
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and Westminster City Council (Tri-borough) are undertaking an exercise to determine the market for Advocacy.


Local authorities are under a statutory obligation to provide an independent professional ‘voice’ or advocate, to support children and young children including looked after children, children leaving care and children with child protection plan to make sure they are protected and their rights are met by providing an opportunity for their views to be listened to and properly considered.

For many children and young people, working with an advocate enables them to take part in the decision making processes that affect their lives. They are able to identify the value of having an opportunity to express their views, and of developing skills and confidence over time.


We would like to receive feedback on the following and any other comments you may have.

  1. Name of Organisation and Contact Details:

  1. Are you delivering Advocacy service to Local Authorities at present? If so, how is this contracted.

  1. What client groups are included in the Advocacy services you deliver?

  1. What would you see as the key delivery challenges for this service?

  1. Do you consider that you would be interested in bidding to provideAdvocacyservices if it was tendered and what type of contract would you be looking for?

  1. The Authority is looking for a flexible approach to pricing of Advocacy services that will provide value for money. Please provide details of your pricing structure.

  1. Do you have any other comments?

  1. Would you be willing to meet with us to discuss your views further?

We would be grateful if responses to these questions could be submitted to Toyosi Ogunyemi by: 13th September, 2013.

Responses should be sent by email to:

Please note

This notice does not constitute a call for competition to procure any services for the Council. The Council is not liable for any costs, fees or expenses incurred by any party participating in the soft market testing/sounding exercise. Any procurement of any services by the Council in due course will be carried out strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 and the Public Contracts (Amendment) Regulations 2009 No. 2992.

Any responses provided will not be treated as commercially confidential and may be used by the Council in the final service specifications used for the contracts but no organisation will be individually identified.