Business Practice Manual for


Version 6.0

Last Revised: 09/30/2014

CAISO Business Practice ManualBPM for Direct Telemetry

Approval History

Approval Date:09/11/2014

Effective Date:09/29/2014

BPM Owner: Benik Der-Gevorgian

BPM Owner’s Title: Director, Market Services

Revision History

Version / Date / Description
1 / 8/2/2011 / Initial BPM submittal document
2 / 12/14/2011 / Added requirement for data quality flag propagation as new Section 6.8, added requirement for preliminary revenue metering package to Section 10.2, removed unnecessary definitions from Section 4, and made changes to ISP circuit exceptions in Section 5.3 per BPM PRR 489. Effective Date 12/01/11
3 / 11/14/12 / Removal of the Full Network Model time line guide and changes to EIR less than 10MW.
4 / 3/21/14 / Added clarifying language indicating that Reliability Demand Response Resources (RDRR) are not required to provide telemetry and therefore exempt from direct telemetry requirements to section 2.1 (PRR 725)
5 / 4/03/14 / Added language to section 6.10 exempting DRP’s from the RIG aggregation location limitation in the provision of real time telemetry data for Proxy Demand Resources (PDR) (PRR 726)
6 / 8/06/14 / Added clarifying language and site information form links to section 13 Eligible Intermittent Resources (EIR), subsections 13.1 to 13.5 and combined sections 13.6 with 13.5.
08/11/14 / Added updated language to section 10. FNM Database Process and RIG Installation


1.Telemetry BPM Introduction

1.1Purpose of California ISO Business Practice Manuals

1.2Purpose of this Business Practice Manual


2.Overview of Telemetry to the CAISO

2.1Telemetry Process

2.2Overview of Installation & Validation of Telemetry

2.3Overview of Flow of Real-time Data

2.4Organization of the BPM

3.CAISO Responsibilities

3.1Overview of CAISO Responsibilities

3.2Telemetry Validation

3.2.1Overview of Telemetry Installation Validation Process

3.2.2CAISO Certification Responsibilities

4.Telemetry Standards Overview



5.2Real-time Communications

5.3ECN Communications Exception

5.4Communication Technical Principles

5.5Data Validation and Confidentiality


5.7Voice Communications

5.8Communications During Telemetry Failure

6.Operational Requirements

6.1Unit Telemetry Visibility

6.2Performance Monitoring

6.2.1Direct Telemetry Timing Requirements

6.2.2PDR Timing Requirements

6.3CAISO Real-time Communication Options

6.3.1SSL TCP to Serial Data Option

6.3.2SSL TCP to TCP Clear Text Option

6.3.3RIG Hardware Option

6.4SSL\TCP to Serial or TCP Clear Text Option

6.5RIG Hardware Option

6.6CAISO’s EMS Interrogations:

6.7RIG Responses DNP Object and Variation Types

6.8Quality Flag Propagation to DNP

6.9Maximum MW RIG Limitation

6.10RIG Location Requirements

6.11RIG Resource Limitation

6.12Cost Responsibility

7.Telemetry Data Points List

7.1Point Matrix

7.1.1Analog and Digital Notes

8.Availability & Maintenance

8.1CAISO Reliability Requirements

8.2CAISO Controlled Grid Operation and Market Availability Requirement

8.3RIG Operation and Maintenance

8.3.1Software Configuration Management with No Impact to CAISO EMS

8.3.2Data Base Configuration and Management Impacting CAISO EMS

8.3.3Routine Testing/ Maintenance of RIGs

9.RIG Implementation

9.1Engineering / Deployment

9.2RIG Database Development

9.3Telecommunication Circuit Installation and Power Requirements

9.4Temporary Telemetry Exemptions

10.FNM Database Process and RIG Installation

10.1CAISO FNM Database Process

10.2New Database Submission

10.3RIG Database Submittal Timeline

10.4ECN Physical Circuit Protection to the Resource

10.5ECN Circuit Monitoring

10.6ECN Agreement

10.7Standards For Point-to-Point Testing with the CAISO

10.8Required Personnel for Point testing

10.9Upgrade or Replacement RIG

10.10Outage Management for Meter or RIG work

10.11RIG Certificates

10.12RIG Generation Acceptance Test

10.13Final RIG Documentation

10.14Wind and Solar FNM Documentation Required

11.AGC Operational Requirements for Generating Units

11.1Required DNP and Telemetry Data Points for AGC

11.2AGC Control (Bumpless Transfer)

