295 Beede Road - Holderness, New Hampshire


“Summer Campaign & the High Plains Shoot-out”

Saturday & Sunday June 11th & 12th, 2016

As Match Director for the Peacemakers, I have to acknowledge and thank a couple of our Peacemakers for writing this month’s match scenarios. Let’s give a big hand for Darksider, SASS #89295 for the cowboy match and Dillon Van Cleef #100835 for the Wild Bunch match.

This weekend we have a six-stage Wild Bunch (“Summer Campaign”) match and a six-stage (“High Plains Shoot-out”) Cowboy match using original scenarios.

Even as we hold this local match, preparations are well underway for the return of the 2016 SASS NH State Cowboy Action Shooting Championship to Holderness. If you haven’t yet registered for this match, what are you waiting for? Let’s “GIT R DONE”!

The grounds are open for tenting and the 200 yard range for travel trailers, though we might have to park on the blacktop depending on the size of your rig.

The cost for each individual match is $20.00. A combination price of $35.00 is available for both matches.

We will be shooting through each day without a formal lunch break, but light snacks and water will be available on site, but no real food.

For the Wild Bunch match you will need a pistol, shotgun and rifle. The match require about 150 pistol rounds, 30 rifle rounds and about 40 shotgun rounds.

The Cowboy match will require the usual firearms for your category with at least 60 pistol and rifle rounds and 25+ shotgun rounds.

As Match Director and SASS Territorial Governor of the Peacemakers it’s my sincere hope that the efforts of myself and the Peacemaker Crew will continue to energize you and keep you coming back to cowboy action shooting in Holderness.

The August Cowboy (“Point Riders of Summer”) match is going to be a “RETRO-Match. I’m combing through the old scenarios from 1997 through 2005 to give some of our “tenderfoots” a taste of what it was like for us “old-timers”.

Dakota Joe SASS 3471