KIN 250 - Lab 1
Illustration of Data, Measures of Central Tendency
and Measures of Variability
Directions: Work in small groups for this exercise. The small group work is to assist each student in obtaining a hard copy of the lab results. Each student must sign and place their PID on the final copy of the Lab which is submitted. Due date will be announced. Please identify lead author. All calculations and graphs must be done by hand. Work should be shown in all cases.
This lab is worth 40 points. A Scoring Rubric is presented at the end of the lab.
Scores are presented below which represent grades recorded for a quiz. Possible scores range from 0 – 25.
18 13 11 13 19 19 18 9 15 15 14 16 24 12 11 17 13 13 17 15 12 14 20 15 21 21 11 20 16 8 16 18 18 9 19 14 11 19 12 17 15 19 11 10 17 12 17 21 17 9 11 14 17 3 7 22 11
1. Arrange the scores in a simple frequency distribution.
2. Show a cumulative frequency and cumulative percentile column for each score using the same table as in question 1 above.
3. Illustrate the data in each of the following manners:
a. Frequency polygon, and
b. Bar Graph.
As with all graphs, the axes must be labeled, with pertinent data shown on each axis.
4. What is the sample size?
5. Calculate all Measures of Central Tendency.
6. Calculate the following two measures of variability:
a. range,
b. standard deviation.
Other questions that will not be graded but you should be able to answer for the test.
1. Should a grouped (interval) frequency distribution be used with these data? Why or
why not?
2. What variable represents sample size in equations? Identify two (2) ways the sample size can be found or located.
3. Identify the measure(s) of central tendency that are appropriate to use with these data. Identify why it is appropriate to use this/these measures, and/or why it is not appropriate to use these measures.
4. Define “variability”.
5. How are the raw score, the mean and the standard deviation “related”? i.e. How can
this information be used together?
Scoring Rubric
pt_____ Papers of lab stapled together (1pt)
pt_____ Clean edges for each page submitted (2 pts)
pt_____ Frequency table correctly set up and columns properly labeled (2pts)
pt_____ Frequency table correct (2pts)
pt_____ Cum frequency correct for given data (2pts)
pt_____ Cum % correct for given data (2 pts)
pt_____ Frequency polygon axes labeled correctly including units(1pt)
pt_____ Frequency polygon drawn correctly for given frequency data(2pts)
pt_____ Pertinent data shown on each axis(1pt)
pt_____ Bar Graph axes labeled correctly including units(1pt)
pt_____ Bar Graph drawn correctly for given frequency data(2pts)
pt_____ Pertinent data shown on each axis (1pt)
pt_____ X,Y coordinates only shown on axis for plotted points. (2pts)
pt_____ Both graphs drawn neatly (2 pts)
pt_____ Sample size is identified and clearly marked for the instructor to find (2pts)
pt_____ All measures of central tendency clearly marked for the instructor to find, are
correct, and if calculations were done, work was shown (8pts)
pt_____ All measures of variance clearly marked for the instructor to find(1pt)
pt_____ Range Correct (2 pts)
pt_____ Work for range shown(1pt)
pt_____ Standard deviation correct (2 pts)
pt_____ Work for Standard deviation shown (1pt)