12.Non-Spinning Reserve Logic and Testing

12.1Non-Spinning Reserve Definition

12.2Non-Spinning Reserve Logic Requirements

12.3Non-Spinning Reserve Testing

12.4Proxy Demand Resource Non-Spinning Reserve Testing

13.Eligible Intermittent Resources (EIR)


13.2Power Reliability Requirements

13.3Basic Meteorological Data

± 2m/s

± 1⁰

± 60 hPa

13.3.1Meteorological Wind Speed

13.3.2Meteorological Wind Direction

13.3.3Meteorological Barometric Pressure

13.3.4Meteorological Ambient Temperature

13.4Wind Generation

13.4.1Meteorological Station Requirements

13.4.2Designated Turbines

13.5Solar Generation

13.5.1Meteorological Station Requirements

13.5.2Basic Meteorological Data

13.5.3Site Irradiance Component Requirements

Flat Plate Solar Photovoltaic

Flat Panel Solar Collector

Low Concentration Solar Photovoltaic

High Concentration Solar Photovoltaic

Concentrated Solar Thermal

Heliostat Power

Greenhouse Power Tower

Sterling Engine

13.5.4Solar Site Information Form and Topographical Map

14.Proxy Demand Resource (PDR)

14.1PDR Point Requirements

14.1.1Real Load MW

14.1.2PDR Unit Connectivity Status (PDR UCON)

14.1.3Bias Load

14.1.4PDR Unit Ready to Start and Start Status

14.1.5Pseudo Generation MW

14.1.6Status` and Pseudo Generation flow

15.RIG Aggregator


15.2RIG Aggregator Responsibility

15.3RIG Aggregator Authorization

16.CAISO Security Policy

16.1Referencing CAISO Information Security Documents

17.Real-time Point Definitions


17.1.1Unit Gross Megawatts (Gross MW)

17.1.2Unit Net Megawatts (Net MW)

17.1.3Unit Point of delivery Megawatts (POD MW)

17.1.4Unit Auxiliary Load Megawatts (Aux MW)

17.1.5Gross Reactive Power (Gross Megavar (MVAR))

17.1.6Point of delivery Megavars (POD MVAR)

17.1.7Net Reactive Power (Net MVAR)

17.1.8Auxiliary Load Reactive Power (Aux MVAR)

17.1.9Generating Unit Terminal Voltage (KV)

17.1.10Unit Operating High Limit (UOHL) (AGC Units Only)

17.1.11Unit Operating Lower Limit (UOLL) (AGC Units Only)

17.2Digital Values

17.2.1Unit Generator Breaker

17.2.2Unit Connectivity Status (UCON)

17.2.3Unit Control Status (UCTL)

17.2.4CAISO Unit Authority Switch (UASW)

17.2.5Unit Automatic Generation Control (UAGC)

17.2.6Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and Power System Stabilizer (PSS) Status

17.2.7Peaking Unit Ready to Start and Start Status`

17.3Switchyard Values

17.3.1Switchyard Line and Transformer MW and MVAR Values

17.3.2Switchyard Bus Voltage

17.3.3Switchyard Device Status

17.3.4Aggregated Units

17.3.5Aggregated Gross MW and MVAR

17.3.6Aggregated Net MW and MVAR

17.3.7Aggregated Aux MW and MVAR

17.3.8Aggregated Point of delivery MW

17.3.9Aggregated Point of delivery MVAR

17.3.10Aggregated Unit Connectivity (UCON)

