English IV-MASH – Make-up Work
Ms. Krupa, 2016-2017
Week of August 31, 2016
BELLWORK: Prepare your favorite M.A.S.H. story and why.
In addition: write 2 things you like about technology, and 2 things you don’t like about technology.
--dissect the concept “technology” into parts. You can use the boxes we practiced with on Thursday. Write a _minimum_ 5 sentence paragraph on some aspect of technology as a whole, and the various parts that you broke it into. Tell us why these parts are significant.
EXAMPLE: When people today think of technology as a concept, they often forget simple ideas like a shower. Modern day showers were only invented about 100 years ago. A shower is broken down into faucet, water, and some kind of container that captures the old water. Mostly those containers are tubs or shower stalls. Showers contribute to overall human hygiene, and help prevent widespread illness. When the Spanish Flu epidemic hit in 1919, showers and bathing daily were still not widely practiced, even in the United States. Showers are an important and often overlooked aspect of technology that helps almost all of humanity.
1)navigate to: turnitin.com
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--If you do not have an email address (like ), then make a username like this:
Click “enroll in a class” at the top. Choose the ID for your period:
P5: 13416876
P6: 13416878
Password: 1234 for all classes.
Logout. Email your username & password to Ms. Krupa:
2)Login to Google docs
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If you do not have a gmail account, you can create a google account using another email address here: Click the “I prefer to use my current email address.” Link.
You may be given a Gmail account once you sign up. Therefore, remember your email that you use for logging in. Email your username and password for Google Docs to Ms. Krupa:
Week of September 6, 2016
Tuesday, September 6th
--BELLWORK: Create 4 columns: mystery, action, suspense, horror
**For each column, list your top 3 characteristics for each genre. Your opinion!
--READ: the 2 Flash Fiction storiesThe Lampshade Vendor and The Colonel (found on Ms. Krupa’s webpage)
--WRITE: for each story, pull out one quote that best represents each genre, and add it to your chart. BE SPECIFIC – use page numbers/paragraph numbers
--WRITE: 2 paragraph minimum on which event in either story is the most significant, and which genre you put that event in. Why did you pick this event? Why did you label it in the genre you picked?
Wednesday, September 7th
--BELLWORK: reflect on your notes from yesterday’s class
**begin an outline (1,2,3/a,b,c style) on either story with this topic
1)Author used ___ characteristic(s) to best represent ___ genre
--WRITE: based on yesterday’s discussion, write minimum 3 paragraphs on one of the authors. Describe how he/she used craft or elements to represent a specific genre.
**Paragraph 1 – “hook” the reader, introduce your thesis
**Paragraph 2 – body, explanations, quotes
**Paragraph 3 – conclusion; restate thesis; last chance to “wow” reader
Thursday, September 8th
Friday, September 9th
--BELLWORK: 2-paragraph reflection:
**Do you like puzzles? What do you think drives the human characteristic of “curiosity”? Is this what makes mystery novels so popular?
--READ: these webpages:
--WATCH: this video on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:
--READ: two webpages from the list shown on this page, to understand the Victorian Era
--WRITE: Write min 2 paragraphs on influences affecting Doyle and how/why he created the character Sherlock Holmes. Think outside the box! Include wide concepts like: culture, historical events, politics, human nature, etc.
--READ: begin reading “Speckled Band”
Week of September 12, 2016
Monday, September 12th
--BELLWORK: 1-paragraph reflection:
**Do you like puzzles? What do you think drives the human characteristic of “curiosity”? Is this what makes mystery novels so popular?
--WATCH: this video on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:
--READ: “Speckled Band”
**While reading, fill out “Story Map” graphic organizer (on Teacher Page)--on back side put box: “Red Herrings/False Clues”
--WRITE: 1-paragraph reflection on element of Mystery you thought SACD used the most in Speckled Band
Tuesday, September 13th
--BELLWORK: Write the word M-Y-S-T-E-R-Y in your paper in a column. For each letter, write a word or phrase you know about the mystery genre.
