication Pods, if any?
  3. Has a specific location been agreed upon for the unmanned centre?
  4. Is there a Port Welfare Committee in your port,
  1. Are your organisation represented in the PWC?
  1. How do you intend to utilise the centres to further the mission of your own organisation?

Section 4: Operations and Logistics;

  1. Has a specific location been agreed upon for the Portable Communication Pods? (repeated from section 3)
  2. Does your port have container facilities?
  3. The centre will require cleaning and maintenance. Who will be responsible for the weekly cleaning(wipe down and sweep out) and general maintenance such as the installation of tablet updates, a monthly tech check-up, or carrying out part replacement?
  4. The centre will need to be opened and closed:
  1. Who will be responsible for daily opening and closing?
  2. What will be the opening hours?
  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday
  5. Friday
  6. Saturday
  7. Sunday
  1. How will you prioritise the use of the tablets for seafarersin portover other maritime workers?
  2. How do you intend to alert visiting seafarers and other maritime workers to the presence of the new centre?
  3. Can you access broadband internet where the centre will be located?
  4. Will the Port Authority or the terminal operator provide broadband access?
  5. If you cannot access broadband and would be using 4G with unlimited data allowance where available:
  1. How many 4G service providers cover the identified location for the centre?
  2. What is the cost of the best data allowance package you have identified? (please annex quotations)

Section 5: Budget;

The ITF Seafarers’ Trust welcomes all collaboration in this pilot phase. We would therefore suggest that you include all costs that you anticipate incurring in this project, and identify (in the format provided) the costs which you would ask the ITF Seafarers’ Trust to cover.

Some examples maybe;

  • You may incur a cost in receiving the container to the port, but may decide that these costs can be absorbed and not charged to the ITF Seafarers’ Trust
  • You may identify a person who will be responsible for the weekly maintenance, but who is already salaried and can incorporate the maintenance of the centre into their activities.
  • You may reach an agreement with the Port Authority to provide free broadband access to the centre.
  • You may decide to provide outdoor seating to make the area more appealing.

These expected costs need to be included in the budget (as estimates if necessary). This is because this is a pilot project and we need to understand the full costs that may be incurred in any port location so that we can have a clear understanding of the total cost. It will also allow us to understand your organisational contribution to the cost of the project.

Please also keep in mind the following points;

  • The budget template has been locked so that only certain cells can be edited. Total cells will auto-calculate.
  • The ITF Seafarers’ Trust requires that a minimum of 10% of the total cost of the project be contributed by the applying organisation, either as cash or in-kind (for example personnel or internet access as identified in the examples above).
  • You will need to identify the exchange rate (where applicable) using the website The GBP rate will calculate automatically if you update the exchange rate reference (cell K5).

Section 6: Checklist;

Section 1: Application Details;

Section 2: Pilot Port Details;

Section 3: Coordination/ Stakeholder Analysis;Provide commitment letter.

Section 4: Operations and Logistics; Provide quotations from 4G providers or broadband

Section 5: Budget; Completed budget format and rename Excel file.

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