Principle Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle): Crump, Carolyn E.
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHProvide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed for Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Carolyn E. Crump / POSITION TITLE
Research Assistant Professor
EDUCATION (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
Skidmore College, New York
University of Maryland
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill / BA
PhD / 1978
1993 / Government/Physical Ed.
Exercise Physiology
Health Behavior/Health Ed.
- Positions and Honors.
Positions and Employment
1978-1980Teacher, SidwellFriendsSchool
1980-1982Graduate Assistant, University of Maryland
1982-1983Research Associate, ARRO, Division of Response Analysis Corporation
1983-1987Associate Research Scientist, ARRO, Division of Response Analysis Corporation
1987-1989Research Scientist, University Research Corporation - ARRO Group
1989-1992Research Scientist, Human Performance Systems, Inc.
1989-1993Research Associate, Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
1994-1998Research Coordinator, Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, UNC
1994-presentResearch Assistant Professor, Health Behavior/Health Education, School of Public Health, UNC
Professional Memberships and Honors
1977Elected to Periclean Honor Society, SkidmoreCollege
1980-1982Recipient of Teaching Fellowship - University of Maryland
1982Elected to Phi Alpha Epsilon Honor Society, University of Maryland
1987Elected Member of Research Consortium of AAHPERD
1989-1990Recipient of GraduateSchool Merit Assistantship, UNC-Chapel Hill, School of Public Health
1996Elected Member of Theta Chapter, Delta Omega, National Public Health Honorary Society, UNC
B. Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order).
- Crump CE, Lewis CB. (1985) Health Planning the Future for the Elderly. In CB Lewis (Ed.), The Age of America: a challenge to rehabilitation. PhiladelphiaPA: FA Davis Company.
- Gebhardt DL, Crump CE. (1990) Employee health and fitness: development of effective job-related programs. American Psychologist, 45(2):262-272.
- Meyers D, Gebhardt D, Crump C, Fleishman E. (1993) The dimensions of human physical performance: factor analyses of strength, stamina, flexibility, and body composition measures. Human Performance, 6(4):309-344.
- McLeroy KR, Crump CE. (1994) Health promotion and disease prevention: an historical perspective. Generations, 18(1):9-17.
- Carter W, Omenn G, Martin M, Crump CE, Labarthe D, Williams O. (1995) Characteristics of health promotion programs in federal worksites: Findings from the federal employee worksite project. Am. J. of Health Promotion, 10(2):140-147.
- Crump CE, Earp J, Kozma C, Hertz-PicciottoI.(1996) Effect of organizational level variables on differential employee participation in ten federal worksite health promotion programs. Health Education Quarterly, 23(2):204-223.
- Crump CE, Benedict S. (1996) Book Review of Health Promotion in the Workplace, 2nd Edition. Health Education Research, 11(3):399-401.
- Rimer BK, McBride C, & Crump CE. (2001) Women’s health promotion. In A. Baum, T. Revenson, & J. Singer (Eds.), Handbook of Health Psychology. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 519-539.
- Crump CE, Shegog R, Gottlieb NH, Grunbaum, JA. (2001) Comparison of participation in federal worksite and community health promotion programs: A public health perspective. Am. J. of Health Promotion, 15(4):232-236.
- Crump CE, Letourneau RJ. (2002) Developing a process to evaluate a national injury prevention program: The Indian Health Service Injury Prevention Program. In A. Steckler & L. Linnan, Process Evaluation for Public Health Intervention and Research. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Inc., 321-357.
- Emery, J. E. Crump, C. E., & Bors, Pl. Assessing the walking and bicycling suitability of sidewalks and roads. Am. J. of Health Promotion, 18(1):38-46.
- Linnan, L., Regan Sterba, K. Lee, A., Breny Bontempi, J., Yang, J., Crump, C. (in press) Planning and the professional preparation of health educators: implications for teaching, research and practice. Health Promotion Practice.
Selected Technical Reports
- Gebhardt DL, Crump CE. Development and validation of selection tests medical guidelines, and fitness programs for firefighters and police officers. BethesdaMD: Advanced Res. Resources Organization. 1985.
- Gebhardt DL, Schemmer FM, Crump CE. Development and validation of selection tests for longshoremen and marine clerks. BethesdaMD: Advanced Research Resources Organization. 1985.
- Crump CE, Gebhardt DL, Guerette PJ, WerthelmerNM. Development and validation of entry-level physical performance tests for Uniroyal tire plants. (Final Report). BethesdaMD: AARO. 1985.
- Gebhardt DL, Crump CE, Frost BL. Development and validation of physical performance tests, medical standards, and fitness programs for fire and law enforcement personnel. BethesdaMD: AARO. 1987.
