Theodore Roosevelt Middle School

Mr. Rodney W. Sortina(504) 443 - 1361

Sortina.comNon – Teaching Period: 10:45 – 12:15

6th Grade World History

Course Description:

The Sixth GradeWorld History curriculum is comprised of two main areas: Geography (28%) and History (72%). The Geography strand this year will include concepts involving spatial recognition (maps), places, regions, physical systems, human systems, the environment, and societies. The History strand this year will consist of the actual history of many different civilizations and will include historical thinking skills.

Parental involvement:

I have a wonderful year planned that will allow your child to truly learn as much as they possibly can, while increasing their ability to understand our core topics. I will challenge your child to challenge themselves, and to push themselves, to do their personal best at all times. I would like to remind you that your child will do better in school when the communication between you and me is at a high level. Together we can make sure that this year is a positive experience for your child.

Textbooks and Materials:

We will use (2) textbooks this year in my classes. While your student is in class we will use The World Past and Present. When your student is at home I will assign work that will come from The World. I also ask that the students have the following materials for my class:

  1. One clear cover 3 ring binder, able to hold loose – leaf paper and handouts.
  2. One pack of plastic dividers (5 divisions) with binder holes that can be inserted into the binder to separate sections.
  3. Index Cards – ruled and carrier to hold them for Vocabulary
  4. Ink Pens – two blue, two black, two red, and two other color (ex. green, purple, etc.), or two “four colors in one” pens.
  5. Pencils – two regular #2 pencils or two mechanical lead pencils.
  6. If using regular pencils, one non – motorized pencil sharpener with lid.
  7. A Highlighter
  8. One pack of college ruled loose leaf to be placed in the binder.

Also, because the class uses a lot of supplies during the course of a year, please purchase the item listed on the next page to be donated to the class byTuesday September 3, 2013.

Class 601 – Two containers of baby wipes (any kind)

Class 602 – Two ELMERS glue sticks or Two bottles of Hand Sanitizer (any kind)

Class 603 – One box of CRAYOLA crayons (16 or 24 count)

Class 604 – One box of CRAYOLA color pencils (Any count larger than 8)

Class 605 – Two boxes of Kleenex – type tissues (any kind)

Class 606 – Two rolls of paper towels (any kind)

Grading policy:

The following grading policy has been adopted by JPPSS for this school year.

A = 93 – 100

B = 85 – 92

C = 75 – 84

D = 67 – 74

F = 66 and below

Class Rules:

  1. Always try to do your best, and give maximum effort.
  2. Always be respectful of yourself and others.
  3. Always be punctual to class.
  4. Always have your class materials ready at the bell.
  5. Always complete your assignments, and participate in class.
  6. Always mind your own business.
  7. Always raise your hand before speaking or moving.

Class Consequences:

1st Offense:Verbal Warning

2nd Offense:Removal from Lotto

3rd Offense:Marriage

4th Offense:Behavior Report or Detention

5th Offense:Parent Conference or 2 Detentions

6th Offense:Referral or 1 week of Detentions

7th Offense:Removal from class with a Referral


If you need to make any kind of special arrangements with me for your child, please see me privately after class, or during my non – teaching period.