Test Preparation Review

Chapter 17

After the Cold War: 1992-2012

To help prepare for exams, review the concepts and answer the questions listed here.

Can you identify the global political events that manifested themselves during the Olympic Games?

What social movements, social advancements, and environmental issues have impacted the Olympic Games?

What levels of participation were enjoyed by minority men and women athletes who wanted to participate in the Olympics?

To what extent have the Olympics been used to advance social and political causes?


Rotation of the Olympic Games from 4-year cycle to 2-year cycle

Two major concerns of the IOC




Geo-political changes

New countries in the Olympic Games

Future of exhibition sports

U.S. Dream team

Albertville/Savoie - 1992

Social theme - environment

Economic issues

United German team

Athletic feats

Lillehammer - 1994

“White-Green Games” - environmental concern

Nancy Kerrigan & Tonya Harding

Men’s Short-Track 5000 meter relay

Bobsled competition


Men’s Downhill

Tommy Moe

Picabo Street

Bonnie Blair and Dan jensen

Atlanta - 1996

100 years of the modern Olympic Games

Why the IOC selected Atlanta as the host city

Security issues

Torch relay

Opening ceremonies


Drug testing

U.S. basketball teams

Michael Johnson

Keri Strugg

Nagano – 1998

72 nations sent teams

TV audience of 3 billion people watched the games

First time Azerbaijian, Kenya, Macedonia, Uruguay and Venezula sent teams to Winter


Highly paid professional hockey players from the National Hockey League (NHL) competed for various countries

The teams from Canada and the United States were 100% NHL players

Drugs continued to be a problem – both recreational and performance enhancing


Czech Ice Hockey Team won the Gold medal

IOC and the Olympic Solidarity Program

Scandals and Ill Gotten Gains

Decade of 1990’s – painful for the IOC

Some IOC members charged with selling their votes

Investigations forced some IOC members to resign

Some were thrown out when they refused to resign

Cities bidding to host the Olympics were accused of bribing IOC members

Salt Lake City scandal

Pressure of IOC President Samaraunch as a result of the scandals

What happened to him?

What reforms did the IOC implement as a result of the scandals?

Sydney 2000

Produced the best Olympics ever

What types of social protests occurred?

Plight of the Aborigines

Cathy Freeman

Terrorist Threats

Blow up nuclear power plant during the games


North and South Korea

Baseball – Cuba vs USA

Tommy Lasorda

Who won the game? Reaction?

NBC Broadcast of the games

How was it done?

Reaction by fans and sponsors?

Marketing and money

Olympic Games as Big Business

Sale of television rights

Who can successfully compete at the Olympics?

Do rich nations have a distinct advantage over poor nations?

What is the IOC doing to address this problem?

Use of technology to win medals

Marion Jones

Did athletes hire lawyers and sue if they have been left off the Olympic Team?

Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympics

Security concerns / costs,

September 11, 2001 Islamic terrorist attack in New York, Pentagon, Pennsylvania airliner crash as passengers over powered highjackers

War on Terror



Saddam Hussein

Global political situation

Support of President George W. Bush for Winter Olympics

Attendance by IOC members at Winter Olympics

Chris Klug

Vonetta Flowers

Apollo Ohno

Johann Muehlegg


Athens 2004 Olympiad

Global political situation

Middle East Problems

America at war in Afghanistan and Iraq

Terrorist attacks

Islamic Terrorists

Madrid bombings

Athens 2004 Olympiad cont.

Second Intifada

Israel and the Palestianians

“War on Terror”

War in Somolia and the Sudan

NBA players fear of terrorist attacks

Cost of the Athens Olympiad

Social and political protests over taking money from social and educational programs to fund the Olympic Games

Logistical and security concerns

Terrorist threats

Olympic Village

America’s contribution to security in Athens


Torri Edwards

Kostas Kenteris & Katerina Thanou

Women rowers from Ukraine

Marion Jones I BALCO

James S. Rockefeller

Iraqi soccer team

Muslim women athletes

Alaa Jassim from Iraq

Danah Al Nasrallah

Robina Muqimyar

Rakia Al Gassra

Volleyball competition


Gymnastics = Carly Patterson

Turin2006Winter Olympics

War on Terror events

Al-Quaeda; Iraq; Afghanistan; Taliban; Pakistan

Western Concerns about a nuclear armed Iran

President Ahmadinejad

Destruction of Israel

Support of Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations

President Pervez Mushariff of Pakistan

FBI $25 Million dollar reward for the capture of Ayman Al-Zawairi et al.

