UBM’s Matched Giving Guidelines
Matched Giving:
The Matched Giving Scheme aims to encourage all employees to help fundraise through personal participation in events to support the work of charities.
Every member of staff employed by UBM is entitled to claim up to £500 (or its equivalent in your local currency) in each calendar year from the Matched Giving Scheme for a charity or charities for which they have raised money. We will match every pound you raise, to a maximum of £500, provided that your claim falls within the rules of the scheme and the charity is eligible for funding (please see the rules below on the types of charity that we will fund).
Each year, UBM allocates a percentage of its charitable donations budget towards the Matched Giving Scheme.
Note:there is a limited amount of money available each year so you will not automatically receive the award, and once the funds available for Matched Giving have been distributed we are unable to support further claims for money in that year. Our funding year runs from January to December so we would advise you to get your application to us at the earliest opportunity!
Before applying to the Matched Giving Scheme please make sure that you have read the rules and guidance notes below carefully.
The Rules
- You must be an employee of UBM.
- Each staff member is eligible to claim up to £500 (or its equivalent in your local currency) in the calendar year.
- You can apply at any point in the year and for as many different activities as you like, so long as your entitlement of £500 is not exceeded.
- To make a claim, you must have personally participated in an event or activity. That is, you must have done something to raise the funds. For example, if you are raising funds by undertaking a sponsored walk we would expect that you were one of the walkers, not the organiser/supervisor of the event.
- Claims for fundraising activities must be submitted within 3 months of the date completed.
- You must have completed the fundraising activity before being able to claim. We cannot support claims for fundraising where funds are required in advance of the activity being undertaken.
- We can only support charities which fit within our guidelines (see below).
- While we are able to accept applications from more than one individual participating in the same fundraising initiative, we may scale back or decline such applications if we consider that they would result in an excessive donation being made.
We strongly advise you not to make any promises of funding to the charity you are fundraising for, in case there are reasons why your claim cannot be met.
The types of charities we fund
UBM’s charitable donations policy aims to provide support for disadvantaged and deprived groups in society, and is focussed on the following areas:-
Media and Communications
Relief from poverty/Homelessness
We will generally also support fundraising for other charities through the Matched Giving Scheme, save as specified below.
The UBM Charity Committee reserves the right to make decisions as to which charities will be supported on an ad hoc basis
What we don’t fund
We do not fund the following types of charitable work.
- Organisations which are not registered as charities or not-for-profit organisations
- Individuals – including students.
- Mainstream activities and statutory requirements of hospitals and medical centres (inc NHS Trusts), schools, universities and colleges.
- Sponsorship or marketing appeals.
- Establishment/preservation of endowment/welfare funds.
- Expeditions or overseas travel.
- Building projects for places of worship.
- Promotion of religion.
- Political organisations.
- Building projects for heritage centres, visitor centres, museums and theatres.
- Historic restoration/historic publications.
- Grant-making organisations that redistribute funding to other organisations and/or individuals.
How to claim
- In the UK: Once you have completed your fundraising activity and paid over the funds raised to your charity you should complete the matched giving claim form and send it, together with confirmation from your charity that the funds have been received, to: Company Secretary, United Business Media Limited, Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 9UY.
- Outside of the UK: Once you have completed your fundraising activity and paid over the funds raised to your charity you should complete the matched giving claim form and send it, together with confirmation from your charity that the funds have been received, toyour local charity co-ordinator. Once approved by the local co-ordinator the form will be sent to UBM’s Company Secretary’s department for final approval.
The Company Secretary’s department will confirm whether or not your application qualifies for matching and, if approved, your charity will then receive their matching gift. Claims are verified and matching donations paid at quarterly intervals.
Matched Payroll Giving (UK only):
Where employees make regular donations via payroll - Give As You Earn (see above for details) – UBM will match donations up to a maximum of £500 per year (this is in addition to matching funds raised under the general Matched Giving Scheme). Matching is subject to the same restrictions as apply to Matched Giving (see “What we don’t fund” above).
For further details on Matched Giving or Give As You Earn visit or contact
Provided to Double the Donation on 10/14/13