Used Automotive Parts Recyclers Advisory Board

Meeting of October 12, 2011

North Campus Building, 1st Floor Meeting Room

1106 Clayton Lane, Austin, Texas

Summary of Minutes

Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand called the meeting to order at 9:31 a.m.

Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand moved to agenda item B. Roll Call and Certification of Quorum. Board members Bruce Ormand, Byron Ferril, Timothy Claude Straney, and Tchad Taormina were present. Board member Chip Collins was absent. A quorum was present.

Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand moved to agenda item C. Public Comment. There was no public comment.

Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand moved to agenda item D.1. Staff Reports – Executive Office. Brian Francis, Deputy Executive Director, gave an update on SB 1733 regarding military spouses and HB 3287 regarding late renewals. He also mentioned that the Used Automotive Parts Recyclers’ inspections have begun.

Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand moved to agenda item D.2. Staff Reports – Compliance Division. Russ Taulli, Program Specialist, introduced George Ferrie, Director of Compliance, who discussed the inspection checklist. Mr. Ferrie informed the board that the Department will only pursue unlicensed activity for this first round of inspections. Chair Ormand inquired about what the procedure will be if a violation is found. Mr. Ferrie stated the inspector will check to see if the violation is corrected at the next inspection. Mr. Taulli gave an overview of statistics and recent developments.

Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand moved to agenda item G.3. Staff Reports – Enforcement Division. Stacey McLarty, Prosecutor, gave an overview the enforcement statistics. Chair Ormand inquired about the complaint process. Ms. MsLarty gave a summary of the complaint process. Chair Ormand inquired about what will happen if an anonymous complaint is filed. Ms. McLarty gave a summary of an anonymous complaint filed. Board member Ferril asked if a respondent is notified of who filed the complaint if not filed anonymously. Christina Kaiser, Director of Enforcement, responded yes.

Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand moved to agenda item G.4. Staff Reports – Licensing Division. Tanya Gauthreaux, Program Specialist gave a history of statistics. Ms. Gauthreaux also informed the board of the renewal process and late renewals in regard to HB 3287. Board member Taormina thanked the Licensing Division for their quick turn around and keeping the website updated with current licensing information.

Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand moved to agenda item E. Discussion and possible recommendation to approve Used Automotive Parts Recyclers Penalty Matrix. Charlotte Melder, Prosecutor, gave an overview of the penalty matrix. Brian Francis, Deputy Executive Director, suggested that the board take their time in reviewing the matrix. The board discussed the penalty matrix. Board member Ferril required that the removal of unexpired license plate removal be moved to Class A. Chair Ormand requested that we change the first violation to “Warning to $500” in Class A. Chair Orman requested that we move §87.26(c) to Class B violation. The board decided to review the penalty matrix further and send changes to the Department by October 26, 2011.

Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand moved to agenda item F. Recommendations for agenda items for next meeting. The board suggested we include the enforcement penalty matrix, sale changes, and stand alone individuals being licensed.

Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand moved to agenda item G. Discussion of date, time, and location of next Board meeting. The Board requested that various dates and times be emailed to them to schedule the next meeting.

Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand moved to agenda item H. Adjournment. Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Board member, Byron Ferril seconded the motion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote in favor. Presiding Officer, Bruce Ormand adjourned the meeting at 10:49 p.m.


Bruce Ormand, Presiding Officer

Used Automotive Parts Recyclers

Advisory Board