Kempner Cougar JV CadetGuidelines
Kempner High School
Dance Team Guidelines
FBISD Dance Code of Conduct
All Kempner High School Dance Team members must adhere to the following sections. It should be understood as a member of this organization, the student becomes a representative of Kempner High School and each member should maintain high moral and ethical standards. In order to be a productive and successful team, it is necessary that each member be accountable to a discipline system and code of conduct. This system has not been devised to make things difficult on you, but rather make the Kempner Cougar JV Cadet Dance Team the most outstanding team. The following is a code of behaviors that each team member is expected to observe and follow throughout the year. This guideline follows the rules and regulation of the Fort Bend ISD Extra Curricular Handbook, Fort Bend ISD and Kempner High School policies and the Fort Bend ISD Dance Code of Conduct. Membership may be terminated at any time for unacceptable standards of conduct according to the Fort Bend ISD Extra Curricular Handbook, Kempner High School Policies, Fort Bend ISD Dance Code of Conduct and the Cadet Dance Guidelines.
Section I – Purpose
- The primary purpose of the organization is to promote the art of dance, school spirit, build character above reproach, promote community involvement, encourage student responsibility and independence in following rules and encourage scholarships.
Section II – Director
- The director is the leader of the organization. The director must first approve all operations.
- She assists all officers and team members.
- She is the treasurer and manager of all funds and is the designer behind all performances.
- She will pace rehearsals and dismiss all meetings.
- Merits and demerits will only be given with her permission.
- She will oversee the booster club and serve as a member on the executive board.
Section III – Expectations of members
In order for a candidate to become and remain a member of the Kempner Cougar Cadet, she must adhere to the following:
- Have a multi-disciplined attitude.
- Dance team has an extremely high set of standards for the way members should act due to representation of the Cadet Dance Team and Kempner High School. Members should not receive excessive demerits or any discipline referrals at any time.
- Remember that dance team is NOT a right, but a PRIVILEGE .
- Standards of dance team will not be lowered to accommodate any member of the dance team.
- If a member chooses to resign or is dismissed fromJV Cadet Dance Team, that former member is not to wear anyitems related to the team. This includes warm-ups, team shirts, tote bag, etc.
- Disrespect and insubordination will not be tolerated at any time.
- All activities and events, the JV Cadets participate in are mandatory, in their entirety, unless stated otherwise by the director. This includes football games, parades, dance and/or band rehearsals and contest, etc.
Section IV– Membership Requirements
- Membership for the Kempner Cougar JV Cadet Dance Team is for one school year. Tryouts are held each spring for the upcoming year. Each member must re-tryout each spring to earn a spot for the upcoming year. Once a candidate becomes a member, she can be dismissed for various reasons.
- If during the term of membership a member chooses to resign from the team, the member must request a conference with the director with a written resignation that is signed and dated. After the student/director conference a meeting between student, parent and director must be made to review all rules and regulations of dismissal. At that time all uniforms and other school provided material must be returned,dry cleaned, and student account balance must be zero. She will then be placed in a P.E. or study hall class.
- All members must have their account balance paid in full by the first week of December. If the member fails to meet the deadline set, she will not be allowed to perform and/or participate in JV Cadet activities until the account balance is paid in full. If the member does not meet the payment by the end of the fall semester she will be removed from the team and will not be enrolled in the class for the spring semester.
- If a payment plan is needed to pay an account balance, the parent or guardian financially responsible for the member must send a letter requesting an extension on all payments. At that time a new payment will be set by the director. The director will put the plan in writing and have the parent or guardian sign and date the payment plan indicating agreementfor payment.
- Members must maintain ladylike conduct and behavior at all times.
- Members and parents/guardians should be aware of requirements of membership to the Kempner Cougar JV Cadet Dance Team, which include summer camps, practices, expenses, attendance policies and all other information covered under the Kempner Cougar JV Cadet Dance Team Guidelines.
Section V – Grade Requirements/Grading Procedures
- Members must meet all grade requirements as outlined by the State Board of Education Agency, UIL and State Law.
- If a JV Cadet member has remained ineligible for three grading periods, they will be placed on probation. By next grading period they must be passing or they will be removed from the team, so they can be placed into a study hall.
- Grades for dance team members will be given in the following outlined areas:
25% citizenship/responsibility
75% performance skills
Because dance is a performance based and team activity, it is imperative that members participate in all rehearsals and performances to meet the essential elements of the course. Therefore, students may lose points from their nine week grade for the following:
- Skills Test
- Unexcused absence from co-curricular rehearsal – 10 points.
