Eskom Holdings SOC LimitedContract No. 4600051639 & 4600051668


Part 2: Pricing Data - NDT

Document reference / Title / No of pages
C2.1 / Pricing assumptions: Option B / 2
C2.2 / The bill of quantities / 12

Part C2: Pricing DataPAGE1C2 ecc3/b Cover

Eskom Holdings SOC LimitedContract No. 4600051639 & 4600051668


C2.1 Pricing assumptions: Option B

1.The conditions of contract

1.1.How work is priced and assessed for payment

Clause 11 in NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract, June 2005 (ECC3) Option B states:

Identified and defined terms / 11
11.2 / (21) The Bill of Quantities is the bill of quantities as changed in accordance with this contract to accommodate implemented compensation events and for accepted quotations for acceleration.
(28) The Price for Work Done to Date is the total of
  • the quantity of the work which the Contractor has completed for each item in the Bill of Quantities multiplied by the rate and
  • a proportion of each lump sum which is the proportion of the work covered by the item which the Contractor has completed.
Completed work is work without Defects which would either delay or be covered by immediately following work.
(31) The Prices are the lump sums and the amounts obtained by multiplying the rates by the quantities for the items in the Bill of Quantities.

This confirms that Option B is a re-measurement contract and the bill comprises only items measured using quantities and rates or stated as lump sums. Value related items are not used. Time related items are items measured using rates where the rate is a unit of time.

1.2.Function of the Bill of Quantities

Clause 55.1 in Option B states, “Information in the Bill of Quantities is not Works Information or Site Information”. This confirms that instructions to do work or how it is to be done are not included in the Bill, but in the Works Information. This is further confirmed by Clause 20.1 which states, “The Contractor Provides the Works in accordance with the Works Information”. Hence the Contractor does not Provide the Works in accordance with the Bill of Quantities. The Bill of Quantities is only a pricing document.

1.3.Guidance before pricing and measuring

Employers preparing tenders or contract documents, and tendering contractors are advised to consult the sections dealing with the bill of quantities in the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (June 2005) Guidance Notes before preparing the bill of quantities or before entering rates and lump sums into the bill.

The NEC approach to the P & G bill assumes use will be made of method related charges for Equipment applied to Providing the Works based on durations shown in the Accepted Programme, fixed charges for the use of Equipment that is required throughout the construction phase, time related charges for people working in a supervisory capacity for the period required, and lump sum charges for other facilities or services not directly related to performing work items typically included in other parts of the bill.

The P & G section of the bill is not used for the assessment of compensation events.

2.Measurement and payment


The units of measurement described in the Bill of Quantities are metric units abbreviated as follows:

Abbreviation / Unit
h / hour
L / litre
ea / Work day
Per month

2.2.General assumptions

2.2.1.Unless otherwise stated, items are measured net in accordance with the drawings, and no allowance has been made in the quantities for waste.

2.2.2.The Prices and rates stated for each item in the Bill of Quantities shall be treated as being fully inclusive of all work, risks, liabilities, obligations, overheads, profit and everything necessary as incurred or required by the Contractor in carrying out or providing that item.

2.2.3.An item against which no Price is entered will be treated as covered by other Prices or rates in the bill of quantities.

2.2.4.The quantities contained in the Bill of Quantities may not be final and do not necessarily represent the actual amount of work to be done. The quantities of work assessed and certified for payment by the Project Manager at each assessment date will be used for determining payments due.

2.2.5.The short descriptions of the items of payment given in the bill of quantities are only for the purposes of identifying the items. Detail regarding the extent of the work entailed under each item is provided in the Works Information.

2.3.Departures from the method of measurement

Only use this section if the statement for Option B in the Contract Data, “The method of measurement is ______amended as follows” refers the reader to this section rather than include the amendments within the Contract Data statement. Otherwise delete this heading. In any case delete this note when complied with.


2.4.Amplification of or assumptions about measurement items

For the avoidance of doubt the following is provided to assist in the interpretation of descriptions given in the method of measurement. In the event of any ambiguity or inconsistency between the statements in the method of measurement and this section, the interpretation given in this section shall be used.


Part C2: Pricing DataPAGE1C2.1 ECC3/b Pricing assumptions

Eskom Holdings SOC LimitedContract No. 4600051639 & 4600051668


2.5.Price List B

Additional personnel during forced outages and compensation events.

Overtime Rate per Hour
Item / Description / Qty / Mon - Sat / Sunday/Public Holiday
1 / Supervisor/Site Manager / 1
2 / NDT - Level 3 / 1
3 / NDT - Level 2 (RT; UT; MT; PT; WT) / 1
4 / NDT - Level 1 (RT; UT; MT; PT; WT) / 1
5 / Inspector (Welding/fabrication inspector level 1 SAIW) / 1
6 / Safety Officer / 1
7 / Data Capturer / 1
8 / Radiation Safety Watchers / 1
9 / NDT Assistant / 1
10 / Replicas/Etching Technician / 1
11 / DRT Technician / 1
12 / Phased Array Technician / 1
13 / RPO - Radiation Protection Officer / 1
14 / ARPO – Acting Radiation Protection Officer / 1
15 / Transport / R/Km


The prices are exclusive of VAT, but include all other related cost to this scope of work