--READ: Read-Headed League
**FOCUS: elements Doyle used to craft overall Mystery
**Fill out Story Map
--on back side put box: “Red Herrings/False Clues”
**Fill out Character Frame graphic organizer (on Teacher Page)
Wednesday, September 14th
Thursday, September 15th
--BELLWORK: 2-paragraph reflection:
**What element of the Mystery genre did you think Sir Arthur Conan Doyle used the most in Speckled Band and/or Red-Headed League?
--WRITE: Create a Flash Fiction piece based on Mystery. Pick one element of Mystery you want to focus on.
**1,000 words or less – include word count
**ANALYZE: write 3 paragraph reflection on which element you picked & why, & how that element showed up in your story
--Intro, Body, Conclusion – whole to parts; 1st person ok
--turnitin.com – DUE TUESDAY 9/20
--Open Mic on Tuesday!
Friday, September 16th
Week of September 19, 2016
Monday, September 19th
--BELLWORK:write 1 paragraph comparing similarities & differences between “Speckled Band” & “Red-Headed League”; PROMPT: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle uses the mystery genre technique ______in both “The Red-Headed League” and “The Speckled Band”.
--PREPARE: one Level I and Level II question based on the prompt
--COUNSELING VISIT- no other work needed
Tuesday, September 20th
--BELLWORK: Review your Level II and Level III questions. Make sure they fit the stories. Make sure you have an answer for each one. Make sure you've cited the page number.
--WATCH: video on “Speckled Band”
**create Venn diagram (double circles with overlapping section), and list similarities and differences between short story & video
** (1 of 5 videos. Video 1 may not play. Do the best you can)
--WRITE: 1 paragraph on similarities & differences between video and short story
Wednesday, September 21st
--BELLWORK: write a Level I, II, III question (one question per level), comparing & contrasting the video and short story for “Speckled Band”
--WATCH: video on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's inspiration for Sherlock Holmes.
**write 1 paragraph on what about Doyle's life helped him make Sherlock Holmes such a good, believable, and interesting character (also refer to your notes from Victorian England slides)
--REVIEW: review writing project handout (on teacher website); first writing day is Thursday, 9/22
Thursday, September 22nd
--REVIEW: rhetoric handouts (comic book style)
**also handout on outlines (both of these on teacher page)
--WRITE: work on narrative writing project for Flash Fiction
Friday, September 23rd
--BELLWORK: Think of a “closed setting” you'd like to use for a murder mystery. Maybe it's one you picked for your Flash Fiction project. Write one paragraph on why you picked this location.
--WATCH: slide deck on Agatha Christie and background on A Murder on the Orient Express
--READ: begin reading Orient Express; (up to ch. 2 at a minimum)
--WRITE: continue writing your Flash Fiction project DUE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th!!
Week of September 26, 2016
Monday, September 26th
--WRITE: complete last week’s 3-paragraph essay assignment on a fellow student’s Flash Fiction narrative
Tuesday, September 27th
Wednesday, September 28th
--BELLWORK: List something about Christie’s and SACD that are different and one thing that’s similar (2 sentences total). Find a quote in Orient Express that backs up your claim (1 quote).
--WRITE: 2 paragraph minimum: summarize chapters 1-3 of Orient Express What are the key events? What have you learned so far? Emphasize characters, especially HerculePoirot.
--HOMEWORK: read up to Ch. 7 – prepare to discuss 1 character at length; pick a quote that demonstrates their “inside” and their “outside”
Thursday, September 29th
--BELLWORK: Based on the character you picked for homework, begin to write a list of all the characteristics this character has, and also predict whether they are the murderer.
--WATCH: video on language -
--DRAW: pick a character and draw a picture with all the qualities and/or objects that identify that character. For example: MacQueen is an American and so an American flag might be included in the drawing.
--REVIEW: this website on the geopolitical climate of 1934 when Orient Express was written
**Write 1 paragraph on Christie’s “tone”. Is it anxious? Does she comment on cultures/politics?
--HOMEWORK: Ch. 8 + Part 2: Ch. 1-3 – reflect on Christie’s format. Does it work for you?
Friday, September 30th
--BELLWORK: Imagine you are in one of the train cars the night of the murder. Begin to sketch (Draw) out a picture of which car you would be in, and what happens.
