The World Exposition at Aichi in 2005 focuses world attention on Japan, and provides North American educators with a topical opportunity to introduce Japan, its people and its accomplishments to our students. The growth of the Chinese economy and the emerging influence of other Asian economies have taken attention away from Japan recently. However Japan’s premier position as a cultural and economic leader in east Asia and the Pacific Rim needs to be fully appreciated, and so this unit of study asks students to research areas in which Japan has influenced both Canada and the world.
This unit is aimed at students in gr9/10 and should take up approximately 5/6 lessons. Students will require computer access to the internet.
Learning Activities
Lesson 1
Orientation to Japan
- As a Keizai Koho Fellow I would introduce students to Japan through a slide show and talk of my visit there, or teachers might also utilize the bank of photos available at as a starting point to generate interest in Japanese culture. Other introductory ideas might incorporate recent Japanese film/culture.
- As the second part of this lesson students could be divided into small groups and asked to brainstorm things they know about Japan that have touched or influenced their lives. Some introductory ideas might be floated to get the groups off to a successful start e g Japanese electronics. The results of these group sessions would be shared with the class and collated as a starting point for the second lesson.
- Students could be directed to identify anything in their homes that are examples of Japanese influence for homework.
Lesson 2(student access to internet required)
Orientation to Japan
- Review items from lesson 1 brainstorm and collect any new ideas from suggested homework. The class now has a list of topics that have been identified as illustrating Japanese influence on our culture.
(a list of topics is provided as an addendum to this lesson)
- However, prior to starting to examine specific parts of Japanese culture and their influence, gaining a working knowledge of the country and its people would be advantageous. The balance of this lesson is to be spent on Worksheet #1 on a comparison of Canada and Japan on a number of geographic indicators. Students can access this information at
Lesson 3
- Review completed Worksheet #1 and draw out similarities and differences between Japan and Canada e g population, size. These similarities and differences should be noted.
- Teachers may wish to take more time here for introductory studies on Japan. (optional)
- With students now familiar with some information on Japanese life the chief activity is to conduct research on one aspect of Japanese culture that has influenced Canada and the world. Working in pairs students may be assigned or choose from the list of topics provided in the attached addendum, or from other possibilities.
- Each pair of students is to prepare a 5 minute Power Point presentation on an aspect of Japanese culture that has influenced Canada and the world. The presentation should include
- What the influence is
- Examples of the influence
- Why this influence is significant
Lesson 4 and Lesson 5
- Students are provided time for research and preparation of their presentation – see attached list of useful websites on Japan
Lesson 6
- Students make their presentations to the class about their aspect of Japanese culture and its impact beyond Japan.
- After the presentations are over, as a culminating activity, students will be asked to write about Japan’s influence on the world and specifically about three aspects of the culture presented which have, in their opinion, had the greatest influence on Canada and the world.
- Students would be assessed on their class presentation and on their written response. Students could also be tested on the background knowledge gained about Japan and the variety of influences outlined in student presentations.
Extension activity
- Students could be asked to identify aspects of Canadian culture they believe have had an impact overseas. Has Canada had a similar impact to Japanese – why or why not?
Addendum: Japanese influence on Canada and the World
Suggested/Possible Topics for research on Japanese culture
Car manufacture
Bullet train technology
Earthquake preparation
Tea ceremony
Building technology
Martial arts
Addendum: Japanese influence on Canada and the World
Suggested Web sites for beginning research on Japanese culture
Worksheet # 1
(in $m)