Minutes of Sam Hallam Campaign Committee Meeting held on 24/11/2011 at 7.30 p.m. in St. Johns Church Green Hut

1. Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Anoop. The meeting welcomed Dominic, Adam and Miles.

2. Minutes of 27th October 2011 meeting

These were agreed.

3. Matters arising from minutes not already on the agenda


4. Appeal Update (Item 4 from 27/10/11)

Paul said discussions had taken place between Sam, Matt Foot, Henry Blaxland QC, Peter Wilcock and Paul on the various grounds of appeal when they visited Sam on 17th November. Skeleton grounds will be submitted in the next few days. Paul drew attention to the extraordinary number of errors in the trial judge’s summing up. The Crown has to respond to the grounds and this is likely to be in January. It’s hoped that Sam’s appeal will be heard in the first half of 2012

Action: Continuing

5. Someone to Blame Theatre Project (Item 5 from 27/10/11)

David said an article about the play had appeared in the Evening Standard this evening which Paul will put up on the website. The play is being put on at the Kings Head Theatre, Islington on 23 dates between 6th to 31st March. In answer to Jane’s question Dominic confirmed that there were also three matinee performances on Sundays and no difficulty about minors attending. The theatre’s capacity is approximately 120. He suggested promotion of the play through the website and word of mouth but added that the theatre has a good publicist.

Adam said it was important to remember that the theatre has a reputation for not being partisan. People need to come away from the production making their own decision. Paul agreed, saying that we need to get across that the play is not incoherent propaganda. Discussion followed about some input to production costs, casting though agents and publicity. Tom said he will contact Islington MPs, Islington Labour Party members and fellow lawyers.

Promotional material could be ready by the end of January.

Patrick was encouraged to speak about the play currently running at the Camden Irish Centre based upon his book “My Father’s Watch” which had been reviewed today in the Camden New Journal. It would be running for another 3 days next week and those present who had not seen it expressed a desire to attend.

Action: Continuing

6. Patrick Maguire Limited Edition Prints (Item 6 from 27/10/11)

Matt said he and Patrick would be meeting Kip Gresham next Thursday at Kip’s studio in Cambridge. The idea was to use Patrick’s “Barcode”, of which there would be 10 limited edition prints, as the basis of an exhibition: 100 posters could also be made for sale. Jane will ask Susan, who has a lot of contact with art critics, about the possibility of using the room upstairs at the White Cube. An auction, in February, before the play, was suggested as a general fundraising event. Pat said that the Lion and Lamb have refurbished an area of the premises into a potential art section.

Action: Matt/Patrick/Jane

7. Campaign Events (Item 7 from 27/10/11)

Black Danny and the campaign will stage a benefit at The Lion and Lamb on Saturday 3rd December at 8 pm. Admission is free but there will be a raffle and collection. Matt offered to get a band if, for family reasons, Black Danny has to cancel.

A discussion followed about fundraising towards the theatre production and a suitable venue for more general fundraising. Paul had spoken to The Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas and was hopeful they would wish to join with the theatre production as co-producers. He had some other initial ideas but needed to give them more thought before liaising with David.

Action: Paul/David

8. Finance and Fundraising (Item 8 from 27/10/11)

Jane provided the following information on the Treasurer’s Trust Account

Income as at end of October 2011 / 1890.25
Expenditure November 2011
I & I Internet Ltd. (6 months website fee) / 35.93
Archive access to 192.com / 17.88
Cash to Sam (November) / 50.00
‘The Case of Sam Hallam’ booklets x 100 + postage and packing. / 219.49
Income as at end of November 2011 / 1556.95

Action: Continuing

9. Campaign Publicity Material (Item 9 from 27/10/11)

Paul said he had updated the booklet about Sam’s case which is now available and there are more Christmas cards for sale.

Action: All

10 Visits to Sam

In addition to the legal visit, Charlotte, Terry, Leigh, Tunge, Daisy, Tommy and Christopher had been and Pat and Wendy are going shortly.

Action: Continuing

11. Any Other Business

In response to Adam’s question Paul said he does the website using Microsoft Expressions and would put up a link to the Kings Head. He was also working on a Wikipedia article. It was suggested that Wendy ask the administrator of the Facebook group if he would like to hand over administrator responsibility to Adam.

Action: Wendy/Paul/Adam

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 26th January 2012

