1 / Data Category / : / Reserve Assets
2 / Statistics Disseminator / : / Directorate of Economicand Monetary Statistics(DSM), Bank Indonesia
3 / Address / : / Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 2
4 / Contact / : / Liquidity Management Team – Directorate of Reserves Management
5 / Telephone / : / 62-21-381-8156, 384-8732
6 / Facsimile / : / 62-21-231-1537
7 / Email / : /
Indonesian official reserve assets are those external assets that are readily available to and controlled by Bank Indonesia (BI) for meeting balance of payments financing needs, for intervention in exchange markets to affect the currency exchange rate, and for other related purposes (such as maintaining confidence in the currency and the economy, and serving as a basis for foreign borrowing).
Generally, the coverage of reserve assets refers to the Balance of Payments Manual 6th Edition (BPM6) and the International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (IRFCL) Guidelines for a Data Template issued by International Monetary Funds, which is disseminated into:
  1. Foreign currency reservesis all claims of BI on non-residentin formof deposits(including currency) and securities.Deposits include all claims that are (a) on the central bank, deposit-taking corporations other than the central bank, and, in some cases, other institutional units; and (b) represented by evidence of deposit. Currency consists of notes and coins that are of fixed nominal values and are issued or authorized by central banks or governments. Securities include liquid and marketable equity and debt securities issued by non-residentsinclude bills, bonds, notes, negotiable certificates of deposit, commercial paper, debentures, asset-backed securities, money market instruments, and similar instruments normally traded in the financial markets.
  2. Reserve Position in the Fund – RPFis the sum of (a) the “reserve tranche,” that is, the foreign currency (including SDRs) amounts that a member country may draw from the IMF at short notice;and (b) any indebtedness of the IMF (under a loan agreement) in the General Resources Account that is readily available to the member country, including the reporting country’s lending to the IMF under the General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB) and the New Arrangements to Borrow(NAB). Reserve-tranche positions in the IMF are liquid claims of Indonesia on the IMF that arise from the reserve assets payment for quota subscriptions.
  3. Special Drawing Rights – SDRs are international reserve assets created by the IMF and allocated to members to supplement existing official reserves. SDR holdings represent unconditional rights to obtain foreign exchange or other reserve assets from other IMF members. Holdings of SDRs are recorded as an asset, while the allocation of SDRs is recorded as the incurrence of a liability of the member receiving them (because of a requirement to repay the allocation in certain circumstances, and also because interest accrues). The holdings and allocations should be shown gross, rather than netted.
  4. Monetary gold is gold to which BI (or others who are subject to the effective control of BI) have title and is held as reserve assets.
  5. Other reserve assets include assets that are liquid and readily available to BI but not icluded in the other categories of reserve assets. These assets include the net mark to market value of finacial derivative positions with non-residents, short term foreign currency loan redeemable upon demand provided by the BI to non-bank non-residents, repo assets that are liquid and available upon demand to BI, and also Indonesian position of the Asian Bond Fund (ABF).
Those reserve assets is excluding BI’s investment position on another international financial institutions, claims in non-convertible currencies, and also claims to residents in foreign currency.
Data is disseminated in million.
6 (six) weeks after the end of the reference month (website).
7 (seven) weeks after the end of the reference month (CD and printed matter).
ARC(attached) will be disclosed every year on December.
Bank Indonesia
  • The concept of international reserves is based on the balance-sheet framework, with “reserve assets” being a gross concept.
  • Data is compiling and disseminating according to the definition in the Balance of Payments Manual 6th Edition (BPM6) and the International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (IRFCL) Guidelines for a Data Template.
  • Reserve assets are to be valueddaily at market prices as follow:
-In valuing reserve assets and other foreign currency assets, interest earnings, as accrued, on such foreign currency resources should be included.
-The market value of currency and deposits generally is reflected in their nominal face value.
-Monetary gold is valued at the current market price of commodity gold.
-SDRs are valued at an administrative rate determined by the IMF. The IMF determines the value of SDRs daily in USD by summing the values, which are based on market exchange rates, of a weighted basket of currencies. The basket and weights are subject to revision from time to time.
-The reserve position in the IMF is valued at a rate reflecting current exchange rate of the SDR against the currency used to report the template data for the reserve trance position, and of the currency in which loans are denominated in the case of outstanding loans to the IMF by the reporting country.
  • Reserve assets is valued in USD. Assets in any other currency is converted into USD using official foreign exchange rate issued by BI in the appropriate reporting period.

Data are final when published and generally will not be revised.
Basic change on the methodology used will be informed along with the data publication simultanously.
Data is disseminated through :
-Indonesian Financial Statistics (SEKI) online:

- Indonesian Financial Statistics (SEKI) Publication (printed matter and CD).
Data can also be acquired from:
-Monetary Indicator Data:

-National Summary Data Page (NSDP)

Dec.2010 1