- Crump CE, Gebhardt DL, Mayer KL. Development of physical performance tests, medical guidelines and a back training program for custodian personnel. Chevy Chase MD: Advanced Research Resources Organization. 1988.
- Gebhardt DL, Crump CE. Relationship of physical performance, age, and job performance for fire and police personnel. Chevy Chase MD: Advanced Research Resources Organization. 1988.
- Gebhardt DL, Crump CE, Russell PJ. Development of physical performance tests and medical standards for Pennsylvania state police personnel. BethesdaMD: University Research Corporation. 1990.
- Gebhardt DL, Crump C. Transportability of physical performance tests in the nuclear power industry. Hyattsville, MD: Human Performance Systems, Inc. 1991.
- Crump, CE, Benedict, S., Settle, M., & Chen Mok, M. LIFE Project Evaluation: Final Report. Chapel Hill, NC: UNCCenter for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. 1995.
- Crump, CE, Stutts, JC, Yang, J, Milio, N, Wing, S, Berman, M, Zakocs, R, Veney, J. Evaluation of Policy-Directed Environmental Changes to Enhance Community Levels of Physical Activity: Year One Report Methods Development. Chapel Hill, NC: UNCCenter for Health Promotion & Disease Prev. 1995.
- Crump, CE, Benedict, S, & Belton, L. Evaluating Worksite Health Promotion Programs: A Toolbox for Helth Promotion Professionals. Raleigh, NC: N. C. Dept.of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. 1998.
- Crump, CE, Benson, EB, & Stutts, JC. Assessing Community Policies and Environmental Support for Physical Activity: Pilot Test of Methods. UNCCenter for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HPDP). 1998.
- Crump, CE, Stutts, JC, Benson, EB, & Pein, WE Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities and Programs Survey: Administrative Manual. Chapel Hill, N.C.: UNC HPDP. 1998
- Crump, CE, Long, J, Pein, WE. Trail User Surveys: Administrative Manual. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC HPDP. 1998
- Crump, CE, Zakocs, R, Taylor, S, & Yang, J. Community Walking and Bicycling Survey: Administrative Manual. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC HPDP. 1998
- Emery, J, Crump, CE BeActive North Carolina: A Plan to Increase Physical Activity in North Carolina 1999-2003. Raleigh, NC: Department of Health and Human Services, 1999.
- Crump, CE, Letourneau, RJ. Process Evaluation of Safe Communities Coalition in Pitt County, North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC: UNCInjuryPreventionResearchCenter, 2000.
- Crump, CE, Letourneau, RJ. External Evaluation of the Indian Health Service Oklahoma City Area and Navajo Area Injury Prevention Programs. Chapel Hill, NC: UNCInjuryPreventionResearchCenter, 2000.
- Emery J, Crump CE, Gordon R, Bors P. A Guide to Assessing the Suitability of Your Community’s Roads for Walking and Bicycling. Chapel Hill, NC. Dept. of HBHE and NC DHHS Division of Public Health.
- Crump CE, Sy A. Local Fitness and Nutrition Council Manual: Guide for Community Action. Raleigh, NC: Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Health, 2000.
- Letourneau R, Crump CE. Tribal Injury Prevention Program Monitoring Project Final Report. Chapel Hill, NC: UNCInjuryPreventionResearchCenter, 2000
- Crump CE, Letourneau RJ, Grammer D.United States Fire Administration-Indian Health Service Fire Safety Interagency Agreement Evaluation, 1994-2001. Chapel Hill, NC: UNCInjuryPreventionResearchCenter, 2001.
C. Research Support.
Ongoing research support
PO 5055017500 (Crump, Carolyn)02/07/05-09/30/06
Indian Health Service (IHS)
American Indian/Alaska Native Children’s and Youth Health Initiative Technical Assistance
The goal of this Technical Assistance Project is to develop and deliver technical assistance services to the CYHI sites funded in 2003 and to provide recommendations for enhancing the overall CYHI for the next funding cycle, which is anticipated to begin in Fall 2006.
5 01 ES011359-04 (Wing, Steven)09/01/04-08/31/08
Community Health Effects of Industrial Hog Operations
This study builds on the five years of community-driven research conducted by Concerned Citizens of Tillery and the University of North Carolina, School of public health, as well as on extensive research on chemical odorants and their effects, and on water quality.
Role: Co-Investigator
02092204 (5-53480)(Crump, Carolyn)10/02/02-09/30/07
Nat’l Institute of Environmental Health Services
Improving Environmental Health Research Through Dialogue
The specific aims are to: 1) assess the perspectives and understanding of responsibility related to social, legal, and ethical issues in environmental health research among community members, researchers, health care providers, and attorneys; 2) to develop, implement, and evaluate a multi-part educational campaign to raise awareness among community members, researchers, health care providers and attorneys of specific social, legal, and ethical issues related to environmental health research; and 3) to facilitate an on-going dialogue to guide modification or development of policies and procedures to guide community-driven environmental health research.