Torino 2006 cont.


Austrian team

Bode Miller performance

Sean White - snowboarder

NBC broadcast of the Winter Olympics - live and tape delayed

2008 Beijing Olympic Games

War on Terror continues

President George W. Bush - Lame Duck

Urged to boycott Beijing Olympiad - WHY?

Tibet as a political issue and it's impact on the Torch Relay

Russia invaded Georgia during the Opening Ceremonies of the Bejing Olympiad

Did China permit human rights protests during the Olympics ?

Natilie du Toit

Michael Phelps

Jamacian Track and Field Team - e.g. sprinters

Dara Torres

Attack on Olympic Judge by Cuban athlete

Wrestler throws down his medal in disgust during medal ceremony

NBC coverage

Iraqui Olympic team's "Situation"

Afghanistan's first Olympic Medal - who and what sport?

Vancouver 2010

War on Terror

Barak Obama elected President of the Unites States

Hillary Rodham Clinton

North Korea convicts two American journalists

American Military in Iraq

Israel and Hammas

Attack on Sir Lanka Cricket Team

War in Sudan / Darfur region

Iranian President vows to “wipe Israel off the map”

Security concerns

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Social Media is a huge factor

Social and political protests in Vancouver against the Olympics

Women’s ski jumping would not be held

Ice hockey competition between the teams from Canada and the USA

NHL rink

Vancouver 2010 cont.

Seven nations sent teams for the first time: Cayman Islands, Colombia, Ghana, Montenegro, Pakistan, Peru and Serbia

“Tourist” athletes or bonified Olympic caliber athletes?

London 2012

Lord Sebastian Coe

War against Terror

American military in Iraq and Afghanistan

Reduction of American troops in Iraq = Surge in Afghanistan

Osama bin Laden killed by Navy Seal Team # 6

War in Sudan rages on

Guor Marial

World Economy deteroriates and devastates people and business.

Mass riots to protest government ordered austerity programs in Greece; social welfare programs were eliminated high unemployment. Huge cost of 2004 Athens Olympic Games is one of many factors.

United States in “Great Recession” = Banks fail, thousands of homes are forclosed, homeless populations dramatically increases, millions of people find themselves out of work. Ford, General Motors and Chrysler almost close down. Government bails out banks and auto industry. Bleak economic times in America and the rest of the world.

Barak Obama wins second term, defeats the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney who was responsible for the success of the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics. President Obama is endorsed by Hugo Chavez, Castro, and Vladimir Putin of Russia.

Syria was embroiled in a bloody civil war

Arab Spring

Popular uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa deposed ruthless tyrants e.g. Mubarak in Egypt, Quadaffi in Lybia.

Lance Armstrong – winner of seven Tour de France bike races is stripped of his medals after he was caught doping. He is also banned for life from competitoion by the Union Cyclists International (UCI).

London was the “dark horse” candidate in quest to serve as host city.

IOC member attempts to sell his vote.

Ivan Slakov – President of the Bulgarian Olympic Committee

Opening ceremony is SPECTACULAR!

Highlighted “all things British” e.g. James Bond, Harry Potter

American Michael Phelps continues to dominate swimming

Oscar Pistorius aka “Blade Runner” from South Africa

London 2012 cont.

American Basketball team

LeBron James

Candace Parker

Russian Women’s Basketball Team

Becky Harmon

Women’s Beach Volleyball

Americans dominate

Misty May Treanor

Kerri Walsh Jennings


Russia and China dominate

American Gabby Douglas


Mexico defeats arch rival Brazil to win the Gold medal in the Men’s competition

American women defeat Japan to win Gold Medal

Canadian women defeat France for Bronze Medal

Earlier in the competition, the American and Canadian women went “head to head” in the semifinal. America defeated Canada 4-3.


The American of team of Venus and Serena Williams dominate doubles – win the Gold Medal again.

In the Men’s competition, London’s own Andy Murray defeated top ranked Roger Federer for the Gold Medal.



Badminton Scandal


Nadezhda Ostapchuk from Belarus

Former cheaters allowed to compete in London Olympics

Test Preparation 16-1