- Unexcused absence from co-curricular performance – 25 points
- Other point deductions for infractions are as follows:
-5 inappropriate shoes on the dance floor
-10 incorrect attire (including cover-ups without permission)
-5 chewing gum or candy in class
-20 ISS or Alternative school assignments not completed
-1 to –20 poor participation or unsatisfactory conduct in class and/or in dressing area
Section VI- Attendance
- All members must attend all scheduled practices and performances unless given special permission by the director PRIOR to an absence.
- Family outings and vacations, tutoring sessions, night school, work , annual or routine doctor appointments and other extra curricular activities that a member may be involved in, either inside or outside of school must be scheduled outside of the dance team practices, rehearsals, events/activities, and performances.
- Members of the Cadet dance team must not hold a job that interferes with dance team activities. Work is not an excuse to miss practice, performance or any other scheduled activity.
- There are two types of absences, excused and unexcused. Excused means that the directors have prior (at least up to 48 hours in advance) knowledge of the absence and feel the absence is of good reason. This type of absence may result in the member being removed from the week’s performance; at the directors discretion. An Unexcused absence is one that the director does not have prior knowledge of;or feels the absence is not of good reason. In this case the member will not be allowed to remain in the up coming performance and /or activities.
- Members may be removed from dances for excused or unexcused absences.
- All members are required to attend all practices, performances, and events/activities, in their entirety, whether performing or not.
- All members are required to participate in summer rehearsals, which include line camp at the beginning of August. Exceptions will be provided only for those in summer programs or religious event. For every two days of practice that are missed the member will be placed on probation for one football game. The member will be required to attend the football game, however, she will not participate in the spirit line or halftime performance.
- If a member becomes injured and is unable to participate for a period of time, doctor’s note will be requested. Doctor’s notes must state how long the student will be unable to participate. Members are still required to attend practices and performances while injured.
- Consequences –
- A student who is absent more than 50% of the school day cannot participate in after school or night activities on the missed day.
- Failure to meet the requirements defined in the Cadette guidelines will result in an unexcused absence and further disciplinary action will be taken.
- Throughout Cadette contest and spring show practices (as scheduled by the directors), members will be allowed two excused absences from practice. In an excess of two absences, the member may face removal from the dance(s) that were practiced in her absence. No member should miss any practice two full weeks (14 days) before the scheduled event. Director may waive removal if no adequate alternates are available for the contest or spring show.
Section VII – Probation
Probation will be when a member is not allowed to perform in any performance or represent the team in any fashion (wearing attire to school) but must be in attendance at all scheduled practices, performances and activities in proper attire assigned by the director. The probationary period will last at least two weeks, director will determine the length of probation. All rules and regulations will still apply at all times.
- The director along with administrator approval may place a Cadet member on probation at any time for any infraction to the Cadet guidelines, FBISD dance code of conduct, and/or the FBISD student code of conduct.
- Any member accused of breaking the law will be placed on probation until found guilty. If found guilty, the dance team member will be dismissed from the organization.
- Grade/conduct probation:
- If a member does not meet the grade requirements, she will not be allowed to perform or represent the Cadet dance team.
- A student who receives, at the end of any UIL grading period, a grade below 70 in any class may not participate in any extra-curricular activities for three school weeks and will be placed on probation.
- The member must participate in practice, but may not perform with the dance team or attend its performance functions.
- The student will regain eligibility after the seven calendar day waiting period has ended following a three week evaluation period; and she has earned a passing grade (70 or higher) in ALL classes.
Section VIII – Dismissal
Dismissal of a dancer means he or she shall not be permitted participation in any activity of the dance team for the remainder of the school year. A dismissed member must fulfill all financial responsibilities, turn in all issued uniforms, and supplies and will receive a schedule change out of the dance team class. Grounds for dismissal include the following:
- Showing lack of cooperation or disloyalty to the director, officers and/or fellow teammates.
- Any assignment to campus based alternative school or any other form of alternative school.
- More than two unexcused absences from a game, competition or other mandatory activity.
- Members found or discovered drinking alcohol, smoking, or using illegal drugs, in or out of uniform, regardless of location will be subject to the consequences defined by the FBISD handbook. Students found in pictures to be in the presence of alcohol or other illegal substances will be subject to consequences, which may result in dismissal.
- Members found fighting or stealing, in or out of school.
- Violation of the Kempner JV Cadet guideline, FBISD dance code, or FBISD code of conduct as deemed necessary by the administrator in charge and/ or director.
- Any student representing themselves, or their organization, in an unfavorable, questionable, or illegal manner through electronic media (i.e. Twitter, Snapchat, text messages, any other social media) or using electronic devices in such a way as to bring discredit, dishonor, or disgrace to their organization or members of any other organization, including themselves, may be subject to dismissal. Every situation will be investigated by the director and campus administrator before any action is taken. The campus administrator and director will make the final decision.