236-01-0004(5-55125)(Crump, Carolyn)04/02-03/06
Indian Health Services
Monitoring and Technical Assistance to Tribal Injury Prevention Programs
The specific aim is to provide monitoring and training services for five years to 25 Tribes or Tribal Organizations participating in the Indian Health Service Tribal Injury Prevention Grants Program.
No number (5-31720)(Ward, Diane)10/02-09/05
National Institute of Health
Environmental Approaches to the Prevention of Obesity: A Pilot Study to Increase Non-Motorized Transportation to School. Specific Aims are to observe the effects of a behavioral/educational intervention plus a school-community coalition that will focus on creating environmental interventions to increase non-motorized trips to/from school.
Role: Co-Investigator
No number(Crump, Carolyn)11/02-10/05
Ho Chunk Tribe
Ho Chunck MV Evaluation
The principal evaluation activities include: 1) Conduct one, two-day site visit; 2) Conduct monthly conference calls between UNC and Ho-Chunk MV Program staff; 3) Review and provide feedback on Ho-Chunk MV Program Progress Reports; and 4) Provide on-going evaluation-related technical assistance to MV Program staff.
Completed Research Support
No number(no known)(Crump, Carolyn)12/12/03-7/31/05
Association of Directors of Health Promotion and Education
The UNC Team will develop a training/curriculum plan for use by the Directors of Health Promotion and Education Association (DHPE) and it’s constituents to support and encourage health policy and environmental change (HPEC) intervention approaches by state and local health departments. Project objectives include: summarizing existing information related to the capacity of the public health workforce to implement population-based interventions; identification of a skill set required for public health practitioners who design, implement, and evaluate HPEC interventions; and the development of a training/curriculum plan that will include a set of recommendations for DHPE to provide HPEC training opportunities to its constituents and a set of recommendations outlining how State health departments can collaborate with DHPE to support and expand HPEC training opportunities and/or intervention activities.
5-55804(Crump, Carolyn)1/12/04-6/30/05
Indian Health Services
Seatbelt Observation Protocol Development Project
This project will examine statistical and programmatic implications of observational site selection by IHS programs in the estimation of seatbelt use by American Indian populations. The primary research aims of this proposed study are to: 1) Assess the statistical implications of current strategies for selecting sites for seat belt observational studies in AI/AN Communities; and 2) Recommend modifications to current approaches, if necessary, that will yield more systematic, statistically defensible designs. We will examine current practices of site selection used by IHS Tribal Injury Prevention Cooperative Agreements Program sites and measure the statistical implications of strategies chosen on estimation of sample statistics.
5-5809(Crump, Carolyn)06/04--3/31/05
Indian Health Services (IHS)
MCH Needs Assessment Project Abstract
This project involves the conduct of an assessment and analysis of the 138 funding applications submitted in Summer 2003 to the IHS Maternal & Child Health Children and Youth Health Initiative (CYHI). The goal of the project is to review, summarize, and analyze information contained in funded (n=22) and unfunded (n=116) CYHI funding applications submitted by Tribes/Tribal Organizations to identify the current status of unmet Indian children and youth health issues across the Unites States.
No number(5-35153)(Crump, Carolyn)02/12/03-11/13/04
Indian Health Services
HIS Area Evaluation - Year V
The overall goal is to implement the Program Stage of Development Assessment Process in the HIS Tucson, Billings, and Nashville areas. The objectives will include the following: 1) to determine the Program Stage of Development; 2) to describe contextual factors related to each HIS Area Injury Prevention Program; and 3) to provide recommendations and resources for HIS Area, District, and Service Unit staff to increase the effectiveness of their Injury Prevention Programs.
1002587 0C 000 (5-35278)(Crump, Carolyn)01/03-12/04
Active for Life’ Program Technical Assistance & Development
The specific aims are to: 1) provide technical assistance to headquarters and demonstration project staff; 2) facilitate the documentation of the demonstration project process; 3) identify “best practices” in community design and physical activity program promotion; 4) facilitate the initial identification of AARP infrastructure needs for a national program; and 5) facilitate the initial development of the program evaluation system.
No number(5-55152)(Crump, Carolyn)11/02 – 10/03
Indian Health Services
Injury Prevention Training Program Enhancement Project
The specific aims are to: 1) facilitate revision and implementation of the IHS Injury Prevention Short-Courses, and 2) facilitate short and long-term planning for the revision of the IHS Injury Prevention Fellowship Program.
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 5/2001)Page Biographical Sketch Page