21st June 2012

Held in ESR Cafeteria, MASC Site

Meeting commenced at 6.03 pm

Present: Refer to attendance register

Apologies: Tanja van Peer (Vice President), Julian Atkins (NZFSS committee member), Kevin Sturgeon, Keith Bedford, Penny Costello.

1.  Chair acknowledges that quorum was established

2.  Treasurer’s report (Appended)

Ian presented the accounts for the financial year 1 April 2011 – 31March 2012. This comprised a statement of financial position and a profit and loss report.

The net assets of the NZFSS for the financial year ended 31 March 2012 are $47,649.72, up from last year ($47,521.26). $1400 was earned in bank interest.

$4,400 was paid out in scholarships in 2012, due to the ANZFSS conference in Hobart. $3548 was paid out in membership capitation fees to ANZFSS.

That the 2011-2012 accounts prepared by Ian Calhaem be accepted by the NZFSS.

Moved: Ian Calhaem, Seconded: Maryanne Kregting. Carried.

3.  Presidents report (Appended)

The President reported on attendance at 2010 ANZFSS Symposia.

The ANZFSS Council have awarded Lauren Parsons (ESR) the 2010 Ian Riebeling Memorial Medal for the Best New Forensic practitioner.

The President reported 4 NZFSS members applied for ANZFSS Travel awards in 2010. All four were forwarded for consideration by the ANZFSS Executive, with the following success: Matt Gittos awarded full scholarship, Sarah Scott, partial scholarship (registration), and Marselia Booth, partial scholarship (student registration)

The NZFSS then awarded partial scholarships to: Sarah Scott - $500 toward travel costs, Liz Mackenzie - Student registration costs, and Marselia Booth - $500 toward travel costs.

The President then summarises the outcome of the ANZFSS AGM held during the 2010 Symposium in Sydney. The bid from NSW was elected. The new ANZFSS Executive elect were: President: Prof Claude Roux, Vice President: Prof. James Robertson, Treasurer: Prof. Chris Lennard, and Secretary: Ass Prof James Wallman.

The President then summarised the change in process for handling scholarship applications for the upcoming 2012 ANZFSS Symposium to be held in Hobart, Tasmania . Applications are to be forwarded to the ANZFSS Executive for consideration. Then all applications are to be forwarded to the respective branches for consideration.

The President then summarised the NZFSS members who have been awarded a ANZFSS Registration award: those members being; Ian Calhaem, John Turner and Elizabeth McKenzie. The NZFSS received 8 applications and the following NZFSS members were awarded support: Ian Calhaem ($1600 to assist with travel and accommodation), John Turner ($1400 to assist with travel and accommodation), David Scott – equivalent to a registration.

The President then congratulated Dr Robyn Sommerville who has been awarded the Allan Hodda Memorial Award for 2012. Robyn plans to attend the European Academy of Forensic Science meeting in the Netherlands, followed by a series of visits to forensic drug laboratories in Europe and the UK.

The President then summarized the NZFSS Presentations that have been held in the last two years. The Auckland branch has held 8 meetings and the Wellington branch has held 7 meetings.

The President then summarised the 2011 ANZFSS AGM which was held in Sydney in conjunction with the NSW branch AGM. As The President, Vice President and Treasurer were unable to attend, our NZFSS Secretary, Matt Gittos, attended this AGM as the NZFSS representative.

The President then thanked members and visiting professionals who have presented to the membership. The President thanks to all members who have continued to support the society through their continued membership and attendance at meetings.

The President then outlined some role changes in the council due to the Treasurer elect, Gilane Khalil, resigning due to maternity commitments, and thanked Ian Calhaem for taking on that role.

The president then discussed membership numbers and apologised to the membership for the delay in membership invoicing being sent out due to changes from bulk to individual invoices this year.

The President thanked Gordon Sharfe for his role as our Webmaster.

The President then thanked the NZFSS committee for their support and over the last 2 years.

4.  Election of NZFSS Council (Appended)

The election of the NZFSS Office Holders and Council was held, by show of hands with no need to call in the proxy votes.

The results were as follows;

Office Holders-

President Matthew Gittos

Treasurer Ian Calhaem

Vice President - No Nominations (to be filled by council)

Secretary - No Nominations (to be filled by council)

Maryanne Kregting (immediate past president stays on the council as an ex-officio member)

Council Members-

Julian Atkins (Wellington Branch Chairman)

Helen Ferraby

Sarah Scott

Darcy Swan

Fiona Matheson

Liz McKenzie

Renee Riccardi

Erina Mayo

AGM closed 6:38pm

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