- Once a member has been dismissed, they are not allowed to wear any JV Cadets team attire or uniform pieces to school or in public. All property of Kempner JV Cadets and FBISD must be turned in immediately.
Section X– Expenses(FBISD Dance Code)
- Each member is responsible for purchasing practice clothing and any other apparel the group may need to purchase.
- Members and parents should understand that dance team is a year round expense. An estimated expense account will be given at the beginning of the year, but does not reflect exact yearly costs.
- All members must have their account balance paid in full by the first week of December. If the member fails to meet the deadline set, the member will not be allowed to perform and/or participate in Cadet activities until the account balance is paid in full.
Section XI- Parent Involvement
- Parent volunteers are always welcome and encouraged. Any parent willing to volunteer their time to help will be greatly appreciated.
- There are two major fundraising events during the year in which parent involvement is important and expected. The two events are the Jr. Dance Clinic, which takes place in the fall, and the other Spring Show which takes place in the spring.
- Members will be allowed to carry cell phones as long as they are turned off. Members will not be allowed to use cell phones while in practice/rehearsal or during performances.
- The director will always follow the guidelines and procedures set and if any exceptions need to be made they will be at the discretion of the director.
Section XII – Demerit and Merit System
- Only the directors can issue demerits.
- Dance officers will record their respective squad members’ demerits and merits. Officers may suggest demerits to the directors.
- When a demerit is issued to a member, the member will receive notification of the demerit either from the director or from a dance officer and must sign for the demerit issued.
- Members will be allowed to receivethree demerits for the same offense. After the third time, the member will receive a permanent demerit for the offense.
- If a member has a question regarding a demerit issued, she must set up a conference with the director. Each member is required to keep a record of their demerits, as well the directors and member’s squad leaders.
- Demerits will be removed by either a) 100 kicks or b) using merits earned prior to being issued a demerit.
- 1 merit will remove 1 demerit.
- Permanent demerits will remain on a dancer’s record for the entire school year. They may not be kicked off or covered by merits.
Permanent Demerits:
a. 5 permanent demerits: Dancer will be placed on probation for two weeks and notification to parents in writing that the dancer is in jeopardy of dismissal.
b. 10 permanent demerits: Suspension from squad (probation) for four weeks and notification to parents in writing that the dancer is in jeopardy of dismissal.
c. 15 permanent demerits: After administrative and director review, there will be an automatic dismissal from the squad with written notification to parents.
d. Directors will issue demerits OR dismissal for the following: smoking, drinking alcohol, possession of illegal drugs, stealing, fighting, and anybehavior deemed severely inappropriate.
List of demerits and merits
The following is a list of offenses and the number of demerits received for each offense.
A. Permanent Demerits – MAY NOT be worked off or REMOVED by previously earned merits
Offense: / # of DemeritsUnexcused Absence from practice
Late to Performance Roll Call
Leaving practice or class without director’s permission
Unexcused Absence from a performance
Skipping Class or Classes
Being Assigned ISS for 1 Day
Inappropriate behavior in/out of school
Inappropriate behavior in pictures, videos, or other media / 3
3 – 10*
3 – 10*
The Fort Bend ISD Extra Curricular Handbook enumerates all above offenses as grounds for suspension of participation for designated period of time set by district OR DISMISSAL.
B.Demerits - Demerits that may be worked off or removed by previously earned merits.
Offense: / # of DemeritsAny tardy less than 10 minutes
Not turning things in on time (money, paperwork, costumes, etc.)
Wearing Improper Practice Attire
Chewing Gum in class/practice/in costume
Eating in dressing or dance room
Hair not properly secured
Any tardy more than 10 minutes
Talking during Practice
Leaving things out – shoes, dance bag, water jugs, etc.
Failure to perform “full out” when instructed by directors or officers
Untidy uniform
Public displays of affection while in uniform or at a school function
Bad Sportsmanship
Talking on Sidelines/performance entrance
Inappropriate behavior in the stands* / 1
1 per item/day
1 per item
2 per offense
2 per item
3 per offense
3 per offense
*Directors’ discretion
Activity: / # of Merits:Participation in a studio Dance Class
(proof of enrollment required)
Participation in a Master’s Dance Class
(proof of enrollment required)
Service in another organization
(PALS, NHS, STU Co, etc.) (with sponsor’s verification)
Attending a non-required school activity
(proof of attendance required)
Earning an “A” (it is the Cadet member’s responsibility to present their grades to earn these merits) / 1 per class (max. 10 per semester)
3 per class
1 per organization
1 per “A”/9 weeks
The Director shall have the authority to give demerits and/or merits for activities which have not been included or which have been inadvertently excluded when necessary. The number of merits issued will reflect the activity.