Barry Shellian, SRD Behn Morris, AER Brenda Ross, Community

Brian Bilawchuk, County Codey McCurrach, Enerplus Darcy Allen, Encana

Darren Robins, Imperial Don Riddle, Keyera Doug Anderson, Scollard

Doug Ray, Devon Eleanor Vokes, Bonavista Eric Berg, Shell

Gerald Knopp, Community Gerry Johannsson, TransCanada Jan Palsen, Talisman

John Vandemeer, County Judy Winter, Community Mike Haugen, County

Miles Nielsen, Husky Murray Welch, Community Sandy MacDonell, Lightstream

Terry Kreese, Baytex Tim Reay, ConocoPhillips Trina Wakelin, Penn West

Wayne Wyatt, Taqa Trevor Duley, County Charlene Johnson, County

Doug Laing, Community Ken Qually, Community


Gerald Knopp announced that following a hiring/interview process Rick Anderson has been hired as West Central Stakeholder facilitator.


Review Nov. meeting notes

No revisions/additions

Review Agenda

Follow up

SOMAG & CMAC updates No updates.

o  Map has been ordered through the County, but order won’t be placed until they have a minimum number.

o  Aurora – Nomination of the group to CAPP’s Responsible Canadian Industry Award deadline is this Friday. Companies involved as well as the AER and County need to supply input. Can be done through Jan (Talisman) by noon on Friday, January 10th.

o  Company invites Rick will be following up with the list that Krista has supplied. Judy mentioned that it appears at least one Tuzo well is operated by NAL.

o  Theft Info on bill 205 (re scrap metal dealers) not forwarded due to technical difficulty. People would appreciate the info.

ACTION ITEM: Eleanor will send the info to Rick to forward to the group with the meeting notes.

Eric also read an email from Cpl. Howse who’s putting together a business case to hire an additional RCMP officer for the area specifically for industry theft etc. Requesting letters of support.

ACTION ITEM: Eric will write letter of support from WCS regarding email from Cpl. Howse who’s putting together a business case to hire an additional RCMP officer for the area specifically for industry theft etc..

ACTION ITEM: Eric will forward letter for Rick to send to entire group.

Student bursaries Program tabled till next school year.

Debrief November Info Night

Important to make note in evaluation forms report when a bunch of negative comments come from one or two individuals.

Include on evaluation forms a space for folks to ask for follow-up from a specific company. Also important to have MC invite folks to meet company reps with questions/concerns or to meet AER rep.

ACTION: Rick to develop a revised evaluation form with above and with a process for following up with people who have questions/concerns.

Seem to be a number of comments that Q/A was too short. Important to note this for planning for the next info night.

ACTION: Follow-up questions from info night. Discussion followed. Rick will follow-up with answers.

ACTION: 3 folks need to be added to mailing list.

ACTION: 2 folks who were interested in attending WCS meetings. Both are in attendance tonight! Action complete.

Member updates

Gerald – Nothing new

Brenda –Nothing new

Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) – AER is in Phase 2 (of 3) - involves Public Lands and Mines and Minerals Act Section 8 (geophysical) coming over from ESRD. Also, thisincludes our new Private Surface Agreement Registry (PSAR). Continuing with our hiring and transitioning

Anderson – have one drilling rig active in Willesden Green area 40-6w5.

Angle – absent.

Apache – absent.

Baytex – no new activity, business as usual.

Bonavista – Plan for this area + 50 wells to be drilled with infrastructure construction in BNP Central Area Operations in 2014. Currently have 3 drilling rigs running in this area.

Strachan Area

Brought 13-12-38-8W5 on line mid December.

Stauffer / Caroline Area

Built 13-25-37-5W5 comp station and on line December 23,13

Drilled and fraced 3-25-37-5W5

Gilby/ Willesden Green South

There are wells scheduled to be drilled in this area, but none slated for January.

Willesden Green

Drilling rig should roll in in late January early February sometime. Not sure on date. Otherwise not much construction work for now.

