Hong Kong
Second Plenary Meeting 2014/15
Date: Saturday, 18thApril 2015
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Venue: La SalleCollege Library
Present:Br Patrick Tierney, Br Thomas Lavin, Br Steve Hogan, Donal Au Yeung (DLSNT), Mandy Catlin (LSPS), Nikki Chan, Alex Chan (CSKC),Amy Chan (LSPS), Betsy Chan (CSKC), Louis Chan (CGHC), Rosanna Chan (SJPS),Lucia Cheung (SJPS),Joseph Fong (LSC), Tammy Fung (LSC), Betty Ho (LSPS), Carrie Ho (LSPS), Cecilia Ho (SJPS), Joseph Hui (LSC), Susanne Kwan (SJC), Eric Ku (DLSNT),Alice Lau (CSKPS), Billy Lau (DLSNT),Rhoda Lee (CGHC), Lily Leung (CSKC),Serena Leung (CSKC), Li Siu Wah (CGHC), Mak Tai Pui Mark (DLSNT), Edith Ng (DLSNT), Amy Poon (LSC), Cecilia Poon (SJPS), Terence Poon (DLSNT), Paul Tam (SJPS), Cecilia Tang (LSC), Samson Tang (CGHC), Tong Wun Sing (LSC), Wong Kwok Chuen Wallace (CSKC),Wendy Wong (LSPS)
Apologies: A number of younger members had to attend the CBS Exchange Programme Opening Ceremony at St. Joseph’s College.
1.Opening Prayer
Mr Paul Tamshowed a power-point themed “In your hands” with a message that the members present are all charged with carrying out the Lasallian Mission.
2. Minutes
2.1 The minutes of the First APLEC Plenary Meeting 2014-15 was adopted.
Matters arising:
2.2 Ms Amy Poon thanked the schools’ support of the newproducts from the Lasallian Resource Team. Should there be further ordering for any occasions and functions, schools can contact Ms Poon anytime.
2.3 Mr Louis Chen thanked different schoolsfor their contribution to and their increasing use of the Lasallian Family website. He urged schools to continue sending in the highlights of their school activities/news.
4. General Chapter Follow up on Mission
Mr Paul Tam reported on the First LEAD Mission Assembly dated 29-30 Nov 2014.
-12 Brothers and 15 lay partners met at Manila to discuss ways to articulate and realize the priorities identified by the 2014 General Chapter for the Lasallian Mission. The HK sector was composed of Br Patrick, Mr Paul Tam and Ms Cecilia Tang. The chairperson was Br Steve Hogan.
-Paul explained briefly the priorities and the current implementation in HK as follows:
4.1 Vitality of a shared Mission among the Brothers and lay partners.
4.2 Lasallian Educational Philosophy – touch the hearts of the children confided to our care and foster excellent teaching and learning and management of schools.
4.3 Protect and promote the rights of children and young people including the right to life, the right to quality education, protection against poverty, violence. In our HK schools we are called on to address the needs of our SEN students.
4.4 Proclaim the Good News of Faith, Service, and Community.
4.5 Beyond Borders – help the vulnerable, weak, needy, poor e.g. through donations bythe HK Lasallian Mission Fund and protecting the weak or vulnerable in school.
4.6 Communication – effective communication for promoting the Lasallian Mission e.g. through the HK Lasallian Family website
4.7 Cooperation and involvement with the Lasallian tertiary sector – through further education and sharing on resources and values like peace and social justice
5. PARC Planning and Services Committee Meeting
Paul attended the first meeting on 21-22 March at St Patrick’s School, Singapore.
5.1 The Committee is to assist Br Ricky Laguda. General Councillor, PARC in drawing up plans to implement the priorities of the 45th General Chapter and Conference especially in the areas of Formation and Mission.
5.2 The 2 other objectives are:
(1)to make recommendations on the way PARC’s plans and services are to be implemented, monitored and evaluated
(2)to reflect upon and discuss common concerns/needs in education, evangelization, vocations ministry, catechesis, association, inter-religious dialogue, Lasallian studies and research within the region
5.3Priorities set out in PARC
(1)To launch quality Formation programmes with relevance to the needs of different districts. The structure should support and sustain efforts. Mobile teams can be engaged to reach out to more schools. PARC programmes (APLEC, APLYC) will be reengineered/revived and a directory of available resource persons will be set up
(2)Networking – A common project across 14 regional Lasallian families can be a thought e.g. International Days of Peace, helping the BambooSchool in Thailand…
(3)Beyond Borders
-To address poverty and rights of the children
-To go beyond the borders within ourselves by attempting new ventures
-To learn through service
-To acknowledge and accept multi-faith and culture
(4)Upcoming APLYC programmes
Lasallian StoryAssociation for LS Mission
Lasallian Leadership / Manila / 2017
Lasallian Story
Association for LS Mission
Lasallian Leadership / Malaysia/Singapore / 2019
Upcoming APLEC programmes
Lasallian Justice and Peace, / Singapore/Perth / 2016Forming Young Lasallians in a multi-faith and multi-cultural environment / Malaysia/Singapore / 2018
Living in association and fraternity in a divided world / Vietnam / 2020
-Parallel sessions include “Role of Women in our Mission”, Lasallian self-assessment tools, Rights of the child
6. Lasallian Youth updates
6.1 The 2015 Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Lasallian Volunteers was inaugurated. Linus Chan was the new President and Keith Ng Vice President.