17.3.11Aggregated Peaking Unit Start and Ready to Start

17.4Wind and Solar Point Definitions

17.4.1Direct Irradiance (DIRD)

17.4.2Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHIRD)

17.4.3Global Irradiance / Plane of Array Irradiance (PAIRD)

17.4.4Diffused Irradiance

17.4.5Back Panel Temperature (BPTEMP)

18.Drawing Requirements

19.Sub-LAP Resource Names

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Version 6Last Revised: 08/12/2014

CAISO Business Practice ManualBPM for Direct Telemetry

1.Telemetry BPM Introduction

Welcome to CAISO BPM for Direct Telemetry. In this Introduction you will find the following information:

The purpose of CAISO BPMs

What you can expect from this CAISO BPM

Other CAISO BPMs or documents that provide related or additional information

1.1Purpose of California ISO Business Practice Manuals

The Business Practice Manuals (BPMs) developed by CAISO are intended to contain implementation detail, consistent with and supported by the CAISO Tariff, including: instructions, rules, procedures, examples, and guidelines for the administration, operation, planning, and accounting requirements of CAISO and the markets. Exhibit 1-1 lists CAISO BPMs.

Exhibit 11: CAISO BPMs

BPM for BPM Change Management
BPM for Candidate CRR Holder Registration
BPM for Compliance Monitoring
BPM for Congestion Revenue Rights
BPM for Credit Management
BPM for Definitions & Acronyms
BPM for Direct Telemetry
BPM for Managing Full Network Model
BPM for Market Instruments
BPM for Market Operations
BPM for Metering
BPM for Outage Management
BPM for Reliability Requirements
BPM for Rules of Conduct Administration
BPM for Scheduling Coordinator Certification & Termination and Convergence Bidding Entity Registration & Termination
BPM for Settlements & Billing
BPM for Transmission Planning Process

1.2Purpose of this Business Practice Manual

The BPM for Direct Telemetry covers the responsibilities of the CAISO, Participating Generators, Participating Loads, Proxy Demand Resources, and Scheduling Coordinators representing these entities for telemetry installation, validation, and maintenance, in addition to the telemetry data required.

The provisions of this BPM are intended to be consistent with the CAISO Tariff. If the provisions of this BPM nevertheless conflict with the CAISO Tariff, the CAISO is bound to operate in accordance with the CAISO Tariff. Any provision of the CAISO Tariff that may have been summarized or repeated in this BPM is only to aid understanding. Even though every effort will be made by CAISO to update the information contained in this BPM and to notify Market Participants of changes, it is the responsibility of each Market Participant to ensure that he or she is using the most recent version of this BPM and to comply with all applicable provisions of the CAISO Tariff.

A reference in this BPM to the CAISO Tariff, a given agreement, or any other BPM or instrument, is intended to refer to the CAISO Tariff, that agreement, or BPM or instrument as modified, amended, supplemented, or restated.

The captions and headings in this BPM are intended solely to facilitate reference and not to have any bearing on the meaning of any of the terms and conditions.


Other reference information related to this BPM includes:

The BPM for Full Network Model

The BPM for Metering

The CAISO’s standard documents pertaining to direct telemetry, posted on the CAISO Website at the following link:

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Version 6Last Revised: 08/12/2014

CAISO Business Practice ManualBPM for Direct Telemetry

2.Overview of Telemetry to the CAISO

Welcome to the Overview of Telemetry section of the BPM for Direct Telemetry. In this section you will find the following information:

A description of the telemetry process;

A diagram of the telemetry installation and validation process; and

A diagram of the flow of telemetrydata

2.1Telemetry Process

This BPM sets forth requirements for the provision of real-time data to the CAISO applicable to all Participating Generators’ Generating Units providing Ancillary Services (including Regulation) or Energy in the CAISO’s markets. While this BPM also applies to Participating Loads and Proxy Demand Resources participating in the CAISO’s markets it does not apply to Reliability Demand Resources, which have no requirement to provide telemetry. This BPM describes the process and procedures used by the CAISO to obtain real-time data from the resources of Participating Generators,Participating Loads, Proxy Demand Resources, and Scheduling Coordinatorsrepresenting these entities for operating the CAISO Balancing Authority Area reliably and balancing the CAISO Markets.