Rimbey West

On 4-33-42-4-w5 Pad the well 103/4-28-42-4 was fraced Jan 4th and flowing inline with 100/ 3-28-42-4 well to be frac on Jan 7th. Construction will start with facilities this week on this pad.


4-14-42-4 w5m Surf. ( 4-15 ) D.H.

Start construction on new 12” and 6” lines to Keyera Rimbey from New 15-3-43-4 compressor site.

Hoadley/ Westerose/Pembina

Drilling second well on 04-33-45-02W5 surface, then Frac and facility construction over next few weeks.

Pipe line is completed between 04-33 and 13-26-45-02W5

New drill at 11-01-45-03W5 surface this week.

Will be starting construction of Compressor Station at 15-27-45-28W4 in the next couple of weeks.


Normal operations

Clearwater County – County is working on cleaning up plowing on County roads after continuous snow events over the past weeks.

County is planning another information session with industry to review road use policies in the near future. Will advise group once date is finalized.

County is investigating an incident on a newly paved County road and charges are pending under the Highway Development Act.

County wants to remind industry that the snow events over the past few weeks, part of their Road Use Agreements is to supply a grader on their approved haul route and maintain the road for the duration of the Agreement.

Michelle Marshall has recently left the County due to family reasons so the County is looking to fill her position in the near future.

County Grader Supervisor would like to thank Industry for their efforts to keep the County roads open and passable during the recent heavy snow events. He looks forward to working together with Industry to maintain our roadways for both the travelling public and Industry.

Town of Rocky Mountain House Wastewater Facility is now open to County users. Users must contact the Town at 403-845-3220 for more information in order to set up an account.

Clearwater County Council- nothing to ad.

Clear Water Landcare – going door to door in Condor talking water sampling, water well workshop (January 21) and conducting joint County / Alberta Health Services well survey. On horizon, hosting Landcare educational evening on January 23 on subject “The Beaver Whisperer” (Nature of Things episode on Beaver behavior, etc.).

ConocoPhillips – Smart pigging pipelines under all creeks and river crossings (ongoing).

Will be spudding a new well next week in the Nordegg area 1-8-44-12W5.

Devon – 3 drilling rigs in the area. One by Cow Lake, one south of RMH by Clearwater River and one at Chambers Creek.

Completions and tie-ins of wells will continue after drilling is completed.

Devon will be exiting the Canadian conventional oil and gas business over the next year.

Encana – Currently running one short pipeline and associated wellsite facility construction: 01-09-043-06W5M to 08-05-043-06W5M

Continuation {finishing up} with 2013/2014 seismic program – North and East edge of WCS boundary

Encana has completed the alignment of its organizational structure in support of the focused strategy announced November 5th, 2013. This restructuring resulted in an approximate 20% workforce reduction since the beginning of November

Link to press release:

Enerplus Corp – Duvernay Horizontal 1-7-45-5W5 (Surface 13-7-45-5W5): Drilled and cased. Complete in January/February 2014.

Duvernay horizontal 15-8-46-9W5 (Surface 4-9-46-9W5): Drilling in progress. Complete in February/March 2014.

Husky – Husky completed drilling the fourth well on it's 1-5-39-8 four well pad in the Strachan area and will start completing these wells. Planning for Husky's 2015 Turnaround will kick off this spring.

Imperial – Normal operations in the Everdell & Wilson Creek fields. No rigs in the area. No planned turnarounds or drilling.

Keyera – early phases of turnaround planning.

Construction has started on the fertilizer project.

NewAlta- absent

Pengrowth – absent

PennWest – In January, Penn West will be drilling at 10-21-42-8W5 wells 3 and 4 of a four well pad. Also, at 9-1-42-8W5 1 and 2 of a two well pad will be drilled. Construction will continue in the area for supporting facilities and pipelines.

Scollard – Scollard has finished drilling their 15-32-37-07 W5 well in the Strubel Lake area. It has been completed and tested and tied in to the Whitecap pipeline at 15-32. Startup of the facility is expected to be Feb 1st,

Scollard is also tying in a standing gas well at 8-31-38-05 W5 to the 5-32-38-05 W5 well/pipeline. The construction of the 750 meter line will be starting the week of Jan 20th. This is in the Alhambra area.