--DRAW: based on last night’s homework, add to your character drawing any new information.
--ASK: see Ms. Krupa about the diorama project started in class for the night of the murder
--HOMEWORK: Read Part 2, Ch. 4-6; predict who committed the murder; find 1 quote that proves your prediction.
Week of October 3rd, 2016
Monday, October 3rd
--BELLWORK: Take marketing packet & begin writing answers to brainstorming sheet in your notebook. (scanned on teacher page)
--REVIEW: Rhetoric slides on “Ethos/Pathos/Logos/Kairos” Pages 5-8, then skip to pgs. 11-14
**Check out English Teacher Jenna Clark’s website on assignment:
--HOMEWORK: First draft of personal marketing piece due WEDNESDAY 10/5 (turnitin.com)
--HOMEWORK ADD: for your Orient Express reading due Tuesday, predict who you think did the murder, and find 1 quote that supports your choice; pick 1 more quote that demonstrates Christie’s use of elements of the Mystery genre.
Tuesday, October 4th
--BELLWORK: list out any new characteristics that you’ll need to add to your drawing when you return to class.
--WRITE: 2 paragraphs describing who you predicted committed the murder and why; include 2 quotes that support your stance.
--HOMEWORK: (Due Thursday 10/6) Read Part 2: Ch. 1-3; pick 1 character (can be different than your picture) and list out all the clues you know about them so far.
Wednesday, October 5th
--BELLWORK: 1-paragraph reflection: What was your experience writing about yourself? What made it easy? What made it hard? What is one thing you need help with?
--HOMEWORK: begin in class if possible; peer review one person’s marketing piece
**Offer help with action verbs, self-promotion, personal-ness of story, and flow, in foundation of ethos/pathos/logos/kairos.
Thursday, October 6th
--BELLWORK: Create a 2 column chart, and list out the clues for the character you picked on Tuesday into 2 sections: “Real Clues” and “Red Herrings”. Add additional clues from what you read for homework. (Add anything new to your picture if necessary.) Pick the strongest clue from each column, and find the quote in the book where that clue is revealed. Write it in your notebook underneath the chart, and be sure to include the page #.
--WRITE: 2 paragraphs on the 2 strongest quotes from each column of your list. Describe whether they are true clues or Red Herrings, and why you picked them. What made them stand out to you?
--HOMEWORK: Part 2: Ch. 4-6 – Based on current clues, decide if you predict a _different_ person(s) for the murderer, or if you stay the same.
**prepare a 1 paragraph explanation for your choice.
**Include 1 quote that supports your choice.
Friday, October 7th
--NO BELLWORK: begin working on revising marketing piece based on teacher & peer review.
--REVIEW: Rhetoric slide deck #2 “Audience”, pgs 1-12 (on teacher page)
**Read Part 2, Ch. 7-9; prepare 2 quotes significant to you for Monday.
Week of October 11th, 2016
Monday, October 10th
--BELLWORK: Write 1 paragraph reflection on: Pick the most interesting or surprising clue to you from Ch. 4-6 in Part 2. What made it interesting/surprising? How did this clue influence your prediction of the murderer?
--WRITE: 2-paragraphs on: Contemplate all the possible murderers in the story so far. Explain why you picked a certain character as the murderer. Use at least 2 quotes from the story.
--HOMEWORK: Part 2: ch. 7-9; prepare graded discussion on Level ii/iii Qs; topics to consider: Christie’s pacing; other mystery crafting moves; Rhetoric in Christie’s writing (ethos/pathos/logos/Kairos – online graphic novel up to pg. 12) – DUE WEDNESDAY
Tuesday, October 11th
--WRITE: based on the feedback you received, re-write your Personal Marketing Piece
**Print out a copy for peer review on Thursday.
--HOMEWORK: Part 2: ch. 7-9; prepare graded discussion on Level ii/iii Qs; topics to consider: Christie’s pacing; other mystery crafting moves; Rhetoric in Christie’s writing (ethos/pathos/logos/Kairos – online graphic novel up to pg. 12) – DUE WEDNESDAY
Wednesday, October 12th
--BELLWORK: Make a new prediction on the murderer—you must commit! (You can change your mind later, but for today, you must commit to a character.) Pick out a quote (the best one for your purpose! Use “Quote Finder” handout) from Part 2 that supports your choice.