Programmes/activities in the pipeline include:
(1)F1 Bridging Programme 2015 (Jul-late Aug)
(2)CBS Leadership Camp 2015 (2nd week of Oct 2015)
6.2 Activities/programmes undertaken by Hong Kong Lasallian Youth Movement
- regular meetings/fellowship
- CBSSA Charity Run at Wan Chai Sports Ground (1 Dec 2014)
- Visit homeless people in Sham Shui Po(27 Feb 2015)
- SoCo Flag Selling Day in Mongkok/Jordan/Yaumatei(4 Apr 2015)
6.3Upcoming APLYC programmes
Christian Brothers’ Schools Exchange Programmes 2015 / Opening Ceremony at St Joseph’s College / 18 Apr 2015Exchange period / 20-23 Apr 2015
LSCSchool Visit + Sports Carnival / 22 Apr 2015
CSKSchool Visit / 24 Apr 2015
Closing Ceremony + DLSSchool Visit / 24 Apr 2015
APLYC 10 “Revive the Spirit
Refresh the World” / Ipoh, Malaysia / 14-20 Dec 2014
7. New Teachers Induction Day
- Br Thomas announced that it is time for another New Teachers Induction Day which will be held in Oct 2015.
- As with the last Induction Day, the Organising Committee will be made up of VPs of all Lasallian schools. Teachers who have joined the service in the past 4 years will participate.
-The Induction Day will fall on Saturday 10 Oct 2015.
-The first Organising Committee meeting will be at La SalleCollege on Thursday 25 Jun 2:30pm
-The tentative programme rundown is similar to the previous one.
Prayer and Lasallian Pedagogy InputGroup discussion Lunch
8. Brother Superior General’s Visit
-Br Robert Schieler, the new Superior General, will visit Hong Kong 10-13 Dec 2015.
-Br Robert will take the opportunity to visit the young Brothers of LEAD who are meeting in HK.
-Time permitting, he might visit one or two Lasallian schools.
9. School updates
School / Events/Issues / DateSJPS / Family Fun Day / 26 Apr 2015
Ms Rosanna Chan, Principal, thanked Mr Paul Tam, VP for his dedicated and steadfast service to the school and wished Paul the best on his retirement. Paul will be succeeded by Ms Cecilia Ho.
LSPS / Primary 4 students completed an annual Heritage Walk to WongNaiChungCemetery to pay respects to those who were related to the Lasallian family and died in WWII. / 17 Nov 2014
Primary 5-6 students went to HappyValleyCemetery to pay respects to the Brothers who died in HK. / 17 Apr 2015
CSKPS / The Principal announced that CSKPS and CSKC have reached the decision to delink hoping both schools are able to recruit quality students.
The External School Review is on. / Starting 20 Apr 2015
SJC / Celebrating 140th Anniversary
Grand Open Day
Thanksgiving Mass
Green & White Concert
Anniversary Dinner / 1 Feb 2015
19 Mar 2015
10 Jul 2015
14 Nov 2015
LSC / Book Week
Founder’s Day Mass
Feast Day lunch with LSPS / 20-22 Apr 2015
14 May 2015
15 May 2015
DLSNT / 50th Anniversary Dinner / 8 Dec 2015
Rugby Team Grade C comes first and will play in Jing Ying competition NT
CSKC / Ms Betsy Chan expressed thanks to Mr Wallace Wong for his dedication and devotion to the College on his retirement this Aug. He will be succeeded by Ms Serena Leung.
Visit of La Salle Green Hills School, Philippines in benchmarking and sharing on curriculum and instruction / 17 Mar 2015
45th Anniversary Variety Show / 9 May 2015, 7-10pm
CGHC / Received a complimentary ESR Report on the school inspection last Nov
English Musical Drama / 29 Apr 2015
2:00-3:30 pm (students)
30 Apr 2015 (public)
To celebrate 45th Anniversary / 2015-16
10. A.O.B.
-About 40 Brothers from the 7 sectors of LEAD will meet in Hong Kong for LEAD District Chapter 7-11 May 2015.
-Nikki reminded all schools that the last day of the sale of Hong Kong Lasallian Mission Fund Raffle Tickets 2015 is 30 April. Cash/cheques will be deposited into account “The Hong Kong Lasallian Mission Fund” at the Hang Seng Bank. A Report, complete with the stubs of the tickets sold, and unsold tickets will be forwarded to Nikki on or before 8 May.
-Br Patrick thanked Mr Wallace Wong for his dedicated service to APLEC HK. Br Thomas presented Wallace with an appropriate memento on behalf of APLEC HK.
11. Date of next meeting
The date of meeting is scheduled on Saturday 24Oct 2015.
Ms Cecilia TangBr Patrick Tierney