Print nameSignatureDate

Normal Hours
Item / Description / Qty / Mon - Fri
1 / Supervisor/Site Manager / 1
2 / NDT - Level 3 / 1
3 / NDT - Level 2 (RT; UT; MT; PT; WT) / 1
4 / NDT - Level 1 (RT; UT; MT; PT; WT) / 1
5 / Inspector (Welding/fabrication inspector level 1 SAIW) / 1
6 / Safety Officer / 1
7 / Data Capturer / 1
8 / Radiation Safety Watchers / 1
9 / NDT Assistant / 1
10 / Replicas/Etching Technician / 1
11 / DRT Technician / 1
12 / Phased Array Technician / 1
13 / RPO - Radiation Protection Officer
14 / ARPO – Acting Radiation Protection Officer
15 / Transport / R/Km


The prices are exclusive of VAT, but include all other related cost to this scope of work


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2.6.Price List C

  1. Equipment

Item / Description / Qty / R/Day
1 / Ir 192 Isotope Set / 1
2 / Hardness Tester / 1
3 / Yoke (MPI) / 1
4 / UT Machine / 1
5 / WT Machine / 1
6 / Parent Metal Indicator / 1
7 / D.R.T. Film Developer / 1
8 / Selenium Isotope Set / 1
9 / Phased Array (Omniscan) / 1
10 / Phased Array (Gecco M2M) / 1


The prices are exclusive of VAT, but include all other related cost to this scope of work


Print nameSignatureDate

  1. Consumables

Item / Description / Price/Item (R)
1 / Radiographic Film (10x20)
2 / Radiographic Film (10x40)
3 / Surface Crack Consumables/Tin (Magnaflux)(Ardrox)
4 / Ultrasonic Paste/Bag (5I)
5 / D.R.T. Film (100x200)
6 / D.R.T. Film (100x400)
7 / D.R.T. Film (400x400)
8 / 10 MHz Olympus/AGT2
9 / 7.5 MHz Olympus/AGT2


The prices are exclusive of VAT, but include all other related cost to this scope of work


Print nameSignatureDate

2.7.Price List D

Permanent Crew Monthly Fixed Cost


Description / Qty / Mon - Fri R/Hour / Hours/Month / Month Total
Site Manager/Supervisor / 1 / 173
Data Capturer/Safety Officer / 1 / 173
RT Technician / 1 / 173
Phased Array Technician / 1 / 173
Surface Technician / 3 / 173
Radiation Protection Officer / 1 / 173


The prices are exclusive of VAT, but include all other related cost to this scope of work


Print nameSignatureDate


Description / Weeks / Month Total
Standby per Week for 8 Employees (After Hours and Weekends) / 4
Transport Cost for 8 Man Permanent Crew / 4
Permanent Crew Monthly Fixed Cost (a+b):


The prices are exclusive of VAT, but include all other related cost to this scope of work


Print nameSignatureDate


Estimate for Boiler Tube Leak/Opportunity Maintenance (48 Hour Period) with Fixed Hourly Rate.

Description / Qty / Hours / R/Hour / Cost
Site Manager/ Supervisor / 1 / 24
Supervisor / 2 / 24
Visual Inspector / 5 / 24
WT Technician / 5 / 24
Safety Officer / 1 / 24
Data Capturer / 2 / 24
MT/PT Tech / 2 / 24
RT Technician – Level 2 / 1 / 36
RT Technician – Level 1 / 1 / 36
Safety Officer / 1 / 36
Barrier Watcher / 5 / 36
MT/PT Technician / 1 / 36
Phased Array Technician / 1 / 36
RPO - Radiation Protection Officer / 1 / 24
ARPO - Radiation Protection Officer / 1 / 24
Transport / KM


The prices are exclusive of VAT, but include all other related cost to this scope of work


Print nameSignatureDate

Price List


Item / Description / Qty / Price ea/
person / Total price
1 / Medicals (only if annual medical certificate expired) / R / R
2 / Health and Safety Plan / R / R
3 / Health and Safety File / R / R
4 / Safety Training / R / R
5 / Health and Safety Officer (if >40 employees) / R / R
6 / Hard hats / R / R
7 / Overalls / R / R
8 / Gloves / R / R
9 / Shoes / R / R
10 / Hearing protection / R / R
11 / Safety goggles / R / R
12 / Safety harnesses / R / R
13 / First Aid box for every 50 employees / R / R
14 / Thermal Suit / R / R
15 / Flash Suit - Note: Eskom, Kendal is going to provide the flash suit. Flash suit to be dry cleaned by the Supplier. If flash suit gets damaged the Supplier will pay for it) / As per Eskom’s price list / -
16 / Special underwear – only cotton / R / R
*17 / Training:Appointed Operator - ORHVS (8 days) / R2 000,00pp / R
*18 / Training:Appointed Person - PSR (10 days) / R2 500,00pp / R
*19 / Training:Responsible Person - ORHVS & PSR (18 days) / R4 500,00pp / R
*20 / Training: Authorised Supervisor - PSR (2.5 days) / R625,00pp / R

Safety price list Rev 4 Sept 2010

The above prices excludes VAT

* Training:1) Includes Manual, Assessment Documents, Theoretical Training, Practical Training & Panel Test.

2) Receipt must be provided to the Instructor as proof of payment before training will commence.

3) Payments to be made to the Finance Department, Kendal Power Station. GL Account 750400 / CC 311407

It is compulsory for the Contractor to visit Kendal Safety Department after contract award and before any work may commence to:

1)be appointed in writing, and

2)sign an Agreement according to Section 37(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act No 85

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Part C2: Pricing DataPAGE1C2.2 ecc3/b Bill of quantities