--WRITE: 2-paragraphs on: Discuss whether Christie includes the elements of rhetoric in Orient Express (ethos, pathos, logos, Kairos). Use 2 quotes to prove your argument. (You could say yes she does on some elements, no on others, or yes/no on all elements.)
Thursday, October 13th
--BELLWORK: please see Ms. Krupa when you return, to have access to student papers for review, and to get your paper reviewed.
--VIEW: Review Ms. Krupa’s profile on Linkedin.com
**Create a profile for yourself. List out your attendance at HHS as your current position. Include all the activities, events, etc. that you’ve been involved in from Freshman year to now.
--HOMEWORK: Part 2: ch. 10-13 for Monday
Friday, October 14th
--BELLWORK: create a Venn diagram in your notebook
--WATCH: A version of Orient Express with David Suchet as Poirot
**Watch the first 40 minutes or so, and complete the Venn diagram highlighting similarities and differences between the movie and the novel
--HOMEWORK: Part 2: ch. 10-13 for Monday
Week of October 17th, 2016
Monday, October 10th
--HOMEWORK: P2 – Ch. 10-13
**Prep discussion on Venn diagrams
Tuesday, October 11th
--BELLWORK: review your Venn diagram. Decide if you liked the novel more or the movie more. If you chose book, find 2 quotes that demonstrate _what_ you liked about the book, and _why_ (i.e. slower pace, a character’s mannerisms, etc.) If you chose the movie, jot down as many details you can from a scene that supports _what_ you liked about the movie and _why_.
**Irony:incongruity appears between expectations of something to happen, and what actually happens instead.
**Satire:the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
--Caricature; could “country” stereotypes be satire?
**denotation/connotation: Denotation is dictionary; connotation is feelings/ideas around word
**Sarcasm: the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny
**Find one example of each above in the novel; Include page # and quote – write 2-3 sentences on how this part of the novel represents the literary concept.
Wednesday, October 12th
--BELLWORK: Create a 3-column chart, with 4 rows. Each row will represent the 4 terms we’ve been discussing: sarcasm, denotation/connotation, situational irony, satire. One column each will be “novel” and “film”. Third column is “best” – pick whether book or movie shows that term the best. Begin to fill out areas in the “novel” column that you already know about. Refer to a page # & beginning of a quote for each.
--WATCH: Orient Express movie:
** fill out chart as you watch
--HOMEWORK: finish Part 2 (Ch. 14-15)
Week of October 24th, 2016
Monday, October 24th
--BELLWORK: take out your charts from watching the movie last Wednesday. Fill in any gaps. Take out your “3 Questions” handout. Create 2 – Level II and 2- Level III questions for a graded class discussion. Topic: book compared to movie, and anything else up to P2, Ch. 14 of book.
--WRITE: write 2 paragraphs on the similarities and differences that stuck out to you between the movie and the novel. Take a stand on which one is better, and why.
--HOMEWORK: Read Part 3, Ch. 1-3Due Thursday.
Tuesday, October 25th
--BELLWORK: read the Ch. 14 handout from the teacher page. Begin examining the quoted references in Ch. 14, and pick out the crafting moves Christie uses, and put the code in the “Literary Devices” column. Some references may not employ a device.
--HANDOUT: go through Chapter 14 of the novel and review each quoted reference on the handout.
**complete “interpretation” column with your interpretation of how the characters relate to each other, and how this relationship affects the plot and mood of the story.
--HOMEWORK: Finish handout for Thursday, along with Part 3, Ch. 1-3
Wednesday, October 26th
--BELLWORK: Take your District Writing Assessment from the stack. Read the introduction only. In your notebook, comment on whether these items are present/not present, good, or needs work: “hook”, thesis, lead-in to thesis. Then, trade your paper with a fellow student. Analyze the same 3 areas of their intro, and compare to yours. Who’s was better? Both the same? Write 1-2 sentences why.