Step-by-Step Instructions for Embedding Sound Files in PowerPoint

This is somewhat tricky; in order to embed sound files they must be .wav files, not .mp3 or .wma. PowerPoint only allows you to embed .wav sound files, if you do not embed the sound files are instead linked and the rest of the class will not be able to hear your sound file. There is a difference between linked and embedded.

*First Step*

Convert your sound file to a wave file. Wave files are what a CD player reads; it is a larger file then an Mp3 or wma. For example, a CD can only hold 17 wave files while that same CD can hold over a hundred Mp3 or Wma.

You will need software to achieve this. I use freeware, a program called, WavePad. You can chop (cut) the song length and change the song format. The software I use allows me to lower the quality of the file I am saving, which makes the file a lot smaller. Open WavePad, and then select the open file icon in the top left corner. You will browse your computer to find the song then select it or highlight it then choose open. The song will be on the screen with all of the sound waves present. Next you will simply click on the File menu in the upper left hand corner then choose save file as. This will open up a window where you can choose where to save the song to or rename it, but more importantly at the bottom of the window is save file type as option (make sure it is on WAV), next hit save. Then another window will pop up. Leave the name as untitled, Format should be PCM, then the Attributes is where you can reduce the quality. I choose 8 bit Mono, 7 KB/sec which is the lowest quality possible, which keeps the file somewhat small.

*Second Step*

When in Power Point click on the insert tab, at the top toward the right side, click on the speaker to insert a sound. Next choose sound from file, and find your new sound file. A very good hint is to click in “Files of type” drop down menu to select Windows Audio File (.wav). This makes sure the file you select has “wave sound” as the “type”. Now select “OK”. A pop-up may ask you when to start the sound. I often select “Automatically”.

*Third Step*

This is extremely important, if not your files will still be linked even if they are .wav:

You need to change the maximum size file allowed, before power point automatically embeds sound files.How do I change the maximum size allowed?

1. Click on the sound icon in your slide.

2. The tool bar at the top should change to “Sound Tools – Options”. Just about mid screen there is a “Max Sound File Size (KB)”. Increase the file size to 50,000 KB (50 MB) that way you know it will not be linked.

*Fourth Step*

This is just a helpful reminder, but save your file as a PowerPoint Presentation. This packages the sound file with the presentation.