Shell – Drilling begun at SE 22-39-6W5 – 1 mile east of Oras Road and about 3 miles north of Hwy 11. Drilling activity will continue for another several weeks.

Well lease construction has begun at NE 31-40-7W5 – on private land just west of Ferrier Direct Energy plant on the Crimson Lake Road.

SRD – FireSmart

- Ground crews are thinning and pruning near Horburg

- Landscape vegetation management near Goldeye / Shunda Lake. Will create over 9 kilometres of recreation trails

- Revisited Burnstick Lake FireSmart which was completed approximately 10 years ago. Developed a 1 hectare demonstration plot to illustrate what the pending FireSmart maintenance will look like

- FireSmart planning for the Ferrier Acres area

- 16 firefighters have been employed through the winter to do FireSmart work

Fish Lake Fire Reclamation (fire west of Nordegg this summer)

- Reclamation of fireguard is almost complete using 3 tracked hoes

Youth programs

- As part of the Junior Forest Ranger Program - a seven week summer work experience program – you will get a chance to explore career paths in forestry, natural resource management and earth sciences.

6 oil and gas wildfires

3 flaring gas

2 debris disposal

1 under investigation

Talisman- nothing to report.

TAQA – Willesden Green activity - Yangarra ran a solution gas pipeline into the Taqa 1-17-41-6-W5 riser from their two oil wells at 1-8 and 2-8-41-6-W5 DH. Yangarra ran a solution gas pipeline into the TAQA 3-15-41-6-W5 riser from their two oil wells at 1-10 and 2-10-41-6-W5 DH.

O’Chiese - two wells drilling 16-33-42-11W5M and 13-07-044-10W5m surface. There is a recompletion on 10-15-041-10W5M. It should be completed late January. The 10” pipeline is completed and on line with the 7-16-043-10 W5M comp site. The next drills are 16-13-44-11W5M 15-14 surface and 2-10-044-11W5M surface 1-3-044-10.

1 swab rig working in the 35-5 Ricinus area.

TransCanada – nothing to report

Committee Reports

o  Financial:

Doug presented 2013 financials and 2014 budget.

2014 Budget accepted.

ACTION ITEM: Rick to invoice companies at $3250

ACTION ITEM: Co-Chairs to review the 2013 financials and sign-off

ACTION ITEM: Remove Walter Greening from signing authority on WCS account at Rocky Credit Union. Add Brenda Ross as signing authority on WCS account at Rocky Credit Union.

ACTION ITEM: Remove Krista Waters from signing authority. Add Miles Nielsen, Gerald Knopp, Brenda Ross, Doug Ray and Rick Anderson.

Communications: Rick will follow-up with members

o  Agenda: Potential topic – AER 101/Update

ACTION: Agenda committee to develop topic with AER – Behn, Ken, Sandy, Darcy

BOP: Noise, fracturing: No new update.

ACTION ITEM: Follow up on noise BOP with Don Riddle. Also Carl and Sybill Sewell on committee and need AER rep.

Fracturing BMP. Circulated draft document and list of changes and/or suggested deletions.

ACTION ITEM: Krista will make the changes and circulate prior to January meeting. Companies to review it internally and come to January meeting prepared to either finalize it or discuss further changes.

ACTION ITEM: make frac BOP public once it’s completed.

West Country management: had request from Rocky Visitor Centre for 100 more brochures. Krista sent them some.

ACTION ITEM: Eric to bring in Sasquatch brochure to next meeting

Discussion items

ACTION ITEM: future agenda item…coal mining development and transportation via rail. Get presentation from a coal company at WCS meeting.

ACTION ITEM: follow up on Unconventional Regulatory Framework discussion paper and bring it back to the public as they provided input.

ACTION ITEM: add to the next meetings agenda a discussion on if moving the start time of the monthly meetings to a later time would encourage more community people to attend.

Next meeting(s)

Regular meeting February 4th at the Walking Eagle. 3:30 meeting. Supper to follow at 5:30.