Lincolnshire County Netball
Meeting notes
/ Lincolnshire County Netball Committee MeetingDate
/ 7th July 2014Location
/ Deans Building Lincoln CollegePresent
/ Vanessa McErlain-Naylor, Mandy Hall, Claire Annall, Louise Key, Carolyn Blackburn, Lizzie Saywell, Robyn Rogers, Danielle Gibbs, Ellen Mcgarel, Clare Kitchen, Jayne Walsh, Jo Timby, Sue Cook, Steph Fuller, Rachel Henderson, Carol Fletcher1 / Apologies
Paula Hill, Dave Thomas,
See list above
3 / Minutes from last meeting
Minutes from last AGM were read and agreed as a true a good record. Proposed by Carolyn Blackburn and seconded by Robyn Rogers.
It was noted that the time taken for the minutes of the previous AGM to be circulated was excessive.
4. / Appointment of Tellers
Robyn Rogers
Jo Timby
Note that the voting strength was 11.
5 / Reports
Chairs Report
VMN to provide.
Netball Development Officer
LK to provide.
Officiating TSG
RR to provide.
Competition TSG
PH to provide.
Club and Volunteer Reg, TSG
MH to provide (handwritten so can scan to be typed if necessary)
North County/Satellite
VMN to provide report
South County
South Satellite
Treasurer’s Report
Attached cashflow statement from CA.
It was noted that there were still a number of outstanding invoices to be raised and expenses to be paid which relate to the financial year and therefore the cashflow statement provided does not accurately represent the true financial position on the County Netball Association at the year end.
The lack of income from schools (later considered partly in affiliations) was noted and it is understood that there are significant (circa £1,000) entry fees from tournaments which are yet to be received by the treasurer and remain outstanding. To be looked at by the management board going forwards.
6 / Governance
Structure of the Board
- With regard to the new Club and Volunteer Reg, TSG, the role needs to be developed and position within the county board needs to be defined. Proposed that as the role is unclear as of yet in terms of scope, it would be hasty to assign MH to a particular TSG group initially, and so a decision should be postponed until next year.
FOR – 11
Against – 0
- Proposal raised for a separate elected general member- either from within or external to netball- to be added to the board.
FOR – 11
Against – 0
Proposal to freeze the Lincolnshire contribution received from affiliation money, as EN rate has been left the same, the affiliation fee will therefore only rise by any regional increase.
FOR- 10
Against- 1
Schools do not currently pay any county contribution as part of their affiliation. Proposal to add £4 to schools affiliation cost.
FOR- 6
Against- 4
Abstain- 1
As part of the discussion with regards to schools affiliation it was noted that there are certain “pots of money” which may be available for county use. CB to investigate.
7. / Election of Officers- Main Management Board
Chair- Vanessa McErlain
Vice Chair– Paula Hill
Minutes Secretary – tbc.
Treasurer – Claire Annall
FOR – 11
RH thanked the board for everything they do on behalf of the entire county netball association.
8 / A.O.B
Date of next AGM 6th July 2015
Annual Awards
Grassroots Coach- Karen Windross
Young Volunteer – Lizzie Saywell
Administrator – Sally Thomas
Official – Robyn Rogers
Teacher- Steph Fuller
Community- Louth Netball Club
Meeting closed 20:50
Lincolnshire County Netball Association