A Generator with a Generating Unit connected to the electric grid within the CAISO Balancing Authority Area that (1) has a capacity of ten (10) megawatts (MW) or greater that is not exempt pursuant to the CAISO Tariff, (2) provides Ancillary Services, or (3) is an Eligible Intermittent Resource not exempt pursuant to the CAISO Tariff must install, in accordance with the requirements specified in this BPM, equipment and/or software that can interface with the CAISO’s Energy Management System (EMS) to supply telemetered real-time data. That Remote Intelligence Gateway (RIG) or equivalent will serve as the primary means for secure communications and direct control between the Generator’s Generating Unit and the CAISO’s EMS as a prerequisite for participation in any of the CAISO markets requiring real-time data. In some circumstances, the CAISO allows for aggregation of Generating Units and the associated direct telemetry. While this BPM does not address all issues related to Aggregated Units, it does address the required points for Aggregated Units herein. The resources of Participating Loads and Proxy Demand Resources are also subject to these requirements for telemetry of real-time data.

This BPM provides information regarding:

The CAISO installation requirements for telemetryfacilities;

How the CAISO validatesdirect telemetry facilities for Participating Generators,Participating Loads, Proxy Demand Resources,and Scheduling Coordinators representing these entities; and

Direct telemetry validation, testing, and maintenance requirements for telemetry for resource owners’ facilities participating in the CAISO markets.

2.2Overview of Installation & Validation of Telemetry

Exhibit 2-1 illustrates the process for installation and validating telemetry installation for owners of resources required to provide real-time telemetry.

Exhibit 21: Overview of Installation and Validation of Telemetry Installations

2.3Overview of Flow of Real-time Data

Exhibit 2-2 illustrates the flow of real-time telemetry data between resources and the CAISO’s EMS and from the CAISO’s EMS to other CAISO systems.

Exhibit 22: Overview of Real-Time Telemetry Data Flow

2.4Organization of the BPM

The following Sections describe the respective responsibilities of the CAISO, Participating Generators,Participating Loads, Proxy Demand Resources,and Scheduling Coordinators representing these entities for provision of direct telemetry. Sections 4 through 17describe provisions for configuration, installation, and validation of telemetry facilitiesfor resources providing Ancillary Services or Energy only, and for wind, solar,and Proxy Demand Resources.

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Version 6Last Revised: 08/12/2014

CAISO Business Practice ManualBPM for Direct Telemetry

3.CAISO Responsibilities

Welcome to the CAISO Responsibilities section of the BPM for Direct Telemetry. In this section you will find the following information:

An overview of CAISO responsibilities

A description of the installation and point to point validation process for telemetry facilities

A description of the documentation requirements

A description of the testing and completion requirements

3.1Overview of CAISO Responsibilities

CAISO Tariff Section 7.6.1(d) Actions For Maintaining Reliability Of CAISO Controlled Grid

Section 7.6.1(d) of the CAISO Tariff provides the CAISO authority to obtain the control over Generating Units that it needs to control the CAISO Controlled Grid and maintain reliability by ensuring that sufficient Energy and Ancillary Services are procured through the CAISO Markets. That provision requires each Participating Generator to take, at the direction of the CAISO, such actions affecting such Generator as the CAISO determines to be necessary to maintain the reliability of the CAISO Controlled Grid. Such actions include (but are not limited to) the provision of communications, telemetry and direct control requirements,including the establishment of a direct communication link from the control roomof the Generator to the CAISO in a manner that ensures that the CAISO will havethe ability to direct the operations of theGenerator as necessary to maintain the reliability of the CAISO Controlled Grid,except that a Participating Generator will be exempt from these requirementswith regard to any GeneratingUnit with a rated capacity of less than ten (10) MW, unless that Generating Unitis certified by the CAISO to provide Ancillary Services.

