ICC Executive Committee Meeting ~ 10/28/08
Members Present: Arnetta Woodson, Michelle Lamers, Bruce Orr, Tom Kelly, Pam Reuther, Ann Woolfolk
Staff: Rosanne Griff-Cabelli, Peggy Miller
The Committee was given a “blurb” on the 2 new parents that were appointed to the ICC by the Governor’s office ~ both parents will speak at the January 2009 regular meeting. There is still one slot to fill ~ do we still want a Legislator or should we fill it with a Sussex county parent? Discussed the Federal and State Law regarding the membership and how each current member fit into the required slots.
Discussed to change the current State Law to increase membership to 25 (it is now 23). It was discussed that the parent participation has to be 20% of the council and that one or more parent should have a child within the age requirement. Rosanne will look into amending this law and will wait until the new Governor takes office in January.
Tom will talk with Mary Knapp (Telamon) to seek help in filling this parent slot. The Committee would really like to have a Hispanic parent on the council. Rosanne reminded everyone that Marie~Anne (PIC) is also a contact to help out.
Conference call has been set for December 11th ~ 5:00~6:30 to set the agenda for the January 27, 2009.ICC meeting.
Executive Committee will also meet on January 27 from 10:00 to 11:30, directly prior to the ICC meeting.
Rosanne again suggested that an ICC member should be on the Delaware KIDS Caucus.
Discussion of Realignment of Targets for Indicators 5 and 6 ~ need to change the target for one year due to the change in eligibility which started as a pilot in 2004/2005. This will be voted on at the regular ICC meeting.
As part of the ICC Path ~ October 2008 goal ~ handed out a draft committee list and work on updating information ~ staff, managing and time ~ please send any changes to Peggy.
Please send Acronyms final feedback to Ann by November 21st.
Tentative agenda for December 11th ~ Conference Call ~5:00~6:30
1. Set the agenda for the January 27, 2009 ICC meeting
2. ICC membership –parent slots, legislator slot, and revision to state law governing membership number on ICC
3. Committee list updates
4. Acronym list update