This BPM sets forth the provisions by which the CAISO implements the foregoing responsibilities for direct telemetry.

3.2Telemetry Validation

The CAISO has overall responsibility for validating real-time data to the CAISO. Some of this responsibility is accomplished by the responsibilities placed on the resource owner (or aggregator, in the case of some resources), which may include responsibilities satisfied by the Scheduling Coordinator for the resource. This Section 3.2 summarizes the respective certification responsibilities of the CAISO and the resource owner (or aggregator or Scheduling Coordinator, as applicable).

3.2.1Overview of Telemetry Installation Validation Process

Exhibit 3-1 provides a high level illustration of the overall validation process for telemetryfacilities.

Exhibit 31: Telemetry Installation Validation Process

3.2.2CAISO Certification Responsibilities

The CAISO does not accept real-time telemetrydata from a resource unless that telemetry data is produced by telemetry facilities that have beenvalidated in accordance with the CAISO Tariff and this BPM. Requirements

To initiate the submission process in the scheduled FNM build, theresource owner must provide the following information to the CAISO Generator Connection Project Manager:

Schematics – For Generating Units, the Generator shall provideone linedrawings that depict the Generating Unit connecting to the grid. Such drawings must be dated, bear the current drawing revision number and show all wiring, connections and devices in the circuits. Drawings must be provided for:

Schematics requirements

Detailed station one-line showing how generators, transformers, aux transformers are connected, showing all breaker and disconnect names, showing CAISO meter, PT and CT locations, showing how the station is interconnected to the grid. These schematics shall be type of released for construction and/or Professional Engineer stamp and released for construction.

Generator data

  • MVA rating
  • Rated power factor at PMax
  • Nominal terminal voltage
  • Reactive power capability curve (limits)
  • Terminal voltage control target/range

Transformer data

  • MVA ratings (normal and emergency ratings in different seasons)
  • Nominal voltages for all terminal sides
  • Impedances (listing voltage base and MVA base where the impedance is calculated)
  • LTC data, if applicable
  • Max tap and min tap
  • Voltage control range
  • Tap step size and range
  • Normal tap position

Gen tie data

  • Line impedance
  • MVA ratings (normal and emergency ratings in different seasons)

Breaker data

  • if the breaker is normal open, it needs to be shown in the diagram

Aux load

  • MW and MVar level

Reactive support devices (shunt capacitor/reactor, SVC, synchronous condenser)

  • Rated nominal voltage
  • Rated MVar capacity
  • Number of banks and size of each bank if it has multiple banks
  • Voltage control target/range
  • Database submission process
  • Full Network Model build process
  • Meter to Point of delivery (POD), where the POD differs from the meter location

Additional Documentation

  • Map to the site and GPS coordinates
  • Contact personnel with phone, e-mail address and site address
  • System Description Overview: An overview should include a brief description one page or less of the operation of the site. Examples would be the telemetry used and how it communicates with the CAISO EMS. The size of the Generating Unit and associated Load should also be included. Other examples include the Point of delivery of Energy to the CAISO Controlled Grid.
  • Communication information: Provide the IP address of the telemetry device and all router ports if using the ECN. Otherwise only the ISP IP address. Review of Documentation

If there are any discrepancies between the CAISO RIG Engineering drawings on file and the actual telemetry installation, then the resource owner or authorized resource owner representative must document that discrepancy and revise the drawings provided to the CAISO. Where the resource owner integrator discovers a discrepancy, that person must notify the CAISO and the resource ownerof the discrepancy within 24 hours of the discovery.